
Code related to the article "Database generated columns ⁽¹⁾: Django & SQLite" (, to be used to experiment with the new `GeneratedField` added in Django 5.0.

MIT License


Django Generated Fields examples

Code related to the article Database generated columns ⁽¹⁾: Django & SQLite, to be used to experiment with the new GeneratedField added in Django 5.0.

View of clouds over the Labrador Peninsula (Canada) taken from a commercial flight.

💻 Set Up

⚗️ Virtual environment

Creating and activating the virtual environment:

$ python3 -m venv .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate

🦄 Django

Installing the latest version of Django (tested with Django 5.0-5.1):

$ python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

🐚 Shell

Start the shell with the command:

$ python -m manage shell

🔬 Tests

Running the defined tests:

$ python -m manage test

⚖️ License

The Django Generated Fields examples project is licensed under the MIT License.

👥 Authors

👤 Paolo Melchiorre

Extracted from project README
© 2023 Paolo Melchiorre “View of clouds over the Labrador Peninsula (Canada) taken from a commercial flight.”