
Visualize git history in a sunburst chart

GPL-3.0 License


In admiration of the Baobab, the African tree of life: the baobab scripts visualize life in a git repository as a sunburst-style hot-cold map, similar to Disk Usage Analyzer.

 git clone /path/to/git-baobab
 ll /path/to/git-baobab/git-baobab*
-rwxr-xr-x  1 user  staff    19K Jul  2 13:11 git-baobab
-rwxr-xr-x  1 user  staff    20K Jul  2 14:14 git-baobab-me

They can run standalone or as a dedicated sub-command within git. For that just copy or symlink them somewhere in your PATH.


Shows accumulated changes in a git repository between current HEAD and the given since revision.

 ln -s /path/to/git-baobab/git-baobab /usr/local/bin/git-baobab
 git baobab -h
usage: git-baobab-me [...] since


Shows accumulated changes in a git repository for the given author until the current HEAD revision. Leaf nodes link to the list of individual commits on GitHub. It requires author to be given by their e-mail address and the remote origin to point to a GitHub repository.

 ln -s /path/to/git-baobab/git-baobab-me /usr/local/bin/git-baobab-me
 git baobab-me -h
usage: git-baobab-me [...] author


 git clone
 cd llvm-project
 git log -1 --oneline 2cf681a11aea
2cf681a11ae Creating release_90 branch off revision 366426
 git checkout 2cf681a11aea
 git merge-base HEAD origin/release/8.x
 git baobab 7b5565418f4d --cpp -exclude "/(test|unittest|unittests)/"
Commits 7b5565418f4d..2cf681a11aea
Filter matches 11896 tracked files
4879337 lines today, 647882 insertions / deletions
Export chart to /var/folders/2k/myk8kt8d4f52dzr19331wtxr0000gn/T/tmps7oukjk2.html
Show in browser? [Y/n] y

Click on the image to open the original interactive output:

The example shows the accumulated changes in C++ files outside tests since Release 8.0 branched on Jan 16, 2019. The size of an arc represents the amount of change in a file/directory relative to its sibling files/directories. The color of an arc indicates the amount of change relative to its line count today. The amount of change is the sum of insertions and deletions.


Reduced help page

usage: git-baobab [-h] [-filter .*] [-exclude .*]
                  [-o <random temporary>] [-b] [-v] [-vv]
                  [<file extension filters>]
                  [<artifact options>]

git baobab: explore changes in a sunburst chart

positional arguments:
  since                 The git commit to start the analysis from

optional arguments:
  -h                    show this help message and exit
  -filter .*            Add the given regex to the file filter
  -exclude ^$           Exclude matching files from the file filter
  -o <random temporary>
  -b                    Run in batch mode
                        Set specific path for HTML output file
  -v                    Dump invoked git commands
  -vv                   Dump invoked git commands and output

include files with extensions:
  --actionscript        as, mxml
  --ada                 ada, adb, ads
  --asciidoc            adoc, ad, asc, asciidoc
  --apl                 apl
  --asm                 asm, s
  --asp                 asp, asa, aspx, asax, ashx, ascx, asmx
  --aspx                asp, asa, aspx, asax, ashx, ascx, asmx
  --batch               bat, cmd
  --bitbake             bb, bbappend, bbclass, inc
  --bro                 bro, bif
  --cc                  c, h, xs
  --cfmx                cfc, cfm, cfml
  --chpl                chpl
  --clojure             clj, cljs, cljc, cljx
  --coffee              coffee, cjsx
  --config              config
  --coq                 coq, g, v
  --cpp                 cpp, cc, C, cxx, m, hpp, hh, h, H, hxx, tpp
  --crystal             cr, ecr
  --csharp              cs
  --cshtml              cshtml
  --css                 css
  --cython              pyx, pxd, pxi
  --delphi              pas, int, dfm, nfm, dof, dpk, dpr, dproj, groupproj,
                        bdsgroup, bdsproj
  --dlang               d, di
  --dot                 dot, gv
  --dts                 dts, dtsi
  --ebuild              ebuild, eclass
  --elisp               el
  --elixir              ex, eex, exs
  --elm                 elm
  --erlang              erl, hrl
  --factor              factor
  --fortran             f, F, f77, f90, F90, f95, f03, for, ftn, fpp, FPP
  --fsharp              fs, fsi, fsx
  --gettext             po, pot, mo
  --glsl                vert, tesc, tese, geom, frag, comp
  --go                  go
  --groovy              groovy, gtmpl, gpp, grunit, gradle
  --haml                haml
  --handlebars          hbs
  --haskell             hs, hsig, lhs
  --haxe                hx
  --hh                  h
  --html                htm, html, shtml, xhtml
  --idris               idr, ipkg, lidr
  --ini                 ini
  --ipython             ipynb
  --isabelle            thy
  --j                   ijs
  --jade                jade
  --java                java, properties
  --jinja2              j2
  --js                  es6, js, jsx, vue
  --json                json
  --jsp                 jsp, jspx, jhtm, jhtml, jspf, tag, tagf
  --julia               jl
  --kotlin              kt
  --less                less
  --liquid              liquid
  --lisp                lisp, lsp
  --log                 log
  --lua                 lua
  --m4                  m4
  --make                Makefiles, mk, mak
  --mako                mako
  --markdown            markdown, mdown, mdwn, mkdn, mkd, md
  --mason               mas, mhtml, mpl, mtxt
  --matlab              m
  --mathematica         m, wl
  --md                  markdown, mdown, mdwn, mkdn, mkd, md
  --mercury             m, moo
  --naccess             asa, rsa
  --nim                 nim
  --nix                 nix
  --objc                m, h
  --objcpp              mm, h
  --ocaml               ml, mli, mll, mly
  --octave              m
  --org                 org
  --parrot              pir, pasm, pmc, ops, pod, pg, tg
  --pdb                 pdb
  --perl                pl, pm, pm6, pod, t
  --php                 php, phpt, php3, php4, php5, phtml
  --pike                pike, pmod
  --plist               plist
  --plone               pt, cpt, metadata, cpy, py, xml, zcml
  --powershell          ps1
  --proto               proto
  --ps1                 ps1
  --pug                 pug
  --puppet              pp
  --python              py
  --qml                 qml
  --racket              rkt, ss, scm
  --rake                Rakefile
  --razor               cshtml
  --restructuredtext    rst
  --rs                  rs
  --r                   r, R, Rmd, Rnw, Rtex, Rrst
  --rdoc                rdoc
  --ruby                rb, rhtml, rjs, rxml, erb, rake, spec
  --rust                rs
  --salt                sls
  --sass                sass, scss
  --scala               scala
  --scheme              scm, ss
  --shell               sh, bash, csh, tcsh, ksh, zsh, fish
  --smalltalk           st
  --sml                 sml, fun, mlb, sig
  --sql                 sql, ctl
  --stata               do, ado
  --stylus              styl
  --swift               swift
  --tcl                 tcl, itcl, itk
  --terraform           tf, tfvars
  --tex                 tex, cls, sty
  --thrift              thrift
  --tla                 tla
  --tt                  tt, tt2, ttml
  --toml                toml
  --ts                  ts, tsx
  --twig                twig
  --vala                vala, vapi
  --vb                  bas, cls, frm, ctl, vb, resx
  --velocity            vm, vtl, vsl
  --verilog             v, vh, sv, svh
  --vhdl                vhd, vhdl
  --vim                 vim
  --wix                 wxi, wxs
  --wsdl                wsdl
  --wadl                wadl
  --xml                 xml, dtd, xsl, xslt, xsd, ent, tld, plist, wsdl
  --yaml                yaml, yml
  --cmake               cmake, in (and CMakeLists.txt files)

customize artifacts:
                        URL to custom d3js variant (tested with v5)
                        URL to custom script that provides a `sha256()` function
                        (for GitHub integration)
                        URL to custom baobab-static.js
                        URL to custom baobab-static.css
Extracted from project README