
A bot to receive the id of every Telegram chat

MIT License




A bot to receive the id of every Telegram chat

You can check our bot here.


  1. Clone the repository
git clone

Setting up Environment Variables

To set up the environment variables for the project, follow these steps:

  1. Copy the .env.example file:
cp .env.example .env
  1. Edit the .env file:

    • Open the .env file in a text editor of your choice.

    • Replace the placeholder values with your actual credentials. You can obtain these credentials from the following sources:

    • Telegram Credentials:

      • TELEGRAM_API_ID and TELEGRAM_API_HASH: Obtain from
      • TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN: Create a new bot on BotFather.
      • TG_GROUP_TOPIC_ID: ID of the Telegram group where the bot will operate.
      • ADMINS: A comma-separated list of Telegram user IDs that will be granted admin privileges.
      • LIMIT_SPAM: the number of the messages that can be sent in a minute.
  2. Save the .env file:

    • After editing, save the changes to the .env file.

By completing these steps, your environment variables will be properly configured for the project.


Clone the repository to your local machine. Then, build the Docker image using the following command:

If you want to rebuild the image, you can use the --build flag to force a rebuild: If you want to run the bot in the background, you can use the -d flag:

docker compose up


This project was created by @yehudalev.