
Encrypt-Decrypt any file, made without any external library.


File Encryptor

Encrypt-Decrypt any file, made without any external library.


The program takes all the bits of the file in an array, and then applies a XOR operation with a key to encrypt it. To decrypt it, it applies the XOR operation with the same key to get back the file.

Example of XOR operation and how this works

a = 10 # a represents the bits of the file you wanna encrypt
key = 27 # Any positive integer between 0 to 255
a = a ^ key #Applying XOR operation between a and the key, this encrypts the file
print(a) #a = 17
a = a ^ key #Applying XOR operation between a and the key again decrypts the file
print(a) #a = 10

How to encrypt?

  1. Clone the repo in your system, head over to and replace "subject.png" with name of any file you want (keep it in the same folder) in quotes.

  2. Replace "encrypted_subject.png" with any name. (This will be your encrypted file)

  3. Now run the code in your IDE or run in terminal/cmd:

cd File-Encrypter
  1. In your file browser you can now see the encrypted file!

How to decrypt?

  1. Open the file and in the first line replace "subject.png" with the encrypted file name.

  2. Replace name of your encrypted file in the 7th line to any name. (this will be your decrypted file)

  3. That's it! Just run and you'll see the decrypted file in your folder!

If you haven't guessed till now, DON'T USE THIS FOR ANYTHING SERIOUS, this method is super easy to crack (think of single for loop).