
Flask extension for Pusher

MIT License



Flask extension for Pusher. It is a thin wrapper around the official client, binding Flask app to Pusher client.


Install Flask-Pusher module from PyPI.

pip install Flask-Pusher


The basic configuration for Pusher is app_id, key and secret. These values are available in Pusher web interface.

PUSHER_APP_ID = 'your-pusher-app-id'
PUSHER_KEY = 'your-pusher-key'
PUSHER_SECRET = 'your-pusher-secret'

You can connect to a custom host/port, with these configurations:

PUSHER_HOST = 'api.pusherapp.com'

The extension auto configure the Pusher encoder to use the app.json_encoder.


This extension simplify Pusher configuration and bind the client to your app.

from flask import Flask
from flask_pusher import Pusher

app = Flask(__name__)
pusher = Pusher(app)
# Use pusher = Pusher(app, url_prefix="/yourpath") to mount the plugin in another path

The extension gives you two ways to access the pusher client:

# you can just get the client from current_app
client = current_app.extensions["pusher"]

# or you can get it from the extension
client = pusher.client

In both cases, it is a reference to the pusher client.

client.trigger('channel_name', 'event', {
    'message': msg,

Check the docs for the Pusher python client here: http://pusher.com/docs/server_api_guide#/lang=python

Pusher authentication

Pusher has authenticated private and presence channels. Flask-Pusher create the /pusher/auth route to handle it. To support these authenticated routes, just decorate a function with @pusher.auth.

This function must return True for authorized and False for unauthorized users. It happens in the request context, so you have all Flask features, including for example the Flask-Login current user.

Set the PUSHER_AUTH configuration to change the auth endpoint. The default value is /auth.

from flask_login import current_user

def pusher_auth(channel_name, socket_id):
    if 'foo' in channel_name:
        # refuse foo channels
        return False
    # authorize only authenticated users
    return current_user.is_authenticated()

It also transparently supports batch auth, based on pusher-js-auth: https://github.com/dirkbonhomme/pusher-js-auth`. The authentication function is called for each channel in the batch.

Read more about user authentication here: http://pusher.com/docs/authenticating_users

Pusher channel data

Presence channels require channel_data. Flask-Pusher send by default the user_id with the socket_id, because it is a required field.

The @pusher.channel_data gives you a way to set other values. If a user_id key is returned, it overrides the default user_id.

from flask_login import current_user

def pusher_channel_data(channel_name, socket_id):
    return {
        "name": current_user.name

Pusher webhooks

Pusher has webhooks to send websocket events to your server.

Flask-Pusher create the routes to handle these webhooks and validate the headers X-Pusher-Key and X-Pusher-Signature.

from flask import request

def channel_existence_webhook():
    print request.json

def presence_webhook():
    print request.json

def client_webhook():
    print request.json

The JSON request is documented in Pusher docs: http://pusher.com/docs/webhooks

These webhooks routes are mounted in /pusher/events/channel_existence, /pusher/events/presence and /pusher/events/client. Configure your Pusher app to send webhooks to these routes.


This project is not affiliated with Pusher or Flask.