
Faster CSV for Python

MIT License



Library Time (Speed)
Pandas read_csv() 20.09
NumPy fromfile() 3.88
NumPy genfromtxt() 4.00
NumPy loadtxt() 1.26
csv (std lib) 0.40
csv (list) 0.38
csv (map) 0.37
Faster_than_csv 0.08
  • This CSV Lib is ~300 Lines of Code.
  • Benchmarks run on Docker from Dockerfile on this repo.
  • Speed is IRL time to complete 10000 CSV Parsings.
  • Lines Of Code counted using CLOC.
  • Direct dependencies of the package when ready to run.
  • Benchmarks run on Docker from Dockerfile on this repo.
  • Stats as of year 2021.
  • x86_64 64Bit AMD, SSD, Arch Artix Linux.


import faster_than_csv as csv

csv.csv2list("example.csv")                     # See Docs for more info.
                                                # Custom Separators supported.
csv.csv2json("example.csv", indentation=4)      # CSV to JSON, Pretty-Printed.

csv.csv2htmltable("example.csv")                # CSV to HTML+CSS Table (No JavaScript).

csv.read_clipboard()                            # CSV from the Clipboard.

csv.diff_csvs("example.csv", "anotherfile.csv") # Diff optimized for CSVs.
  • Input: CSV, TSV, Clipboard, File, URL, Custom.
  • Output: CSV, TSV, HTML, JSON, NDJSON, Diff, File, Custom.


Description: Takes a path of a CSV file string, process CSV and returns a list of dictionaries. This is very similar to pandas.read_csv(filename).


  • csv_file_path path of the CSV file, str type, required, must not be empty string.
  • separator Separator character of the CSV data, str type, optional, defaults to ',', must not be empty string.
  • quote Quote character of the CSV data, str type, optional, defaults to '"', must not be empty string.

Returns: Data from the CSV, dict type.


Description: Takes a path of a CSV file string, process CSV and returns a list.


  • csv_file_path path of the CSV file, str type, required, must not be empty string.
  • separator Separator character of the CSV data, str type, optional, defaults to ',', must not be empty string.
  • quote Quote character of the CSV data, str type, optional, defaults to '"', must not be empty string.

Returns: Data from the CSV, list type.


Description: Reads CSV string from Clipboard, process CSV and returns a list of dictionaries. This is very similar to pandas.read_clipboard(). This works on Linux, Mac, Windows.


  • separator Separator character of the CSV data, str type, optional, defaults to ',', must not be empty string.
  • quote Quote character of the CSV data, str type, optional, defaults to '"', must not be empty string.

Returns: Data from the CSV, dict type.


Description: Takes a path of a CSV file string, process CSV and returns JSON.


  • csv_file_path path of the CSV file, str type, required, must not be empty string.
  • separator Separator character of the CSV data, str type, optional, defaults to ',', must not be empty string.
  • quote Quote character of the CSV data, str type, optional, defaults to '"', must not be empty string.
  • indentation Pretty-Printed or Minified JSON output, int type, optional, 0 is Minified, 4 is Pretty-Printed, you can use any integer to adjust the indentation.

Returns: Data from the CSV as JSON Minified Single-line string computer-friendly, str type.


Description: Takes a path of a CSV file string, process CSV and returns NDJSON.


  • csv_file_path path of the CSV file, str type, required, must not be empty string.
  • ndjson_file_path path of the NDJSON file, str type, required, must not be empty string.
  • separator Separator character of the CSV data, str type, optional, defaults to ',', must not be empty string.
  • quote Quote character of the CSV data, str type, optional, defaults to '"', must not be empty string.

Returns: None. Data from the CSV as NDJSON, str type.


Description: Takes a path of a CSV file string, process CSV and returns the data rendered on HTML Table.


  • csv_file_path path of the CSV file, str type, required, must not be empty string, defaults to "", if its empty string then No file is written.
  • html_file_path path of the CSV file, str type, optional, can be empty string.
  • separator Separator character of the CSV data, str type, optional, defaults to ',', must not be empty string.
  • quote Quote character of the CSV data, str type, optional, defaults to '"', must not be empty string.
  • header_html HTML Header, str type, optional, defaults to Bulma CSS, can be empty string.

Returns: Data from the CSV as HTML Table, str type, raw HTML (no style at all).


Description: Takes a path of a CSV file string, process CSV and returns the data rendered as a Karax HTML Table.


  • csv_file_path path of the CSV file, str type, required, must not be empty string.
  • separator Separator character of the CSV data, str type, optional, defaults to ',', must not be empty string.
  • quote Quote character of the CSV data, str type, optional, defaults to '"', must not be empty string.

Returns: Karax DSL, str type.


Description: Takes a path of a CSV file string, process CSV and prints to terminal a colored prety-printed table.


  • csv_file_path path of the CSV file, str type, required, must not be empty string, defaults to "", if its empty string then No file is written.
  • column_width column width of the wider column, required, int type, must not be 0, must not be negative.
  • separator Separator character of the CSV data, str type, optional, defaults to ',', must not be empty string.
  • quote Quote character of the CSV data, str type, optional, defaults to '"', must not be empty string.

Returns: None.


Description: Takes a path of a CSV file string, process CSV and returns a Valid XML string. Output is guaranteed to be always Valid XML.


  • csv_file_path path of the CSV file, str type, required, must not be empty string.
  • separator Separator character of the CSV data, str type, optional, defaults to ',', must not be empty string.
  • quote Quote character of the CSV data, str type, optional, defaults to '"', must not be empty string.
  • header_xml XML Header of the XML string, str type, optional, can be empty string, defaults to "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\n".

Returns: XML, str type.


Description: Takes a path of a CSV file string, process CSV and returns a TSV.


  • csv_file_path path of the CSV file, str type, required, must not be empty string.
  • separator1 Separator character of the CSV data, str type, optional, must not be empty string.
  • separator2 Separator character of the CSV data, str type, optional, must not be empty string.
  • quote Quote character of the CSV data, str type, optional, defaults to '"', must not be empty string.

Returns: Data from the CSV as TSV, str type.


Description: Takes 2 paths of 2 CSV files, process CSV and returns the Diff of the 2 CSV.


  • csv_file_path0 path of the CSV file, str type, required, must not be empty string, file must exist.
  • csv_file_path1 path of the CSV file, str type, required, must not be empty string, file must exist.

Returns: Diff.

For more Examples check the Examples and Tests.

Instead of having a pair of functions with a lot of arguments that you should provide to make it work, we have tiny functions with very few arguments that do one thing and do it as fast as possible.


  • pip install faster_than_csv


  • Make a quick test drive on Docker!.
$ ./
$ ./
$ ./  # Inside Docker.


  • None


  • ✅ Linux
  • ✅ Windows
  • ✅ Mac
  • ✅ Android
  • ✅ Raspberry Pi
  • ✅ BSD


  • Python 3.6+ 64Bit.


  • If installation fails on Windows, just use the Source Code:




  • Whats the idea, inspiration, reason, etc ?.

Feel free to Fork, Clone, Download, Improve, Reimplement, Play with this Open Source. Make it 10 times faster, 10 times smaller.

  • This requires Cython ?.


  • This runs on PyPy ?.


  • This runs on Python2 ?.

I dunno. (Not supported)

  • How can I Install it ?.

If you dont understand how to install it, you can just download, extract, put the files on the same folder as your *.py file and you are good to go.

  • How can be faster than NumPy ?.

I dunno.

  • How can be faster than Pandas ?.

I dunno.

  • Why needs 64Bit ?.

Maybe it works on 32Bit, but is not supported, integer sizes are too small, and performance can be worse.

  • Why needs Python 3 ?.

Maybe it works on Python 2, but is not supported, and performance can be worse, we suggest to migrate to Python3.

  • Can I wrap the functions on a try: except: block ?.

Functions do not have internal try: except: blocks, so you can wrap them inside try: except: blocks if you need very resilient code.

  • PIP fails to install or fails build the wheel ?.

Add at the end of the PIP install command:

--isolated --disable-pip-version-check --no-cache-dir --no-binary :all:

Not my Bug.

  • How to Build the project ?.

  • How to Package the project ?.

  • This requires Nimble ?.


  • Whats the unit of measurement for speed ?.

Unmmodified raw output of Python timeit module.

Please send Pull Request to Python to improve the output of timeit.

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Extracted from project README
Benchmark Results