

OTHER License



Flask Best Practices

  1. Part 1: set up a bare-bones application which enables sites to be added and visits recorded against them via a simple web interface or over HTTP.
  2. Part II: add users, access control, and enable users to add visits from their own websites. Explore more best practices for writing templates, keeping our models and forms in sync, and handling static files.
  3. Part III we'll explore writing tests for our application, logging, and debugging errors.
  4. Part IV we'll do some Test Driven Development to enable our application to accept payments and display simple reports.
  5. Part V we will write a RESTful JSON API for others to consume.
  6. Part VI we will cover automating deployments (on Heroku) with Fabric and basic A/B Feature Testing.
  7. Part VII we will cover preserving your application for the future with documentation, code coverage and quality metric tools.