


Huge changes!

Reads in a list of artists and generates a playlist of their top 5 songs on Spotify using Python and Spotipy

  1. Create a txt file as whatever you want the playlist to be called (ex "Bonnaroo2023.txt"), and place it in the FestivalPlaylistMaker folder

    • example lineup.txt file is provided
    • format as one artist per line
    • any size list should work
  2. Set your spotify developer credentials

    Instructions: https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/general/guides/authorization/app-settings/

    Run python3 setup.py and enter your credentials into the prompt

  3. From the spotify app panel

  • click "edit settings"

  • add a redirect URI

  • and save

  1. Run the program using

    python3 main.py

  2. A browser will open. After authorizing (First run only), copy the url of the page that the browser redirects to. Paste that url into the prompt

The program will now create a playlist based on the name of the first txt file it finds in the directory and populate it with the top 5 (default, change num_songs if you want more/less songs) of the artists listed in that file.

Tested with 159 artist lineup - 790 song playlist works fine.

Let me know if you have any suggestions for improvements!

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