
Generalized Caching Solution

MIT License



Gecaso allows you to cache any function with ease.

Table of contents


  • Simple outside: Requires little to no code to start caching. Plug in and enjoy.
  • Complex inside: Worry not about dog-pile effect or the varying key size.
  • Asyncio-ready: Works out of the box for both functions and coroutines. Any back-end can be used asynchronously.
  • Flexible Caching: Data can be cached per function to different back-ends and with different parameters.
  • Extensible Back-end: Create a custom storage for any backend with minimal effort.


Using default gecaso storages

import gecaso

@gecaso.cached(LRUStorage(maxsize=16), ttl=100)
def long_and_boring_function(time_to_sleep):
    return f'I have slept for {time_to_sleep} second(s)!'

Creating custom storage

Lets say you want to cache the result of some of your functions using Redis. All you need to do is write a simple class in which you specify the steps for setting and getting data from redis.

  1. Create a Redis storage:
import redis
import gecaso

class RedisStorage(gecaso.BaseStorage):
    def __init__(self, redis_url):
        self._storage = redis.from_url(redis_url)

    async def get(self, key):
        value, params = gecaso.unpack(self._storage[key])
        return value

    async def set(self, key, value, **params):
        self._storage[key] = gecaso.pack(value, **params)

    async def remove(self, *keys):

redis_storage = RedisStorage('valid_redis_url')
  1. Set your cache for any function you want:
@gecaso.cached(redis_storage, some_additional_cool_param='Hell yeah!')
def long_and_boring_function(time_to_sleep):
    return f'I have slept for {time_to_sleep} second(s)!'


Install gecaso with pip:

    pip install gecaso

Note that at the time, gecaso only supports versions of python that are >=3.5

Usage Guide

Gecaso was created to be a simple solution that can be easily extended to cover any needs of its users. Below is everything there is to know about using Gecaso.

"gecaso.cached" function

This function is a wrapper that helps to set up cache for any synchronus or asynchronous function. It takes single positional argument, which must be an instance of class that is inherited from BaseStorage. It can also optionally be provided with a keyword argument loop which must be an instance of an event loop. Has two keyword arguments: _loop (event loop used by wrapper) and _hash_key (default is "True"; if true, key will have fixed size of 65 symbols). Any additional keyword arguments provided will be passed to every specified storage with every set call.

"gecaso.BaseStorage" class

Any storage provided to "cached" function should be inherited from this class. Base storage has 6 methods.

  • get(self, key): Abstract method that should be overridden. Must be asynchronous. MUST raise KeyError if key is not present in storage. If data was packed using gecaso.pack function before being stored, it must be unpacked using gecaso.unpack function.

  • set(self, key, value, **params): Abstract method that should be overridden. Must be asynchronous. It is recommended to pack provided value using gecaso.pack function before storing it in storage.

  • remove(self, *keys): Abstract method that should be overridden. Must be asynchronous. Should delete every key that is passed in keys parameter and exists in storage.

Helper functions

  • gecaso.pack(value, **params): Returns representation of object with fields named data and params as bytes object. Useful when creating a custom storage as it allows to store almost anything as 'bytes'.

  • gecaso.unpack(value): Unpacks bytes object that was packed with pack method and returns tuple(data, params).

Default storages

  • gecaso.MemoryStorage storages all the data in RAM. Can be used as a default storage.
  • gecaso.LRUStorage is a simplified implementation that provides LRU cache functionality. Storage passed to its __init__() method will be used used to store values. This effectively allows to wrap any preexisting storage in gecaso.LRUStorage to get LRU cache functionality for that storage.

Storage creation

The process of using gecaso library usually includes creating a storage that fits your specific task the most. Here is a step by step example that should help you understand this process.

Lets say that we want to have a simple in-memory cache. Here are the steps we would take:

  1. Import gecaso and create the base of our class:
import gecaso

class LocalMemoryStorage(gecaso.BaseStorage):
    def __init__(self):
        self._storage = dict()  # Python's dict is a nice basic storage of data
  1. Override async methods set, get and remove of gecaso.BaseStorage:
    async def set(self, key, value):  # We don't want any additional parameters
        params = dict()
        self._storage[key] = gecaso.pack(value, **params)

    async def get(self, key): = self._storage[key]  # If key is not present this will raise KeyError
        value, params = gecaso.unpack(self._storage[key])
        return value

    async def remove(self, *keys):
        for key in keys:
            self._storage.pop(key, None)  # Not going to throw error if some of the keys do not exists

And now we're done! After the storage class has been created, all that is left to do is create an instance of this class and provide it to cached decorator whenever it is being called:

local_storage = LocalMemoryStorage()

def foo(bar):