
Template repo for Python projects, especially those focusing on machine learning and/or deep learning.

MIT License



A simple template for Python projects, with CI/CD configured through GitHub Actions. Compatible with any virtual environment manager (e.g. venv, pyenv, poetry, conda).


  1. Create a new repository, using this one as a template.

  2. Run the templatize script:


    This updates placeholders like {{REPO_NAME}}, so everything is configured with your username, repo name, email, etc.

  3. Commit and push the changes.

    git add .
    git commit -m "Templatize"
    git push
  4. (Probably) delete this section of the README.


pip install "{{REPO_NAME}} @ git+ssh://[email protected]/{{REPO_OWNER}}/{{REPO_NAME}}.git"

# Install all dev dependencies (tests etc.)
pip install "{{REPO_NAME}}[test] @ git+ssh://[email protected]/{{REPO_OWNER}}/{{REPO_NAME}}.git"

# Setup pre-commit hooks
pre-commit install


Tool Description Runs on
black Code formatter - git commit (through pre-commit) - git push - pull requests
ruff Code linter - git commit (through pre-commit) - git push - pull requests
pytest Unit testing framework - git push - pull requests
mypy Static type checker - git push - pull requests
pre-commit Pre-commit hooks - git commit
twine $\dagger$ PyPI package uploader - New release (git tag)

$\dagger$ Requires enabling the publish.yaml workflow. To activate, move the file from .github/disabled-workflows/publish.yaml.disabled to .github/workflows/publish.yaml, and set a valid PyPI token as PYPI_API_TOKEN in the repo secrets.

Then tag a new release of this repo, and GHA will automatically build and publish a Python wheel (.whl) to PyPI.