
A Python API wrapper for

GPL-3.0 License


Python FreeDNS Client

This is a Python wrapper for, which allows for the free registration of subdomains.


  • Login with existing account
  • Send account creation email
  • Get domains in the registry
  • Get subdomains in an account
  • Create a new subdomain record
  • Update subdomain records


You can install this library using the following command:

pip3 install freedns-client


Using the Client:

The freedns.Client object does not take any arguments.

import freedns
client = freedns.Client()

Request a Captcha:

Whenever a captcha is needed, you can request it from the server using client.get_captcha. It accepts no arguments, and returns the bytes of a PNG image containing the captcha.

Logging In:

You can log into an existing account with the client.login function. It takes the following arguments:

  • username - The username/email of the account to log into.
  • password - The password of the account.

If the login fails, the library will raise a RuntimeError with the error message reported by FreeDNS.

Signing Up (Captcha Required):

You can send an activation email using client.create_account, which accepts the following arguments:

  • captcha_code - The solution for the last captcha requested.
  • firstname - The first name associated with the account.
  • lastname - The last name associated with the account.
  • username - The new account's username.
  • password - The new account's password.
  • email - The email used for login and verification.

After recieving the activation email, you can run client.activate_account, which accepts the following arugments:

  • activation_code - The activation code that you recieved in your email. This should be the random string of letters at the end of the activation URL. For example, klsEii2txkW7Wa9DgGaaG6s8 would be the activation code for this URL:

Fetching the Domain Registry:

You can query the public domain registry using client.get_registry. It accepts the following optional arguments:

  • page = 1 - Which page of results to start at.
  • sort = 5 - The sort mode to use (details below).
  • query = None - The search query to use.

Sort modes:

  1. Domain Name
  2. Status, Age
  3. Domain Owner
  4. Age
  5. Popularity
  6. Domain Length, Popularity

Any other value will default to sorting by popularity.

The function returns a dictionary consisting of some metadata, as well as a list of domains.

>> client.get_registry()
>>> client.get_registry(page=10)
{'domains_info': {'page_start': 901, 'page_end': 1000, 'total': 32715}, 'pages_info': {'current_page': 11, 'total_pages': 328}, 'domains': [{'domain': '', 'id': 167443, 'hosts': 139, 'status': 'public', 'owner_name': 'mwong', 'owner_id': 53163, 'age': 6045, 'created': '03/11/2007'}, ...]}

List Subdomains in an Account (Auth Needed):

You can list the subdomains registered to your account using client.get_subdomains. The function takes no arguments.

>> client.get_subdomains()
[{'subdomain': '', 'id': '34523523', 'type': 'CNAME', 'destination': ''}, ...]

This function returns a list of dictionaries representing each subdomain.

Get a Subdomain's Details (Auth Needed):

To get the details for a specific subdomain, use client.get_subdomain_details. The function takes the following arguments:

  • subdomain_id - The ID of the subdomain you are querying. You can find this with client.get_subdomains.

The function will return a dict with the subdomain details.

>> client.get_subdomain_details(20123422)
{'type': 'A', 'subdomain': 'subdomain', 'domain': '', 'domain_id': 435322, 'destination': '', 'wildcard': False}

Register a New Subdomain (Auth+Captcha Needed):

Use the client.create_subdomain function to register a new subdomain. The function accepts the following arguments:

  • captcha_code - The solution for the last captcha requested.
  • record_type - The type of record to create (for example CNAME or A).
  • subdomain - The subdomain to create (does not include the domain name).
  • domain_id - The ID of the domain to use. You can get this with client.get_registry, as documented earlier.
  • destination - The destination for the record.

The function will not return anything on success, but it'll raise a RuntimeError if the subdomain creation has failed.

Update a Subdomain (Auth+Captcha Needed):

Use the client.update_subdomain function to update an existing subdomain. The function accepts the following arguments:

  • subdomain_id - The ID of the subdomain to modify.
  • captcha_code - The solution for the last captcha requested.
  • record_type = None - The record type.
  • subdomain = None - The subdomain to use.
  • domain_id = None - The ID of the domain to use.
  • destination = None - The destination for the record.

If you don't supply one of the optional arguments, then the value won't change. If the operation fails, a RuntimeError will be raised.


This program is licensed under the GNU GPL v3. All code has been written by me, ading2210.

Copyright Notice:

ading2210/freedns-client: a Python API wrapper for
Copyright (C) 2023 ading2210

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.