
A Python script for bulk-generating Stripe coupons and promotion codes


Generate Stripe coupons + promo codes

A small script to generate a Stripe coupon and promotion codes, and save them to a CSV file.

Thing I learned while making this that might be worth you knowing: Stripe coupons and promotion codes are different things. A coupon is what you see on your end as a seller of a product, and a promotion code is what your users see. So, you can have a bunch of different promotion codes attached to one coupon, and each of those promotion codes gives you whatever value the coupon has.

When I first made this repo, I just had it generate 1000 coupons and save it to a CSV, and now I know that I actually needed to make one coupon, with 1000 promo codes. If you actually want to bulk-generate coupons, you could go to the git history and find that script version. Good luck!

Running it

To run the script, follow these steps:

  1. Run pip install stripe in your terminal to install the Stripe library.
  2. Replace <YOUR_STRIPE_SECRET_KEY> in the script with your actual Stripe secret key. You can find your Stripe secret key in the Stripe dashboard. This is not your public-facing key!
  3. Replace Unique Coupon with the name of the coupon you want for each coupon. You can also edit the amount_off variable to however much off you want to offer (currently it's $20 off).
  4. Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the directory where this repo is cloned.
  5. Execute the script by running the command python in the terminal.
  6. Wait for the script to complete. It will create a coupon with 1000 unique promo codes and save them to a CSV file named promotion_codes.csv in the same directory as the script.
  7. After the script finishes running, you will see the output message A total of X promo codes have been generated and saved to promotion_codes.csv.

Make sure you have appropriate permissions to read and write files in the directory where the script is located.

Note: Ensure that the Python version you are using is compatible with the stripe library.