

Autograding Python Basics

This repository was created with the Autograding Python Assignments Template

Each exercise in this assignment is designed to be autogradable outside of the Github Classroom system by simply running:

python exercise/<exercise>.py

For each exercise, the signature and a docstring is given, the tests inside the tests folder are for the Github Classroom Grading mechanism.

Important Note: Understanding all the concepts in these exersises is required to move to more advance topics such as Object Oriented Programming.

Topics Covered

This repo covers a wide variety of Python basics and intermediate topics:

  • Exercise 1: IF block, logical operators, max function and ternary operator.
  • Exercise 2: Chained Comparisons, arbitary number of parameters, recursivity.
  • Exercise 3: Boolean Expresions, multiple returns, single returns.
  • Exercise 4: FOR loops, range, len, enumerate and zip.

These exercise are not yet uploaded but are planned to be released:

  • Exercise 5: For-Else loops, continue, break, any, all and sets.
  • Exercise 6: Lists, slicing, list Comprehensions with and without
  • Exercise 7: Dictionaries, specific methods, dictionary comprehensions.
  • Exercise 8: Lambda functions, map, filter, reduce, sorted.
  • Exercise 9: Closures, generators, co-routines and delegating generators.
  • Exercise 10: Partial evaluation, Decorators and Monkey patching.
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