
The Virtual Feature Store. Turn your existing data infrastructure into a feature store.

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featureform - v0.12.1 Latest Release

Published by sdreyer 8 months ago

featureform - v0.12.0

Published by sdreyer 8 months ago

What's Changed


Full Changelog: https://github.com/featureform/featureform/compare/v0.11.0...v0.12.0

featureform - v0.11.0

Published by sdreyer 11 months ago

What's Changed

New Features

Quality of Life


New Contributors

Full Changelog: https://github.com/featureform/featureform/compare/v0.10.3...v0.11.0

featureform - v0.10.1

Published by sdreyer about 1 year ago

What's Changed

Full Changelog: https://github.com/featureform/featureform/compare/v0.10.0...v0.10.1

featureform - v0.10.0

Published by sdreyer over 1 year ago

What's Changed

V0.10 release brings:

- A brand-new Dashboard UI and enhanced functionality
- Vector database support in local and hosted mode for Weaviate and Pinecone
- API improvements for data science development
- Updated documentation and bugfixes

Dashboard Makeover and Upgrades

We're excited to bring you a more visually appealing Dashboard with new functionality for both users and administrators, including metadata management for resource tags, previewing transformation results, and clear visibility of transformation logic


Assign tags to resources directly through the dashboard UI

Edit Resource Metadata from the Dashboard


Preview datasets directly from the dashboard


Better formatting for Python and SQL transformations


Vector Database Support

You can now register Weaviate and Pinecone as providers!



API Improvements for Data Science Development

Read all files from a directory into a dataframe with ff.register_directory()

Inference Stores are now optional in Local Mode: if an inference store is not specified, it will default to local mode.

Bug Fixes

Full Changelog: https://github.com/featureform/featureform/compare/v0.9.0...v0.10.0

featureform - v0.9.0

Published by sdreyer over 1 year ago

What's New

Vector Database and Embedding Support

You can use Featureform to define and orchestrate data pipelines that generate embeddings. Featureform can write them into either Redis for nearest neighbor lookup. This also allows users to version, re-use, and manage embeddings declaratively.

Registering Redis for use as a Vector Store (it’s the same as registering it typically)

        name = "redis",
        description = "Example inference store",
        team = "Featureform",
        host = "",
        port = 6379,

A Pipeline to Generate Embeddings from Text

docs = spark.register_file(...)

def embed_docs():
	docs[“embedding”] = docs[“text”].map(lambda txt: openai.Embedding.create(
	return docs

Defining and Versioning an Embedding

def Article:
	embedding = ff.Embedding(embed_docs[[“id”, “embedding”]], dims=1024, vector_db=redis)

class Article:
    embedding = ff.Embedding(
        embed_docs[["id", "embedding"]],

Performing a Nearest Neighbor Lookup

client.Nearest(Article.embedding, “id_123”, 25)

Interact with Training Sets as Dataframes

You can already interact with sources as dataframes, this release adds the same functionality to training sets as well.

Interacting with a training set as Pandas

import featureform as ff

client = ff.Client(...)
df = client.training_set(“fraud”, “simple”).dataframe()

Enhanced Scheduling across Offline Stores

Featureform supports Cron syntax for scheduling transformations to run. This release rebuffs this functionality to make it more stable and efficient, and also adds more verbose error messages.

A transformation that runs every hour on Snowflake

@snowflake.sql_transform(schedule=“0 * * * *”)
def avg_transaction_price()
	return “SELECT user, AVG(price) FROM {{transaction}} GROUP BY user”

Run Pandas Transformations on K8s with S3

Featureform schedules and runs your transformations for you. We support running Pandas directly, Featureform spins up a Kubernetes job to run it. This isn’t a replacement for distributed processing frameworks like Spark (which we also support), but it’s a great option for teams that are already using Pandas for production.

Defining our Pandas on Kubernetes Provider

aws_creds = ff.AWSCredentials(

s3 = ff.register_s3(

pandas_k8s = ff.register_k8s(
        description="Native featureform kubernetes compute",

Registering a file in S3 and a Transformation on it

src = pandas_k8s.register_file(...)

def transform(src):
	return src.groupby("CustomerID")["TransactionAmount"].mean()
featureform - v0.8.1

Published by sdreyer over 1 year ago

What's Changed

New Functionality


Bug Fixes

New Contributors

Full Changelog: https://github.com/featureform/featureform/compare/v0.8.0...v0.8.1

featureform - v0.8.0

Published by ahmadnazeri over 1 year ago

What's Changed

  • Spark Enhancement: Yarn Support
  • Pull source and transformation data to client
client = Client()  # presumes $FEATUREFORM_HOST is set
client.apply(insecure=False)  # `insecure=True` for Docker (Quickstart only)

# Primary source as a dataframe
transactions_df = client.dataframe(
    transactions, limit=2
)  # Using the ColumnSourceRegistrar instance directly with a limit of 2 rows

# SQL transformation source as dataframe
avg_user_transaction_df = client.dataframe(
    "average_user_transaction", "quickstart"
)  # Using the source name and variant without a limit, which fetches all rows


  "transactionid" "customerid" "customerdob" "custlocation"  "custaccountbalance"  "transactionamount"           "timestamp"  "isfraud"
0              T1     C5841053       10/1/94     JAMSHEDPUR              17819.05                 25.0  2022-04-09T11:33:09Z      False
1              T2     C2142763        4/4/57        JHAJJAR               2270.69              27999.0  2022-03-27T01:04:21Z      False
  • Added Ecommerce notebooks for Azure, AWS, GCP
  • Docs: Updated custom resource docs and added docs for KCF
  • Bugfix: Updated, more useful error messages
  • Bugfix: Fixed resource search
  • Bugfix: Fixed breadcrumb type and case error
  • Bugfix: KCF Resource limits
  • Bugfix: Fixed path for docker file and spark
  • Bugfix: Dashboard routing and reload fix
  • Bugfix: Spark databricks error message

Full Changelog: https://github.com/featureform/featureform/compare/v0.7.3...v0.8.0

featureform - v0.7.3

Published by sdreyer over 1 year ago

What's Changed

  • Class API Enhancement: Optional timestamp_column when registering features/labels
  • Docs: Update AWS Deployment to Cover changes to eksctl
  • Python 3.11.2 Support
  • Bugfix: Resource Status in CLI List Command
  • Bugfix: Fixing spark issue with Spark chained transformation
  • Bugfix: Issue with not allowing Python objects as input to DF Transformation
  • Bugfix: Checks existence of training set features prior to creation
  • Adding notebook links to docs

New Contributors

Full Changelog: https://github.com/featureform/featureform/compare/v0.7.2...v0.7.3

featureform - v0.7.2

Published by sdreyer over 1 year ago

What's Changed

  • Misc QOL improvements for the client

Full Changelog: https://github.com/featureform/featureform/compare/v0.7.1...v0.7.2

featureform - v0.7.1

Published by sdreyer over 1 year ago

What's Changed

featureform - v0.7.0

Published by sdreyer over 1 year ago

Release 0.7

Define Feature and Labels with an ORM-style Syntax

Featureform has added a new way to define entities, features, and labels. This new API, which takes inspiration from Python ORMs, makes it easier for data scientists to define and manage their features and labels in code.


transactions = postgres.register_table(
  table="Transactions", # This is the table's name in Postgres

def average_user_transaction():
  return "SELECT CustomerID as user_id, avg(TransactionAmount) " \
  "as avg_transaction_amt from {{transactions.default}} GROUP BY user_id"

class User:
  avg_transactions = ff.Feature(
    average_user_transaction[["user_id", "avg_transaction_amt"]],
  fraudulent = ff.Label(
    transactions[["customerid", "isfraud"]], variant="quickstart", type=ff.Bool


You can read more in the docs.

Compute features at serving time with on-demand features

A highly requested feature was to feature-ize incoming data at serving time. For example, you may have an on-demand feature that turns a user comment into an embedding, or one that processes an incoming image.

On-demand feature that turns a comment to an embedding at serving time

def text_to_embedding(serving_client, params, entities):
    return bert_transform(params[“comment”])

You can learn more in the docs

Attach tags & user-defined values to Featureform resources like transformations, features, and labels.

All features, labels, transformations, and training sets now have a tags and properties argument. properties is a dict and tags is a list.

client.register_training_set(“CustomerLTV_Training”, “default”, label=”ltv”, features=[“f1”, “f2”], tags=[“revenue”], properties={“visibility”: “internal”})

You can read more in the docs.

Transformation and training set caching in local mode.

Featureform has a local mode that allows users to define, manage, and serve their features when working locally off their laptop. It doesn’t require anything to be deployed. It would historically re-generate training sets and features on each run, but with 0.7, we cache results by default to decrease iteration time.

A cleaner (and more colorful) CLI flow!

New CLI running featureform apply with colors

Full Changelog: https://github.com/featureform/featureform/compare/v0.6.4...v0.7.0

featureform - v0.6.4

Published by sdreyer over 1 year ago

What's Changed

featureform - v0.6.3

Published by sdreyer over 1 year ago

What's Changed

featureform - v0.6.2

Published by sdreyer over 1 year ago

What's Changed

  • Bugfix for typeguard python package version

Full Changelog: https://github.com/featureform/featureform/compare/v0.6.1...v0.6.2

featureform - v0.6.1

Published by sdreyer over 1 year ago

What's Changed

  • Search Bugfix for Standalone Container

Full Changelog: https://github.com/featureform/featureform/compare/v0.6.0...v0.6.1

featureform - v0.6.0

Published by sdreyer over 1 year ago

Release 0.6

Generic Spark support as a Provider

Featureform has had support for Spark on EMR and Spark on Databricks for a while. We’ve generalized our Spark implementation to handle all versions of Spark using any of S3, GCS, Azure Blob Store, or HDFS as a backing store!

Here are some examples:

Spark with GCS backend

spark_creds = ff.SparkCredentials(

gcp_creds = ff.GCPCredentials(

gcs = ff.register_gcs(

spark = ff.register_spark(
	description="A Spark deployment we created for the Featureform quickstart",

Databricks with Azure

databricks = ff.DatabricksCredentials(

azure_blob = ff.register_blob_store(
	account_name=os.getenv("AZURE_ACCOUNT_NAME", None),
	account_key=os.getenv("AZURE_ACCOUNT_KEY", None),
	container_name=os.getenv("AZURE_CONTAINER_NAME", None),

spark = ff.register_spark(
	description="A Spark deployment we created for the Featureform quickstart",

EMR with S3

spark_creds = ff.SparkCredentials(

aws_creds = ff.AWSCredentials(
	aws_access_key_id=os.getenv("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID", None),
	aws_secret_access_key=os.getenv("AWS_SECRET_KEY", None),

s3 = ff.register_s3(
	bucket_path=os.getenv("S3_BUCKET_PATH", None),
	bucket_region=os.getenv("S3_BUCKET_REGION", None),

spark = ff.register_spark(
	description="A Spark deployment we created for the Featureform quickstart",

Spark with HDFS

spark_creds = ff.SparkCredentials(
	master=os.getenv("SPARK_MASTER", "local"),

hdfs = ff.register_hdfs(

spark = ff.register_spark(
	description="A Spark deployment we created for the Featureform quickstart",

You can read more in the docs.

Track which models are using features / training sets at serving time

A highly requested feature was to add a lineage link between models and their feature & training set. Now when you serve a feature and training set you can include an optional model argument.

client.features("review_text", entities={"order": "df8e5e994bcc820fcf403f9a875201e6"}, model="sentiment_analysis")
client.training_set(“CustomerLTV_Training”, “default”, model=”linear_ltv_model”)

It can then be viewed via the CLI & the Dashboard:



You can learn more in the docs

Backup & Recovery now available in open-source Featureform

Backup and recovery was originally exclusive to our enterprise offering. It is our goal to open-source everything in the product that isn’t related to governance, though we often first pilot new features with clients as we nail down the API.

Enable Backups

  1. Create a k8s secret with information on where to store backups.
> python backup/create_secret.py --help
Usage: create_secret.py [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Generates a Kubernetes secret to store Featureform backup data.
Use this script to generate the Kubernetes secret, then apply it with:
`kubectl apply -f backup_secret.yaml`

-h, --help Show this message and exit.

azure Create secret for azure storage containers
gcs Create secret for GCS buckets
s3 Create secret for S3 buckets
  1. Upgrade your Helm cluster (if it was created without backups enabled)
helm upgrade featureform featureform/featureform [FLAGS] --set backup.enable=true --set backup.schedule=<schedule>

Where schedule is in cron syntax, for example an hourly backup would look like:
"0 * * * *"

Recover from backup

Recovering from a backup is simple. In backup/restore, edit the .env-template file with your cloud provider name and credentials, then rename to .env. A specific snapshot can be used by filling in the SNAPSHOT_NAME variable in the .env file.

After that, run recover.sh in that directory.

You can learn more in the docs.

Ability to rotate key and change provider credentials

Prior to this release, if you were to rotate a key and/or change a credential you’d have to create a new provider. We made things immutable to avoid people accidentally overwriting each other's providers; however, this blocked the ability to rotate keys. Now, provider changes work as an upsert.

For example if you had registered Databricks and applied it like this:

databricks = ff.DatabricksCredentials(

You could change it by simply changing the config and re-applying it.

databricks = ff.DatabricksCredentials(

Ability to do full-text search on resources from the CLI

Prior to this release, you could only search resources from the dashboard. We’ve added the same functionality into the CLI. Our goal is to stay as close to feature parity between the dashboard and CLI as possible.




Mutable Providers

Featureform has historically made all resources immutable to solve a variety of different problems. This includes upstreams changing and breaking downstreams. Over the next couple releases we expect to dramatically pull back on forcing immutability while still avoiding the most common types of problems.

Featureform apply now works as an Upsert. For providers specifically, you can change most of their fields. This also makes it possible to rotate secrets and change credentials as outlined earlier in these release notes.

Support for Legacy Snowflake Credentials

Older deployments of Snowflake used an Account Locator rather than an Organization/Account pair to connect, you can now use our register_snowflake_legacy method.

name = "snowflake_docs",
description = "Example training store",
team = "Featureform",
username = snowflake_username,
password: snowflake_password,
account_locator: snowflake_account_locator,
database: snowflake_database,
schema: snowflake_schema,

You can learn more in the docs.


Custom Transformation-specific Container Limits for Pandas on K8s transformations

Pandas on K8s is still an experimental feature that we’re continuing to expand on. You were previously able to specify container limits for all, but now for specifically heavy or light transformations you can get more granular about your specifications as follows:

resource_specs = K8sResourceSpecs(

	inputs=[("transactions", “v2”)],
def transform(transactions):

You can learn more in the docs.

featureform - v0.5.1

Published by sdreyer over 1 year ago

What's Changed

  • Additional Snowflake Parameters (Role & Warehouse)

Full Changelog: https://github.com/featureform/featureform/compare/v0.5.0...v0.5.1

featureform - v0.5.0

Published by sdreyer over 1 year ago

What's Changed

  • Status Functions For Resources
  • Custom KCF Images
  • Azure Quickstart
  • Support For Legacy Snowflake Credentials
  • ETCD Backup and Recovery

Full Changelog: https://github.com/featureform/featureform/compare/v0.4.0...v0.5.0

featureform - v0.4.6

Published by sdreyer over 1 year ago

What's Changed

  • Fix for Provider Image in Local Mode

Full Changelog: https://github.com/featureform/featureform/compare/v0.4.5...v0.4.6