
Browse FontAawesome icons from your shell

MIT License



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fate is a simple CLI program which let's you browse FontAwesome icons on your terminal. Note : Python3+ only.

Installation :

pip install fate

###Avilable commands :

To browse all the icons.

fate --icon

To narrow down you search with FontAwesome filter tags, use --filter or -f

fate -filter

To narrow down your search with aliases tag, use --aliases or -a

fate --aliases

To narrow down your search with categories tag, use --category or -c

fate --category

To echo the icon [name/ unicode/ html] hex use it with -e or --echo

Example :

fate -i -e name

What's with the name ?

Well, 'F'ont'A'wesome on 'Te'rminal = "fate" :) Credits to my good friend @Kush

Facing problems with Font Rendering ?

For the icons to display properly on your system, you need to have FontAwesome fonts installed. Grab the otf files from here You will need to install this font on your system for icons to be rendered properly. Instructions here Update your gnome-terminal Also if you are still not able to get the fonts, you may have to perform the step listed as : To use it in Linux within gnome-terminal you need to put FontAwesome.otf inside your ~/.fonts/ folder on Linux. And create a ~/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf file with the following content:

<?xml version='1.0'?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM 'fonts.dtd'>
<!-- Font families -->
    <family>DejaVu Serif</family>
    <family>Android Emoji</family>
    <family>DejaVu Sans</family>
    <family>Android Emoji</family>
    <family>Ubuntu Mono</family> <!-- change this to your prefered monospace font if you like -->
    <family>DejaVu Sans Mono</family>
    <family>Android Emoji</family> <!-- put the Symbola line before this if you prefer Symbola to Android Emoji -->

[SOurce] https://github.com/AnthonyDiGirolamo/els/blob/master/README.markdown)

For Windows users :

  • pip install would most likely fail to install pyyaml, since PyYAML isn't actively maintained. You need to grab it manaully from here
  • If you are using cmd god bless you. Change the character map using chcp 65001. Check here for additional instructions.


MIT © Karan Sharma

LICENSE included here