create python virtual environments with specified dependencies already installed

MIT License



This command line utility tool allows you to create python virtual environements with dependencies you want already installed easily!


  • You can create virtual environments with pre-installed packages that you specify on command line
  • Instead of providing package name on command line, you can add a template.txt file containing
    names of packages you want intalled.
  • Install packages in already existing virtual environments without having to activate them
  • You can create virtual environments with no packages installed.

How it works

Essentially, the process of virtual environments creation and installation of packages is done in the bash script The bash script is called as a subprocess in the python file. Click is used to provide a CLI interface and collect arguments from the command line to pass into bash script when its being called.


  • Install with pip
pip install genenv


  1. if you specify package names on command line and template.txt file exits, template.txt file will be ignored.
  2. if no template.txt file or package name(s) are provided on command line as arguments, you'll recieve prompt if you still
    want to proceed to create virtual environment with no preinstalled dependencies.
  3. To use contents of template.txt file , do not provide any package names after you specify environment name

Creating a virtual environment with name meseeks with django and flask installed

  • specifying dependecies on command line
genenv -n meseeks flask django

Creating a virtual environment with name meseeks with dependencies specified in template.txt file

  • create a file with name template.txt in same directory you will run command
  • Add package names to it
genenv -n meseeks

It detects and reads contents template.txt file then installs package names specified inside. If template.txt file is available and empty, environemnt is created with no installed dependencies.

Installing dependecies/packages in already existing virtual environment

  • specify the name option flag as the name of the environment you want to install package in
  • if you want to install numpy in an existing virtual environment called pluto

    make sure youre in directory that venv is located then run

genenv -n pluto  numpy
  • run genenv --help to bring up help menu
Usage: genenv [OPTIONS] [DEPENDENCIES]...

  specify package names after name flag to install them,read documentation for
  how that works

  -n, --name TEXT  provide name to be used for your virtual environment
  --help           Show this message and exit.


  • Fork this repository to your GitHub account.
  • Clone the forked repository to your local machine.
  • Create a new branch for the feature you want to work on.
  • Make your contributions.
  • Push your local branch to your remote repository.
  • Open a pull request to the develop branch of this repository.

Setting up the tool for local development

  • Clone this repository to your local machine.

  • Create a virtual environment for your project and activate it. Install all dependencies from requirements.txt file.

  • In the root directory of the project, develop the project locally from the setup configuration.

python3 develop
  • you can now run commands using genenv