
An application that interacts with a Fitbit API and has options to send external notifications depending on what a person's heart rate is.


Fitbit Heartrate Monitor

An application that interacts with Fitbit's Web API to retrieve information on a person's heart rate. If the heart rate goes below or above a certain threshold, certain actions may be performed such as sending an email or HTTP request.


I've completed this program, but it is un-tested since my old FitBit stopped working and I'll need to buy a new one. I'm not sure how reliable the web API hook we use is (e.g. does it actually pull the current heart rate?). If it doesn't, I believe you'd need to create an application for FitBit directly since you'd need access to the device. I'm not sure how hard that is to do and if you need to be given access to do so.

Command Line

The following command-line options are available.

cfg=<file> => Custom config path.
-l or --list => List all contents from config file.


# List contents of config.
python3 src/ -l

# Use custom.json as config file in working directory.
python3 src/ cfg=./custom.json


All configuration is handled in a file with the JSON format. The default config is /etc/fhm/cfg.json. You may find documented configuration below.

    // Debug level from 0 - 3 (0 = no debug).
    "Debug": 0,

    // Authorization Bearer key (do not include "Bearer").
    "Authorization": "",

    // Fitbit user's ID. '-' indicates currently signed in user.
    "UserID": "-",

    // Low threshold for triggering heart rate action.
    "LowThreshold": 50,

    // High threshold for trigger heart rate action.
    "HighThreshold": 120,

    // The amount of previous heart rates to include in average.
    "AvgCount": 10,

    // The time in seconds to timeout after a successful heart rate detection to prevent spam.
    "DetectTimeout": 120,

    // Actions array.
        // Action: Send HTTP request.
            // Type of action (HTTP in this case).
            "Type": "http",

            // URL to send HTTP request to.
            "Url": "",

            // The HTTP request's method (e.g. GET or POST).
            "Method": "GET",

            // HTTP requests timeout (default 5.0).
            "Timeout": 5.0,

            // Headers (if any).
            "Headers": {
                "Authorization": "Bearer <some key>"

            // Request's body (most useful for POST request; For GET, this is params).
            "Body": {}
        // Action: Send Email
            // Type of action (Email in this case).
            "Type": "email",

            // SMTP host.
            "Host": "localhost",

            // SMTP port.
            "Port": 25,

            // From email.
            "FromEmail": "[email protected]",

            // Emails to send to in an array.
            "ToEmail": ["[email protected]"],

            // Subject of email.
            "Subject": "Heart rate warning!",

            // Message/body of email.
            "Message": "Your heart rate is currently too high or too low!"

Warning - The above JSON is not valid due to comments. Please use the cfg.json.example if you want to start from somewhere (preferably with sudo make install)

Action Format Options

Format options for an action's HTTP URL/body or email subject/body message include the following.

{avg_rate} => The average heart rate detected.
{low_or_high} => Prints "Low" if the average heart rate was below threshold or "High" if the average heart rate was above threshold.
{cfg_high_threshold} => The config's high theshold value.
{cfg_low_threshold} => The config's low threshold value.
{cfg_count} => The config's average count value.


I currently live with a family member who has health issues with their heart and high blood pressure. I wanted to make something to alert my other family members and I if this person's heart rate is abnormally low or high.
