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Data-Driven, Bottom-up, Asynchronous Federated Learning

Federated learning (FL) is a distributed machine learning approach that can train a model on decentralized sets of data without the data ever leaving their host devices. The predominant FL model is the Google FL protocol (GFL), which is a top-down, synchronous and time-division resource allocation system. It faces several issues, such as increased bias in selecting data and inability to scale beyond a small number of devices. In this project, we design and investigate an alternative FL architecture to address the challenges of GFL. Our system is a bottom-up, data-driven, asynchronous resource allocation system, that maximizes key resources consisting of samples, computation, and bandwidth.

Terminal commands

I ran all the tests using 2 nodes. Run these on separate terminals:

python -me localhost:5000 -leader localhost:5000 -them localhost:5001 
python -me localhost:5001 -leader localhost:5000 -them localhost:5000

Tuning parameters and settings

For most of the tests, the for loop in will run the experiments on loop and so we just read the output for the results of all 10 tests.

The for loop and surrounding code are designed to stop each node until the other node is done with their experiment and reached convergence. However, at this current state, we do not support more than 2 nodes. Take a look at whereever we write the MLThread.close to see how we coordinate between the ends of two nodes. That will help you see how to code this to deal with more than 2 nodes.


We have the iid way of partitioning and the non-iid way. The default is the non-iid since that is what federated learning data is like. To set as iid partitioning, find this line in and change the last argument to False.

node = initialize_current_node(pending_work_queues, 'MNIST', './data', False)

How to set one device to be slower

Go to Uncomment this line:

if self.ip_addr == 'localhost:5000':

This makes the 'localhost:5000' or other hardcoded addresses of your choice SLEEP for 1 second before sending out an update.

How to set model for synchronicity or asynchronicity

Go to Uncomment the top code and comment out bottom code for synchronicity. Uncomment the bottom code and comment out top code for asynchronicity.

while self.pending_work_queues.total_no_of_updates < len(self.pending_work_queues.other_hosts):
while self.pending_work_queues.total_no_of_updates > 0:

Switching between naive averaging and our BiasControl alg

Go to and find the get_alphas function declaration. Use this line for naive averaging

return [1.00/len(v)] * len(v)

and this for our get_weights:

return get_weights(v)