
An oh-so-totally serious novel method of scoring sequences using ancient knowledge found on some old tiles

GPL-3.0 License


Flounder Score


As a software developer who knows little to nothing about biology, genetics or bioinformatics, I felt it was important that I tried to make my mark on these fields. Over the last couple or so years, I've seen that a lot of time and effort goes into deciding how "good" or "bad" a sequence is, involving massive amounts of data-crunching and machine learning and the like.

Personally, I think this all seems too much like hard work.

Surely, I thought, there has to be a simple way of assigning some value to a letter and then summing up all of those values. I mean, that's all this genetics lark is, right? A handful of letters stuck together?

With this deep and valuable insight in mind, I looked around for a simple method of scoring letters. After a very long search (seriously, it must have lasted a whole mug of coffee!), I found some ancient tiles, each of which described the value of the letters normally used in English. At this point it was obvious that this traditional way of weighting the constituent parts of one language should and could be applied to another.

And so the Flounder Score was born.


The library can be installed from PyPI:

$ pip3 install flounder-score


The Flounder Score library provides the following functions:

score( sequence: str ) -> int

This function takes a string that is a sequence, applies a complex algorithm using the values found on the ancient tiles, and returns an integer value that is the Flounder Score for that sequence. Case is not important. IUAPC codes are taken into account.


>>> from flounder import score
>>> score( "gtac" )

scores( sequence: str ) -> List[ Tuple[ str, int ] ]

This function takes a string that is a sequence, applies a complex algorithm using the values found on the ancient tiles, and returns a list of tuples. Each tuple is the base at that position in the input string, along with its individual score.


>>> from flounder import scores
>>> scores( "gtac" )
[('g', 2), ('t', 1), ('a', 1), ('c', 3)]

score_to_the_max( sequence: str ) -> integer

This function takes a string that is a sequence, applies an even more complex algorithm using the values found on the ancient tiles, and returns an integer value that is the "to-the-max" Flounder Score. Case is not important. IUAPC codes are taken into account.

The difference with this scoring is that, for the bases, not only do they score for their own ancient tile value, they also score for the ancient tile value of every IUAPC code that is related to that base.


>>> from flounder import score_to_the_max
>>> score_to_the_max( "gtac" )

scores_to_the_max( sequence: str ) -> List[ Tuple[ str, int ] ]

This function takes a string that is a sequence, applies a complex algorithm using the values found on the ancient tiles, and returns a list of tuples. Each tuple is the base at that position in the input string, along with its individual score. The score provided for each base is the score_to_the_max Flounder Score.


>>> from flounder import scores_to_the_max
>>> scores_to_the_max( "gtac" )
[('g', 19), ('t', 24), ('a', 20), ('c', 23)]

codon_score( sequence: str ) -> int

This function takes a string that is a sequence, translates it to an AA sequence (using as many codons as it can find from the first position), applies a complex algorithm using the values found on the ancient tiles, and returns an integer value that is the Flounder Score for that sequence. Case is not important. IUAPC codes are taken into account.

For example:

>>> from flounder import codon_score
>>> codon_score( "AGACGCAGTCTT" )

codon_scores( sequence: str ) -> List[ Tuple[ str, int ] ]

This function takes a string that is a sequence, translates it to an AA sequence (using as many codons as it can find from the first position), applies a complex algorithm using the values found on the ancient tiles, and returns a list of tuples. Each tuple is the codon that was found in the input string, along with its individual score.

For example:

>>> from flounder import codon_scores
>>> codon_scores( "AGACGCAGTCTT" )
[('AGA', 1), ('CGC', 1), ('AGT', 1), ('CTT', 1)]

Building and testing

This library is designed to be built using make, pipenv and Python 3.8. If you have pipenv installed and have an installation of Python 3.8 that it can see you should only need to type make in the root directory of the repository.

$ make
pipenv sync --dev
Creating a virtualenv for this project...
Pipfile: /Users/davep/flounder_score/Pipfile
Using /Users/davep/.pyenv/versions/3.8.12/bin/python3.8 (3.8.12) to create virtualenv...
 Successfully created virtual environment!
Virtualenv location: /Users/davep/flounder_score/.venv
Installing dependencies from Pipfile.lock (5d6c60)...
  🐍   ▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉ 58/58 — 00:00:23
To activate this project's virtualenv, run pipenv shell.
Alternatively, run a command inside the virtualenv with pipenv run.
All dependencies are now up-to-date!

Unit tests can be run like this:

$ make test
pipenv run coverage run -m unittest discover -v -t flounder_score tests
test_case (tests.tests.TestCodonFlounderScore)
Test that we don't care about case. ... ok
test_empty (tests.tests.TestCodonFlounderScore)
Test that an empty sequence is handled. ... ok
test_short (tests.tests.TestCodonFlounderScore)
Test sequences that are short of having a full codon. ... ok
test_some_short (tests.tests.TestCodonFlounderScore)
Test that a short sequence that has codons gives a score. ... ok
test_unknown (tests.tests.TestCodonFlounderScore)
Test sequences containing things we don't score. ... ok
test_all_scored (tests.tests.TestCodonFlounderScores)
Test that every codon gets some sort of score. ... ok
test_empty (tests.tests.TestCodonFlounderScores)
Test that an empty sequences is handled. ... ok
test_short (tests.tests.TestCodonFlounderScores)
Test sequences that are short of having a full codon. ... ok
test_some_short (tests.tests.TestCodonFlounderScores)
Test that a short sequence that has codons gives a score. ... ok
test_unknown (tests.tests.TestCodonFlounderScores)
Test sequences containing things we don't score. ... ok
test_case (tests.tests.TestFlounderScore)
Test that we don't care about case. ... ok
test_empty (tests.tests.TestFlounderScore)
Test that an empty sequence is handled. ... ok
test_unknown (tests.tests.TestFlounderScore)
Test sequences containing things we don't score. ... ok
test_case (tests.tests.TestFlounderScoreToTheMax)
Test that we don't care about case. ... ok
test_empty (tests.tests.TestFlounderScoreToTheMax)
Test that an empty sequence is handled. ... ok
test_unknown (tests.tests.TestFlounderScoreToTheMax)
Test sequence containing things we don't score. ... ok
test_empty (tests.tests.TestFlounderScores)
Test that an empty sequence is handled. ... ok
test_scores (tests.tests.TestFlounderScores)
Test that the individual scores are correct. ... ok
test_unknown (tests.tests.TestFlounderScores)
Test sequences containing things we don't score. ... ok
test_empty (tests.tests.TestFlounderScoresToTheMax)
Test that an empty sequence is handled. ... ok
test_scores (tests.tests.TestFlounderScoresToTheMax)
Test that the individual scores are correct. ... ok
test_unknown (tests.tests.TestFlounderScoresToTheMax)
Test sequences containing things we don't score. ... ok

Ran 22 tests in 0.007s


There are a number of other Makefile targets available for all sorts of linting and testing, as well as for building a package. Type:

$ make help

to get a list of them all.

Package Rankings
Top 34.4% on Pypi.org
Extracted from project README