
Send an email and check if it was opened or not

MIT License


Email Tracker

Email Tracker allows you to send emails and track those emails to see if they were opened or not. If they were opened, you can see their IP address (and hence rough location), user agent, device etc.

How does it work?

When the sends an email, it embeds a 1x1 gif into the mail which is hosted on my webserver (using nginx). The name of the gif is the same as the target's email address, so, we can get the relevant information from nginx's logs, which is what does.

Dependencies and Setup

Both the scripts require no external dependencies and will run out of the box with python3.

Apart from the scripts, you need to have nginx installed and running.

For to parse information from nginx logs, you'll have to change the log_format option in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf.

log_format myformat '$remote_addr,$time_local,"$request","$http_referer","$http_user_agent"';
accesslog /var/log/nginx/access.log myformat;

Installation and Usage

After setting up nginx as mentioned above, clone this repo:

git clone

Then copy the files to the webroot:

cp -r email-tracker/* /var/www/html

To manipulate files within the webroot, change the permissions:

sudo chown -R "$USER":www-data /var/www/html
sudo chmod -R 0755 /var/www/html

Now you can use to send mails and to track the sent mails. Make sure that you change the variables in both the scripts according to your setup.


This video shows me using the scripts. I checked the mail on my phone, so it shows my Phone OS version and IP Address.