
Bundling Python code with Flutter Desktop apps as self-contained binary, interop with Python self-hosted gRPC service

MIT License


Flutter-Python Starter Kit

General idea/architecture

  • Allow to use Python code with all 6 platforms that Flutter supports.
  • macOS, Windows and Linux - Python code and runtime are packaged as self-contained/standalone executable (via PyInstaller or Nuitka) and bundled with Flutter app as asset. On the first run Python executable is extracted. It contains a self-hosted gRPC server that responds to calls from the Flutter app.
  • Android, iOS, Web (and if needed desktop as well) - use the same Python code hosted remotely.
  • Use gRPC proto definition as a single source of truth for API used by both Flutter client and Python server.
  • Have code generation (protoc and scripts within this kit) do boilerplate for Dart and Python and let developers focus on business logic.

Requirements fulfilled

  • Python code packed as self-contained binary not dependent on local Python installation.
  • Works in Windows, Linux and macOS.
  • Flutter UI and Python module run in separate OS processes.
  • gRPC for communication between Flutter and Python.
  • PyInstaller builds Python into console app that hosts gRPC service.
    • As experimental feature can use Nuitka to building standalone binary (smaller and faster).
  • The app can request a free port from OS and ask the server to start listening on this port.
  • Flutter app carries the built Python binary as asset.
  • Non-pure Python modules (e.g. those ones referencing NumPy or TensorFlow) can be used.
  • Flutter app manages lifecycle of Python process (starts and kills it), caches the binary (doesn't extract it on each launch), can support versioning and substitute extracted Python with a newer version from assets.
    • Timestamp is used for versioning, i.e. date time of PyInstaller execution is used as binary version.
  • Compatibility mode with remotely hosted Python module for iOS, Android, Web.
    • For web client gRPC Proxy is supported, Dart client helper manages the client channel for the user.
  • For Flutter there are heler classes that wrap the functionality supporting the above requirements.


The kit is composed of 2 Bash scripts and a number of template source code files (in Python and Dart) that are used for code generation. You can copy the starter-kit folder to your project folder and follow the below instructions to get started.

It is assumed that there are 2 folders that contain Flutter and Python projects. 2 scripts are provided to:

  1. Generate gRPC stubs and Dart/Python scaffolding from .proto file and copy them to Flutter project (prepare-sources.sh).
  2. Bundle Python code and dependencies as assets to Flutter project (bundle-python.sh).

On mac/Linux, make them runnable: chmod -x prepare-sources.sh & chmod -x bundle-python.sh prepare-sources.sh .

There are 4 steps:

  1. Preparing sources via prepare-sources.sh script.
  2. Manually adding required implementations of gRPC service in Python part (using generated stubs) and using the service via generated Dart client in Flutter part.
  3. Building Python part via PyInstaller and bundling it as asset within Flutter project.
  4. Debugging.

Prerequisites to use starter kit

  • Flutter SDK.
  • Python 3.9+.
  • Chocolately package manager (for Windows).
  • Git Bash terminal (for Windows) - install Git for Windows and Git Bash will be setup.
  • If using Nuitka with macOS and Windows, official recent release of Python must be installed (https://www.python.org/downloads/macos/), Apple and Windows store versions of Python won't work.
  • After installing on Windows you'll have to manually add Python to PATH system environment variable.

1. Preparing Sources

1. Preparing Flutter and Python projects

Put Flutter app and Python code side by side. Let's assume we have Flutter in app folder and service folder for Python.

2. Define gRPC service in .proto file

This is the service definition to be implemented by Python and used by Flutter client.

3. Dart and Python boilerplate

Run ./prepare-sources.sh --proto ./service.proto --flutterDir ./app --pythonDir ./server in terminal.

On Windows:

  • Use Git Bash.
  • For the first run (when dependencies are created) you will need admin right for the shell (run as Administrator Bash or VSCode).

On Linux:

  • Use bash ./prepare-sources.sh --proto ./service.proto --flutterDir ./app --pythonDir ./server.

What it does is:

  1. Installs all dependencies:
  • gRPC tools to generate Python bindings from .proto file: grpcio, grpcio-tools.
  • PyInstaller to build Python as self-contained executable: tinyaes, pyinstaller.
  • Installs protobuf compiler.
    • On Ubuntu installs pip.
  • Installs and activates protoc_plugin for Dart.
  • Creates .starterDependenciesInstalled file next to proto file just to keep tract of the fact that dependencies have been installed and do not repeat the heavy process again.
  1. (Re)creates Dart and Python gRPC client/server bindings and puts the to corresponding folders (lib/grpc_generated for Flutter and Python root).
  2. Flutter part:
  • Adds grpc, protobuf, path, path_provider packages to pubspec.yaml.
  • Disables sandbox for macOS platform project in order to enable network communication and make gRPC calls possible. For that "macos/Runner/DebugProfile.entitlements" and "macos/Runner/Release.entitlements" files are updated with com.apple.security.app-sandbox set to false.
  • Creates client helpers client.dart, client_native.dart and client_web.dart files that wrap gRPC client instantiation for different platforms.
    • client.dart needs to be updated manually after creation.
    • Generation done once.
  • Creates helpers to init and run Python executable from the assets.
    • init_py.dart, init_py_native.dart and init_py_web.dart.
    • Generation done once.
  • Creates py_file_info.dart defining Python executable name and it's version that is currently stored in the assets.
    • Regenereated/rewritten on each source prate and build.
  1. Creates template server.py file that runs self-hosted gRPC server, it needs to be updated to host the actual service.

Script parameters:

  • --proto - points to gRPC PROTO definition of the service.
  • --flutterDir - location of Flutter app, .dart stubs will be created at $flutterDir/lib/grpc_generated.
  • --pythonDir - location of Python project.
  • --exeName (optional) - name of the executable to build Python app into using PyInstaller, defaults to 'server_py_flutter'. Must be unique enough since server lifecycle management logic will be using the name to kill any processes with the name on app close (or start - to garbage collect). When building '_win', '_osx' and '_lnx' postfixes are added automatically based on platform.

Upon successful completion you'd get Dart/Flutter and Python bindings have been generated for 'service.proto' definition message

2. Manual steps

  1. Implement the actual service in Python module.
  • Implement the service using generated stubs, add gRPC generated imports with required definitions:
from grpc import service_pb2_grpc
from grpc import service_pb2
  • Update server.py to host the implemented service
  1. Update Flutter app to use generated Dart client to call the service.
  • Add init to main.dart, e.g.
Future<void> pyInitResult = Future(() => null);

void main() {
  pyInitResult = initPy();
  runApp(const MainApp());

Please note that it is suggested not to await 'init' in the main function, but rather to have the app start and let Python run in parallel. Besides, you can handle 'future' errors later. E.g. you can use FutureBuilder somewhere in the widget tree to display loading spinner and error message.

  • Add Python executable shutdown request in app exit, e.g.:
class MainAppState extends State<MainApp> with WidgetsBindingObserver {
  Future<AppExitResponse> didRequestAppExit() {
    return super.didRequestAppExit();

  void initState() {
  • Use gRPC clients that were generated for you and put to ./lib/grpc_generated/*.pdgrpc.dart files. Use getClientChannel() method from client.dart as constructor parameter when creating client:
  1. For iOS, to let the app connect to remote gRPC server, in ios/Runner/Info.plist add this:

3. Bundling Python

Run ./bundle-python.sh --flutterDir ./app --pythonDir ./server in terminal. You can pass --nuitka flag to use Nuitka compiler instead of PyInstaller. It can provide better performance at a cost of lower stability.

On Windows:

  • Use Git Bash.

On Linux:

  • Use ./bundle-python.sh --flutterDir ./app --pythonDir ./server.
  • Be ready to enter sudo password when protoc compiler will be installed via apt.

What it does:

  1. Builds server.py via PyInstaller into a single executable file using the name defined in --exeName parameter (defaults to 'server_py_flutter')
  • '_win', '_osx' and '_lnx' postfixes are added automatically to --exeName based on the platform.
  1. Copies the generated executable into $flutterDir/assets/ folder.
  2. Adds the asset to pubspec.yaml.
  3. Updates py_file_info.dart with the name and version of the bundled Python executable.

When building Flutter app you can override host and port via --dart-define, e.g.: flutter build macos --dart-define port=8080 --dart-define host=ajax.com This is needed when building Web and mobile clients to allow the use of a remote server.

4. Debugging & troubleshooting

  1. You can skip running the server from Flutter assets and configure the app to connect to a local server. You can pass true as an argument to Future<void> initPy([bool doNoStartPy = false]) OR create a separate launch.json config and use --dart-define to set this flag (see example). E.g. the following config is automatically recognized via initPy():
    "toolArgs": [ "--dart-define", "useRemote=true", ]
  • You can run server via debugger (or without via python3 server.py) and start Flutter app, they will both use localhost:50055 by default.
  • Building and bundling Python executable can be slow.
  1. To easily test the gRPC server you can run it with Python and use grpcurl or evans command line client, e.g.
evans service.proto --port 50055
call SortNumbers
1, 2, 3 -> Ctrl+D
  1. To test gRPC Web locally you can use gRPC-Web-Proxy binary like that: ./grpcwebproxy-v0.15.0-osx-x86_64 --backend_addr=localhost:50055 --backend_tls_noverify --allow_all_origins Binaries can be downloaded from here: https://github.com/improbable-eng/grpc-web/releases - note that they are not signed and on Mac you will need to check Security settings and allow it to run

  2. When playing with servers (built binary or started via python interpreter) watch out for running the server on one port multiple times. You might get errors. You can use the following command to kill processes used by default by this starter kit: kill -9 $(lsof -ti:50055,8080).

  3. Manually start the generated Python binary from Flutter's ./assets folder to test it for any issues (what if it crashes).

Remote server, Android and iOS client, Web client and gRPC Proxy

You can target any client to use remote server, though it is specifically useful with mobile and Web as they can't bundle standalone Python server.

To do so you have 2 options:

  1. defaultPort and defaultHost variables in the generated cleint.dart - these define the defaults for server address.
  2. You can override them at build/runtime via --dart-define flags, e.g.:
    flutter build macos --dart-define port=50055 --dart-define host=ajax.com.

Web clients can't work over HTTP2 and require a proxy in front of gRPC server. As of 2023, there is no work in progress on a Python proxy (Sonora doesn't work with Dart client). The 2 options are Envoy suggested by Google and gRPC Web.


  • No cross-compilation, Windows, macOS and Linux are required for the build.
  • Boilerplate works on with one .proto file. In real projects, there can be multiple proto files/services, and scripts may require manual updates.
  • Nuitka, while being a compiled and faster version, can be tricky and unstable. I.e., while building the example, I achieved a successful compilation; however, upon running the binary, I received an error stating that the numpy import was not found. Only pip3 install --upgrade numpy helped solve the issues.
    • As of Sept 2023 Python 3.11 + Nuitka 1.8 example works on macOS and Windows. On Linux, the binary throws an error when run.
  • Linux - only Ubuntu was tested.
  • When using VSCode and having multiple Python installed, make sure you pick the right one (same used for running scripts and for debugging/editing). I.e., if default system Python interpreter is different from the one picked in VSCode, you can get all sorts of IDE issues, such as warnings from PyLace, failed debugging etc.:
    • Click Python version at the bottom (), in the popup window, check that you got the right Python (recomended in my case was not chosen).