
If Funcy and Pipe had a baby. Decorates all Funcy methods with Pipe superpowers.

MIT License


Funcy with pipeline-based operators

If Funcy and Pipe had a baby. Deal with data transformation in python in a sane way.

I love Ruby. It's a great language and one of the things they got right was pipelined data transformation. Elixir got this even more right with the explicit pipeline operator |>.

However, Python is the way of the future. As I worked more with Python, it was driving me nuts that the data transformation options were not chainable.

This project fixes this pet peeve.


pip install funcy-pipe

Or, if you are using poetry:

poetry add funcy-pipe


Extract a couple key values from a sql alchemy model:

import funcy_pipe as fp

  | fp.lmap(lambda r: r.to_dict())
  | fp.lmap(lambda r: r | fp.omit(["id", "created_at", "updated_at"]))
  | fp.to_list

Or, you can be more fancy and use whatever and pmap:

import funcy_pipe as f
import whatever as _

  | fp.lmap(_.to_dict)
  | fp.pmap(fp.omit(["id", "created_at", "updated_at"]))
  | fp.to_list

Create a map from an array of objects, ensuring the key is always an int:

section_map = api.get_sections() | fp.group_by(f.compose(int,

Grab the ID of a specific user:

filter_user_id = (
  | fp.where(email=target_user)
  | fp.pluck("id")
  | fp.first()

Get distinct values from a list (in this case, github events):

events = [
    "type": "PushEvent"
    "type": "CommentEvent"

result = events | fp.pluck("type") | fp.distinct() | fp.to_list()

assert ["PushEvent", "CommentEvent"] == result

What if the objects are not dicts?

filter_user_id = (
  | fp.where_attr(email=target_user)
  | fp.pluck_attr("id")
  | fp.first()

How about creating a dict where each value is sorted:

  # each element is a dict of city information, let's group by state
  | fp.group_by(itemgetter("state_name"))
  # now let's sort each value by population, which is stored as a string
  | fp.walk_values(
    f.partial(sorted, reverse=True, key=lambda c: int(c["population"])),

A more complicated example (lifted from this project):

comments = (
    # tasks are pulled from the todoist api
    # get all comments for each relevant task
    | fp.lmap(lambda task: api.get_comments(
    # each task's comments are returned as an array, let's flatten this
    | fp.flatten()
    # dates are returned as strings, let's convert them to datetime objects
    | fp.lmap(enrich_date)
    # no date filter is applied by default, we don't want all comments
    | fp.lfilter(lambda comment: comment["posted_at_date"] > last_synced_date)
    # comments do not come with who created the comment by default, we need to hit a separate API to add this to the comment
    | fp.lmap(enrich_comment)
    # only select the comments posted by our target user
    | fp.lfilter(lambda comment: comment["posted_by_user_id"] == filter_user_id)
    # there is no `sort` in the funcy library, so we reexport the sort built-in so it's pipe-able
    | fp.sort(key="posted_at_date")
    # create a dictionary of task_id => [comments]
    | fp.group_by(lambda comment: comment["task_id"])

Want to grab the values of a list of dict keys?

def add_field_name(input: dict, keys: list[str]) -> dict:
    return input | {
        "field_name": (
            # this is a sneaky trick: if we reference the objects method, when it's called it will contain a reference
            # to the object
            | fp.compact
            | fp.join_str("_")

result = [{ "category": "python", "header": "functional"}] |, ["category", "header"])) | fp.to_list
assert result == [{'category': 'python', 'header': 'functional', 'field_name': 'python_functional'}]

You can also easily test multiple conditions across API data (extracted from this project)

all_checks_successful = (
    | fp.pluck_attr("conclusion")
    # if you pass a set into `all` each element of the set is used to build a predicate
    # this condition tests if the "conclusion" attribute is either "success" or "skipped"
    | fp.all({"success", "skipped"})

Want to grab the values of a list of dict keys?

def add_field_name(input: dict, keys: list[str]) -> dict:
    return input | {
        "field_name": (
            # this is a sneaky trick: if we reference the objects method, when it's called it will contain a reference
            # to the object
            | fp.compact
            | fp.join_str("_")

result = [{ "category": "python", "header": "functional"}] |, ["category", "header"])) | fp.to_list
assert result == [{'category': 'python', 'header': 'functional', 'field_name': 'python_functional'}]

You can also easily group dictionaries by a key (or arbitrary function):

import operator

result = [{"age": 10, "name": "Alice"}, {"age": 12, "name": "Bob"}] | fp.group_by(operator.itemgetter("age"))
assert result == {10: [{'age': 10, 'name': 'Alice'}], 12: [{'age': 12, 'name': 'Bob'}]}


  • to_list
  • log
  • bp. run breakpoint() on the input value
  • sort
  • exactly_one. Throw an error if the input is not exactly one element
  • reduce
  • pmap. Pass each element of a sequence into a pipe'd function


There are some functions which are not yet merged upstream into funcy, and may never be. You can patch funcy to add them using:

import funcy_pipe

Coming From Ruby?

  • uniq => distinct
  • detect => where(some="Condition") | first or where_attr(some="Condition") | first
  • inverse => complement
  • times => repeatedly

Module Alias

Create a module alias for funcy-pipe to make things clean (import * always irks me):

from funcy_pipe import *

# code py
import fp



  • tests
  • docs for additional utils
  • fix typing threading
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Release Notes Downloads Python Versions License: MIT