
Let's make Flask ecosystem better together!

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Flask Extension Status

Hello, Flask developers!

This is a project to monitor the status of Flask extensions. In the Extension status table, each extension has a build badge to show whether it can be built with the latest Flask and Python. Feel free to add new extensions or update the info of existing extensions (see How to add an extension? for details)

Want to help? You can just click the build badge of the failed extensions to check the log and try to fix the issues. Welcome to dicuss in the Discussions section. No matter you want to share some notes for common compatibility issues or you want to ask for help, we are glad to hear from you!

❤️ If you managed to save an extension, don't hesitate to share with us!

For a project that is abandoned/dead, we will remove it from the table and list them in the Unmaintained extensions and alternatives section. If you have an extension but don't have time to maintain it, you can consider donating it to the pallets-eco organzation. Thank you.

Let's make Flask ecosystem better together!

Extension status

Extension Repository Latest version Last Commit Downloads Build with latest Flask (3.x) and Python (3.12.x)
juniors90/Flask-FomanticUI PyPI - Version GitHub last commit (branch) PyPI - Downloads build
autoinvent/flask-magql PyPI - Version GitHub last commit (branch) PyPI - Downloads build
helloflask/bootstrap-flask PyPI - Version GitHub last commit (branch) PyPI - Downloads build
flask-admin/flask-admin PyPI - Version GitHub last commit (branch) PyPI - Downloads build
jmcarp/flask-apispec PyPI - Version GitHub last commit (branch) PyPI - Downloads build
viniciuschiele/flask-apscheduler PyPI - Version GitHub last commit (branch) PyPI - Downloads build
miracle2k/flask-assets PyPI - Version GitHub last commit (branch) PyPI - Downloads build
helloflask/flask-avatars PyPI - Version GitHub last commit (branch) PyPI - Downloads build
python-babel/flask-babel PyPI - Version GitHub last commit (branch) PyPI - Downloads build
maxcountryman/flask-bcrypt PyPI - Version GitHub last commit (branch) PyPI - Downloads build
pallets-eco/flask-caching PyPI - Version GitHub last commit (branch) PyPI - Downloads build
helloflask/flask-ckeditor PyPI - Version GitHub last commit (branch) PyPI - Downloads build
corydolphin/flask-cors PyPI - Version GitHub last commit (branch) PyPI - Downloads build
pallets-eco/flask-debugtoolbar PyPI - Version GitHub last commit (branch) PyPI - Downloads build
dillibabukadati/flask-helmet PyPI - Version GitHub last commit (branch) PyPI - Downloads build
nathancahill/flask-inputs PyPI - Version GitHub last commit (branch) PyPI - Downloads build
vimalloc/flask-jwt-extended PyPI - Version GitHub last commit (branch) PyPI - Downloads build
alisaifee/flask-limiter PyPI - Version GitHub last commit (branch) PyPI - Downloads build
maxcountryman/flask-login PyPI - Version GitHub last commit (branch) PyPI - Downloads build
waynerv/flask-mailman PyPI - Version GitHub last commit (branch) PyPI - Downloads build
marshmallow-code/flask-marshmallow PyPI - Version GitHub last commit (branch) PyPI - Downloads build
miguelgrinberg/flask-migrate PyPI - Version GitHub last commit (branch) PyPI - Downloads build
miguelgrinberg/flask-moment PyPI - Version GitHub last commit (branch) PyPI - Downloads build
MongoEngine/flask-mongoengine PyPI - Version GitHub last commit (branch) PyPI - Downloads build
lepture/flask-oauthlib PyPI - Version GitHub last commit (branch) PyPI - Downloads build
bauerji/flask-pydantic PyPI - Version GitHub last commit (branch) PyPI - Downloads build
marcoagner/Flask-QRcode PyPI - Version GitHub last commit (branch) PyPI - Downloads build
plangrid/flask-rebar PyPI - Version GitHub last commit (branch) PyPI - Downloads build
flask-restful/flask-restful PyPI - Version GitHub last commit (branch) PyPI - Downloads build
python-restx/flask-restx PyPI - Version GitHub last commit (branch) PyPI - Downloads build
mattupstate/flask-security PyPI - Version GitHub last commit (branch) PyPI - Downloads build
pallets-eco/flask-session PyPI - Version GitHub last commit (branch) PyPI - Downloads build
marshmallow-code/flask-smorest PyPI - Version GitHub last commit (branch) PyPI - Downloads build
miguelgrinberg/Flask-SocketIO PyPI - Version GitHub last commit (branch) PyPI - Downloads build
pallets/flask-sqlalchemy PyPI - Version GitHub last commit (branch) PyPI - Downloads build
jarus/flask-testing PyPI - Version GitHub last commit (branch) PyPI - Downloads build
maxcountryman/flask-uploads PyPI - Version GitHub last commit (branch) PyPI - Downloads build
fedora-copr/flask-whooshee PyPI - Version GitHub last commit (branch) PyPI - Downloads build
wtforms/flask-wtf PyPI - Version GitHub last commit (branch) PyPI - Downloads build

Unmaintained extension and alternatives

Unmaintained Extension Last commit Recommended Alternatives Last commit
mattupstate/flask-mail GitHub last commit (branch) waynerv/flask-mailman GitHub last commit (branch)
thadeusb/flask-cache GitHub last commit (branch) pallets-eco/flask-caching GitHub last commit (branch)
noirbizarre/flask-restplus GitHub last commit (branch) python-restx/flask-restx GitHub last commit (branch)
mbr/flask-bootstrap GitHub last commit (branch) helloflask/bootstrap-flask GitHub last commit (branch)

How to add an extension?

Clone the repo and install dependencies:

git clone https://github.com/greyli/flask-extension-status
cd flask-extension-status
pip install -r requirements.txt

Add the extension info to extensions.yml:

flask-foo:  # PyPI package name
  repo: github_username/repo_name  # GitHub repository
  init_string: 'from flask_foo import Foo; Foo(app)'  # extension initialization

Then run:

python gen.py

Commit and push the changes, then create a pull request.