
Pygments for .NET

BSD-2-CLAUSE License


Pygments for .NET

No Runtime Dependencies required!

Building from the command line

If you're building this code, make sure you have NuGet 2.7 or later installed.

If you're building from the command line, you need to do a NuGet restore first:

	> nuget restore
	> msbuild Pygments.sln

The output will be found at:


Building from Visual Studio

If you're building this code, make sure you have NuGet 2.7 or later installed.

Just open the Pygments.sln and build!

The output will be found at:



The Pygments for .NET library exposes two properties and four methods in the Pygments.Highlighter class

public static IEnumerable<Lexer> Lexers; //  all the language lexers available

public static IEnumerable<string> Styles; // all the Styles available 

public string HighlightToBBCode(
	string sourceCode, 
	string lexerName, 
	string styleName, 
	bool codeTag = false, 
	bool  monoFont = false );

public string HighlightToRTF(
	string sourceCode, 
	string lexerName, 
	string styleName, 
	string fontFace=null);

public string HighlightToHtml(
	string sourceCode, 
	string lexerName, 
	string styleName, 
	bool fragment = false, 
	string title = "", 
	bool generateInlineStyles = false, 
	string classPrefix = "", 
    string wrappingDivClass = "highlight", 
    string wrappingDivStyles = "", 
    string preStyles = "", 
    LineNumberStyle lineNumberStyle = LineNumberStyle.none, 
    int lineNumberStart = 1, 
    bool noBackground = false,  
    string lineBreaks="\n", 
    string lineAnchorPrefix = null, 
    string lineSpanPrefix = null, 
    bool anchorLineNumbers = false, 
    string highlightLines = "");

public string HighlightToLatex(
	string sourceCode, 
	string lexerName, 
	string styleName, 
	bool fragment = false, 
	string title = "", 
	string documentClass = "article", 
	bool lineNumbers = false, 
	int lineNumberStart = 1, 
	int lineStep = 1, 
	bool texComments = false, 
	bool mathEscape = false ) 


Quick Sample:

using System.IO;

namespace test {
    class Program {
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var highlighter = new Pygments.Highlighter();
            var src = File.ReadAllText(@"program.cs");
            File.WriteAllText("output.html", highlighter.HighlightToHtml(src, "c#", "vs", highlightLines: "7 8 9 10"));


I leveraged the rather great work to make this all function from

and added the bits to make it frictionless for anyone to consume.