MIT License


Gated Additive Tree Ensemble(GATE)

We propose a novel high-performance, parameter and computationally efficient deep learning architecture for tabular data, Gated Additive Tree Ensemble(GATE). GATE uses a gating mechanism, inspired from GRU, as a feature representation learning unit with an in-built feature selection mechanism. We combine it with an ensemble of differentiable, non-linear decision trees, re-weighted with simple self-attention to predict our desired output. We demonstrate that GATE is a competitive alternative to SOTA approaches like GBDTs, NODE, FT Transformers, etc. by experiments on several public datasets (both classification and regression). We have released the code under the MIT license. arxiv Paper


Although the PyTorch Tabular (which is a dependency) installation includes PyTorch, the best and recommended way is to first install PyTorch from here, picking up the right CUDA version for your machine.

Once, you have got Pytorch installed, clone the repository and run the following command:

 pip install -r requirements.txt

to install the all the dependencies.

Usage is the main file of the GATE package. It is a python script that can be used to train GATE models and replicate the r=experiments.

The file can be used as a command line tool as well as programatically to train GATE models. run function inside takes the following arguments:

usage: [-h] [-cft none] [-ncf True] [-lr 0.001] [-alr False] [-bs 1024] [-e 100] [-es True] [-gpu True] [-o adam] [-wd 1e-05] [-lrs cosine] [-fau 6] [-fadp 0.0] [-nt 20] [-td 6] [-twa True] [-twd 0.0] [-fmf entmax] [-ba entmoid] [-tdr 0.0] [-shw False]
               [-ctree True] [-bnci False] [-drop 0.0] [-te False]
               [{FOREST,CLICK,MICROSOFT,YEAR,A9A}] [checkpoints_path] [experiment_name]

positional arguments:
                        Dataset to use
  checkpoints_path      [saved_checkpoints/]
  experiment_name       <class 'str'>

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -cft none, --continuous-feature-transform none
                        Continuous feature transform to use
  -ncf True, --normalize-continuous-features True
                        Normalize continuous features
  -lr 0.001, --learning-rate 0.001
                        Learning rate
  -alr False, --auto-lr-find False
                        Auto lr find
  -bs 1024, --batch-size 1024
                        Batch size
  -e 100, --max-epochs 100
                        Max epochs
  -es valid_loss, --early-stopping valid_loss
                        Early stopping. The metric to monitor for early stopping
  -gpu True, --use-gpu True
                        Use GPU
  -o adam, --optimizer adam
  -wd 1e-05, --weight-decay 1e-05
                        Weight decay
  -lrs cosine, --learning-rate-scheduler cosine
                        LR scheduler
  -fau 6, --gflu-stages 6
                        Feature abstraction stages
  -fadp 0.0, --gflu-dropout 0.0
                        Feature abstraction dropout
  -nt 20, --num-trees 20
                        Num trees
  -td 6, --tree-depth 6
                        Depth of Trees
  -twa True, --tree-wise-attention True
                        Tree wise attention
  -twd 0.0, --tree-wise-attention-dropout 0.0
                        Dropout for Tree wise attention
  -fmf entmax, --feature-mask-function entmax
                        Feature mask function
  -ba entmoid, --binning-activation entmoid
                        Binning activation
  -tdr 0.0, --tree-dropout 0.0
                        Tree dropout
  -shw False, --share-head-weights False
                        Share head weights
  -ctree True, --chain-trees True
                        Chain trees
  -bnci False, --batch-norm-continuous-input False
                        Batch norm continuous
  -drop 0.0, --dropout 0.0
  -te False, --track-experiment False
                        Track experiment


The code for the GATE model is inside gate folder. GATE uses PyTorch Tabular to load the data and train the model.

  - - Has all the core code for the GATE model.
  - - Has all the configurations for the GATE model.
  - - Has all the utility functions for the GATE model.
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