
Flake8 unittest assert method checker

MIT License


Flake8 Unittest Assertion Checker

|PyPI Version| |Python Versions|

flake8-assertive is a Flake8 <https://flake8.pycqa.org/>_ extension that encourages using richer, more specific unittest_ assertions beyond just the typical assertEqual(a, b) and assertTrue(x) methods. The suggested methods perform more precise checks and provide better failure messages than the generic methods.

+------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+------+ | Original | Suggestion | Code | +==========================================+===================================+======+ | assertTrue(a == b) | assertEqual(a, b) | A500 | +------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+------+ | assertTrue(a != b) | assertNotEqual(a, b) | A500 | +------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+------+ | assertFalse(a == b) | assertNotEqual(a, b) | A500 | +------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+------+ | assertFalse(a != b) | assertEqual(a, b) | A500 | +------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+------+ | assertTrue(a < b) | assertLess(a, b) | A500 | +------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+------+ | assertTrue(a <= b) | assertLessEqual(a, b) | A500 | +------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+------+ | assertTrue(a > b) | assertGreater(a, b) | A500 | +------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+------+ | assertTrue(a >= b) | assertGreaterEqual(a, b) | A500 | +------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+------+ | assertTrue(a is b) | assertIs(a, b) | A501 | +------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+------+ | assertTrue(a is not b) | assertIsNot(a, b) | A501 | +------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+------+ | assertFalse(a is b) | assertNotIs(a, b) | A501 | +------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+------+ | assertFalse(a is not b) | assertIs(a, b) | A501 | +------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+------+ | assertTrue(a in b) | assertIn(a, b) | A501 | +------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+------+ | assertTrue(a not in b) | assertNotIn(a, b) | A501 | +------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+------+ | assertFalse(a in b) | assertNotIn(a, b) | A501 | +------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+------+ | assertTrue(isinstance(a, b)) | assertIsInstance(a, b) | A501 | +------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+------+ | assertFalse(isinstance(a, b)) | assertNotIsInstance(a, b) | A501 | +------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+------+ | assertEqual(a, round(b, x)) | assertAlmostEqual(a, b, x) | A501 | +------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+------+ | assertAlmostEqual(a, round(b, x)) | assertAlmostEqual(a, b, x) | A501 | +------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+------+ | assertNotEqual(a, round(b, x)) | assertNotAlmostEqual(a, b, x) | A501 | +------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+------+ | assertNotAlmostEqual(a, round(b, x)) | assertNotAlmostEqual(a, b, x) | A501 | +------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+------+ | assertEqual(a, None) | assertIsNone(a) | A502 | +------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+------+ | assertNotEqual(a, None) | assertIsNotNone(a) | A502 | +------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+------+ | assertTrue(a is None) | assertIsNone(a) | A502 | +------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+------+ | assertTrue(a is not None) | assertIsNotNone(a) | A502 | +------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+------+ | assertFalse(a is None) | assertIsNotNone(a) | A502 | +------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+------+ | assertFalse(a is not None) | assertIsNone(a) | A502 | +------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+------+ | assertEqual(a, True) | assertTrue(a) | A502 | +------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+------+ | assertEqual(a, False) | assertFalse(a) | A502 | +------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+------+ | assertEquals(a, b) | assertEqual(a, b) | A503 | +------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+------+ | assertNotEquals(a, b) | assertNotEqual(a, b) | A503 | +------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+------+ | assertAlmostEquals(a, b, x) | assertAlmostEqual(a, b, x) | A503 | +------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+------+ | assertNotAlmostEquals(a, b, x) | assertNotAlmostEqual(a, b, x) | A503 | +------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+------+ | assertTrue(a, b) | assertTrue(a, msg=b) | A504 | +------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+------+ | assertFalse(a, b) | assertFalse(a, msg=b) | A504 | +------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+------+

Note that some suggestions are normalized forms of the original, such as when a double-negative is used (assertFalse(a != b)assertEqual(a, b)). There aren't suggestions for things like assertFalse(a > b), which may or may not be equivalent to assertLessEqual(a, b).


Install from PyPI using pip:

.. code-block:: sh

$ pip install flake8-assertive

The extension will be activated automatically by flake8. You can verify that it has been loaded by inspecting the flake8 --version string.

.. code-block:: sh

$ flake8 --version
4.0.1 (assertive: 2.1.0, ...) CPython 3.9.10 on Darwin

Error Codes

This extension adds three new error codes__ (using the A50 prefix):

  • A500: prefer {func} for '{op}' comparisons
  • A501: prefer {func} for '{op}' expressions
  • A502: prefer {func} instead of comparing to {obj}
  • A503: use {func} instead of the deprecated {name}
  • A504: prefer the 'msg=' kwarg for {func} diagnostics

.. __: https://flake8.pycqa.org/en/latest/user/error-codes.html


Configuration values are specified in the [flake8] section of your config file_ or as command line arguments (e.g. --assertive-snakecase).

  • assertive-snakecase: suggest snake_case assert method names
    (e.g. assert_true()) instead of the standard names (e.g. assertTrue())
  • assertive-test-pattern: fnmatch_ pattern for identifying unittest test
    files (and all other files will be skipped)

.. _fnmatch: https://docs.python.org/library/fnmatch.html .. _unittest: https://docs.python.org/library/unittest.html .. _config file: https://flake8.pycqa.org/en/latest/user/configuration.html


There are some specific cases when the suggestion might not match the intent of the original.

Testing the equality operator

``assertEqual()`` won't use the ``==`` operator if the comparison has been
delegated to a `type-specific equalilty function`__. By default, this is the
case for strings, sequences, lists, tuples, sets, and dicts.

.. __: https://docs.python.org/3/library/unittest.html#unittest.TestCase.addTypeEqualityFunc

If your intent is to specifically test the ``==`` operator, consider writing
the assertion like this instead:

.. code-block:: python

    assertIs(a == b, True)

This approach has the benefit of verifying that the type's ``__eq__``
implementation returns a boolean value. Unfortunately, it also has the
downside of reporting the result of ``a == b`` on failure instead of the
values of ``a`` and ``b``.

Suggested by: `Serhiy Storchaka <https://twitter.com/SerhiyStorchaka>`_


- `Teyit <https://github.com/isidentical/teyit>`_ is a Python unit test formatter that
  can perform similar assertion transformations.

.. |PyPI Version| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/flake8-assertive.svg
   :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/flake8-assertive
.. |Python Versions| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/flake8-assertive.svg
   :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/flake8-assertive