
Minimalistic, standalone alternative fake data generator with no dependencies

MIT License



.. External references

.. _Faker: https://faker.readthedocs.io/ .. _factory_boy: https://factoryboy.readthedocs.io/ .. _faker-file: https://faker-file.readthedocs.io/ .. _Pillow: https://python-pillow.org/ .. _dateutil: https://dateutil.readthedocs.io/ .. _Django: https://www.djangoproject.com/ .. _TortoiseORM: https://tortoise.github.io/ .. _Pydantic: https://docs.pydantic.dev/ .. _SQLAlchemy: https://www.sqlalchemy.org/ .. _SQLModel: https://sqlmodel.tiangolo.com/ .. _Pathy: https://github.com/justindujardin/pathy .. _django-storages: https://django-storages.readthedocs.io

.. Internal references

.. _fake.py: https://github.com/barseghyanartur/fake.py/ .. _Read the Docs: http://fakepy.readthedocs.io/ .. _Quick start: https://fakepy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/quick_start.html .. _Recipes: https://fakepy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/recipes.html .. _Factories: https://fakepy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/factories.html .. _Customization: https://fakepy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/customization.html .. _Creating PDF: https://fakepy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/creating_pdf.html .. _Creating DOCX: https://fakepy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/creating_docx.html .. _Creating ODT: https://fakepy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/creating_odt.html .. _Creating images: https://fakepy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/creating_images.html .. _Creating archives: https://fakepy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/creating_archives.html .. _Examples: https://github.com/barseghyanartur/fake.py/tree/main/examples .. _CLI: https://fakepy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/cli.html .. _Contributor guidelines: https://fakepy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/contributor_guidelines.html

.. Related projects

.. _fake-py-pathy-storage: https://github.com/barseghyanartur/fake-py-pathy-storage .. _fake-py-django-storage: https://github.com/barseghyanartur/fake-py-django-storage .. _fake-py-qt: https://github.com/barseghyanartur/fake-py-qt .. _fake-py-wasm: https://github.com/barseghyanartur/fake-py-wasm .. _fake-py-benchmarks: https://github.com/barseghyanartur/fake-py-benchmarks

Minimalistic, standalone alternative fake data generator with no dependencies.

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fake.py_ is a standalone, portable library designed for generating various random data types for testing.

It offers a simplified, dependency-free alternative for creating random texts, (person) names, URLs, dates, file names, IPs, primitive Python data types (such as uuid, str, int, float, bool), GEO data such as city, country, geo-location, country code, latitude, longitude and locales, IBANs and ISBNs, as well as byte content for multiple file formats including PDF, DOCX, ODT, PNG, SVG, BMP, GIF, TIF, PPM, JPG, WAV, ZIP, TAR and EML.

The package also supports file creation on the filesystem and includes factories (dynamic fixtures) compatible with Django, TortoiseORM, Pydantic_ and SQLAlchemy_ (which means it works with SQLModel_ too).


  • Generation of random texts, (person) names, emails, URLs, dates, IPs, and
    primitive Python data types.
  • Support for various file formats (PDF, DOCX, ODT, TXT, PNG, SVG,
    BMP, GIF, TIF, PPM, JPG, WAV, ZIP, TAR, EML) and file
    creation on the filesystem.
  • Basic factories for integration with Django, Pydantic,
    TortoiseORM_ and SQLAlchemy_.
  • CLI_ for generating data from command line.


Python 3.9+



.. code-block:: sh

pip install fake.py

Download and copy

fake.py is the sole, self-contained module of the package. It includes tests too. If it's more convenient to you, you could simply download the fake.py module and include it in your repository.

Since tests are included, it won't have a negative impact on your test coverage (you might need to apply tweaks to your coverage configuration).


  • Documentation is available on Read the Docs_.
  • For various ready to use code examples see the Recipes_.
  • For tips on how to use the factories see the Factories_.
  • For customization tips see the Customization_.
  • For tips on PDF creation see Creating PDF_.
  • For tips on DOCX creation see Creating DOCX_.
  • For tips on ODT creation see Creating ODT_.
  • For tips on images creation see Creating images_.
  • For tips on archives creation see Creating archives_.
  • For various implementation examples, see the Examples_.
  • For CLI documentation, see the CLI_.
  • For guidelines on contributing check the Contributor guidelines_.


Generate data

Person names

.. code-block:: python
    :name: test_person_names

    from fake import FAKER

    FAKER.first_name()  # str
    FAKER.first_names()  # list[str]
    FAKER.last_name()  # str
    FAKER.last_names()  # list[str]
    FAKER.name()  # str
    FAKER.names()  # list[str]
    FAKER.username()  # str
    FAKER.usernames()  # list[str]

Random texts

.. code-block:: python :name: test_random_texts

from fake import FAKER

FAKER.password()  # str
FAKER.paragraph()  # str
FAKER.paragraphs()  # list[str]
FAKER.sentence()  # str
FAKER.sentences()  # list[str]
FAKER.slug()  # str
FAKER.slugs()  # list[str]
FAKER.text()  # str
FAKER.texts()  # list[str]
FAKER.word()  # str
FAKER.words()  # list[str]


.. code-block:: python
    :name: test_internet

    from fake import FAKER

    FAKER.company_email()  # str
    FAKER.domain_name()  # str
    FAKER.email()  # str
    FAKER.free_email()  # str
    FAKER.free_email_domain()  # str
    FAKER.image_url()  # str
    FAKER.ipv4()  # str
    FAKER.tld()  # str
    FAKER.url()  # str


.. code-block:: python :name: test_filenames

from fake import FAKER

FAKER.file_extension()  # str
FAKER.file_name()  # str
FAKER.mime_type()  # str

Primitive data types

.. code-block:: python
    :name: test_primitive_data_types

    from fake import FAKER

    FAKER.pybool()  # bool
    FAKER.pyfloat()  # flot
    FAKER.pyint()  # int
    FAKER.pystr()  # str
    FAKER.uuid()  # uuid.UUID

.. code-block:: python
    :name: test_dates

    from fake import FAKER

    FAKER.date()  # datetime.date
    FAKER.date_time()  # datetime.datetime

Geographic data
.. code-block:: python
    :name: test_geographic_data

    from fake import FAKER

    FAKER.city()  # str
    FAKER.country()  # str
    FAKER.geo_location()  # str
    FAKER.country_code()  # str
    FAKER.locale()  # str
    FAKER.latitude()  # float
    FAKER.longitude()  # float
    FAKER.latitude_longitude()  # tuple[float, float]

.. code-block:: python
    :name: test_books

    from fake import FAKER

    FAKER.isbn10()  # str
    FAKER.isbn13()  # str

.. code-block:: python
    :name: test_banking

    from fake import FAKER

    FAKER.iban()  # str

Generate files
As bytes
.. code-block:: python
    :name: test_generate_files_as_bytes

    from fake import FAKER

    FAKER.bmp()  # bytes
    FAKER.docx()  # bytes
    FAKER.eml()  # bytes
    FAKER.gif()  # bytes
    FAKER.jpg()  # bytes
    FAKER.odt()  # bytes
    FAKER.pdf()  # bytes
    FAKER.png()  # bytes
    FAKER.ppm()  # bytes
    FAKER.svg()  # bytes
    FAKER.tar()  # bytes
    FAKER.tif()  # bytes
    FAKER.wav()  # bytes
    FAKER.zip()  # bytes

As files on the file system

.. code-block:: python :name: test_generate_files_as_files_on_file_system

from fake import FAKER

FAKER.bmp_file()  # str
FAKER.docx_file()  # str
FAKER.eml_file()  # str
FAKER.gif_file()  # str
FAKER.jpg_file()  # str
FAKER.odt_file()  # str
FAKER.pdf_file()  # str
FAKER.png_file()  # str
FAKER.ppm_file()  # str
FAKER.svg_file()  # str
FAKER.tar_file()  # str
FAKER.tif_file()  # str
FAKER.txt_file()  # str
FAKER.wav_file()  # str
FAKER.zip_file()  # str

Factories/dynamic fixtures

This is how you could define factories for Django_'s built-in Group and User models.

Filename: factories.py

.. code-block:: python :name: test_factories

from django.contrib.auth.models import Group, User
from fake import (

class GroupFactory(DjangoModelFactory):
    """Group factory."""

    name = FACTORY.word()

    class Meta:
        model = Group
        get_or_create = ("name",)

def set_password(user: User, password: str) -> None:
    """Helper function for setting password for the User."""

def add_to_group(user: User, name: str) -> None:
    """Helper function for adding the User to a Group."""
    group = GroupFactory(name=name)

class UserFactory(DjangoModelFactory):
    """User factory."""

    username = FACTORY.username()
    first_name = FACTORY.first_name()
    last_name = FACTORY.last_name()
    email = FACTORY.email()
    date_joined = FACTORY.date_time()
    last_login = FACTORY.date_time()
    is_superuser = False
    is_staff = False
    is_active = FACTORY.pybool()
    password = PreSave(set_password, password="test1234")
    group = PostSave(add_to_group, name="Test group")

    class Meta:
        model = User
        get_or_create = ("username",)

    def is_admin_user(self, instance: User) -> None:
        instance.is_superuser = True
        instance.is_staff = True
        instance.is_active = True

And this is how you could use it:

.. code-block:: python

# Create just one user
user = UserFactory()

# Create 5 users
users = UserFactory.create_batch(5)

# Create a user using `is_admin_user` trait
user = UserFactory(is_admin_user=True)

# Create a user with custom password
user = UserFactory(
    password=PreSave(set_password, password="another-password"),

# Add a user to another group
user = UserFactory(
    group=PostSave(add_to_group, name="Another group"),

# Or even add user to multiple groups at once
user = UserFactory(
    group_1=PostSave(add_to_group, name="Another group"),
    group_2=PostSave(add_to_group, name="Yet another group"),


Make your own custom providers and utilize factories with them.

Filename: custom_fake.py

.. code-block:: python :name: test_customize

import random
import string

from fake import Faker, Factory, provider

class CustomFaker(Faker):

    def postal_code(self) -> str:
        number_part = "".join(random.choices(string.digits, k=4))
        letter_part = "".join(random.choices(string.ascii_uppercase, k=2))
        return f"{number_part} {letter_part}"

FAKER = CustomFaker()

Now you can use it as follows (make sure to import your custom instances of FAKER and FACTORY):

.. code-block:: python

from custom_fake import FAKER  # Custom `FAKER` instance


Or as follows:

.. code-block:: python

from fake import ModelFactory

from custom_fake import FACTORY  # Custom `FACTORY` instance

class AddressFactory(ModelFactory):

    # ... other definitions
    postal_code = FACTORY.postal_code()
    # ... other definitions

    class Meta:
        model = Address


Run the tests with unittest:

.. code-block:: sh

python -m unittest fake.py

Or pytest:

.. code-block:: sh


Differences with alternatives

fake.py_ is Faker_ + factory_boy_ + faker-file_ in one package, radically simplified and reduced in features, but without any external dependencies (not even Pillow_ or dateutil_).

fake.py_ is modeled after the famous Faker_ package. Its' API is highly compatible, although drastically reduced. It's not multilingual and does not support postal codes or that many RAW file formats. However, you could easily include it in your production setup without worrying about yet another dependency.

On the other hand, fake.py_ factories look quite similar to factory_boy_ factories, although again - drastically simplified and reduced in features.

The file generation part of fake.py_ is modelled after the faker-file_. You don't get a large variety of file types supported and you don't have that much control over the content of the files generated, but you get dependency-free valid files and if that's all you need, you don't need to look further.

However, at any point, if you discover that you "need more", go for Faker, factory_boy and faker-file_ combination.


See fake-py-benchmarks_ for the details.

Related projects

  • fake-py-pathy-storage: Pathy backed cloud storages for fake.py_.
    Supports AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage and Azure Cloud Storage.
  • fake-py-django-storage: Django and django-storages_ backed storages
    for fake.py_. Among others, supports AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage and
    Azure Cloud Storage.
  • fake-py-qt: Graphical user interface to fake.py.
  • fake-py-wasm: fake.py on WASM (web assembly).

Writing documentation

Keep the following hierarchy.

.. code-block:: text











For security issues contact me at the e-mail given in the Author_ section.

For overall issues, go to GitHub <https://github.com/barseghyanartur/fake.py/issues>_.


Artur Barseghyan [email protected]

Package Rankings
Top 38.72% on Pypi.org