
Checks Firefox saved passwords against known data leaks using the Have I Been Pwned API.

GPL-3.0 License



Firepwned is a tool that checks if your Firefox saved passwords have been involved in a known data leak using the Have I Been Pwned API.

Note: Although Firepwned was initially released in 2018, as of June 2022 it still works fine and I'll fix any bugs reported.


  • Does not send any of your password or password hash to any third-party service, including Have I Been Pwned (see How It Works below).
  • Supports Firefox profiles encrypted with a master password.
  • Uses multiple threads for efficiency.


$ git clone
$ cd firepwned
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

On Debian / Ubuntu you'll need the package libnss3, which you should already have if you have Firefox installed.

On Mac OS X, you'll need to install NSS: brew install nss/ port install nss.


$ python
  • To specify a path to a Firefox profile directory, use the --profile option (by default: the first file found matching ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default on Ubuntu or ~/Library/Application\ Support/Firefox/Profiles/*.default on Mac OS
  • To adjust the number of threads used to make requests to the Have I Been Pwned API, use the --threads option (by default: 10)

Docker image

You can also use the christophetd/firepwned image. It is based on Alpine and is very lightweight (~20 MB). However, keep in mind that using a Docker image you didn't build yourself is generally not a good practice: I could very well have built it myself with a different source code than the one in this repository in order to steal your passwords (spoiler: that's not the case). If you wish to build the image yourself, run docker build . -t firepwned and use firepwned instead of christophetd/firepwned in the instructions below.

When running the container, you need to mount the directory of your Firefox profile to /profile in the container.

$ docker run --rm -it \
    --volume $(ls -d ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default):/profile \

Any additional argument you add to the command will be passed to the script, e.g.

$ docker run --rm -it \
    --volume $(ls -d ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default):/profile \
    christophetd/firepwned \
    --threads 20

How it works

The Have I Been Pwned API supports checking if a password has been leaked without providing the password itself, or even a hash. The way it works is you provide the API with the first 5 characters of the SHA1 hash of the password to check. The API then returns the list of all leaked hashes starting with this prefix, and the script can check locally if one of the hashes matches the password. More information:


Python 3 only. Should theoretically work on any OS supporting Python if provided with the directory of a valid Firefox profile, e.g. on Windows 7:

> python --profile "C:\Users\Christophe\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\xxxxxx.default"


The code to read the saved passwords from Firefox is taken from firefox_decrypt, written by Renato Alves and under the GPL-3.0 license.

Unit tests

$ python -m unittest discover test