
Automating all the little things I need to check in my repos.

MIT License



This is mainly for me, but it's a way of going through the Github repositories that you have access to, to check all the things you'd usually expect.

Because I've got like ~100 repos and keep changing how I do things, and it annoys me to work on an old one and hit all the weird edge cases I've fixed elsewhere.

Current Modules


  • Checks for a (valid-ish) config

Generic Things

  • Files you want gone
  • CODEOWNERS generation
  • generation of .github/FUNDING.yml

GitHub Actions

  • Checks for github actions tests and stuff

(GitHub) Issues

  • Checks for open Issues
  • Checks for open Pull Requests


Only runs if you've got Python.

  • Checks authors based on a list.
  • Check module name matches repo
  • TODO: Check for imports, maybe?
  • Checks it exists
  • Checks for max line length configuration
  • TODO: Checks for other things (typically I disable TODO's, IE W0501)


  • TODO: flesh this out
  • Checks for provider versions
  • Checks you have provider config for all your required providers.


  • Doesn't check for much - have moved this to github_actions


  • checks if you've got mkdocs-looking things and then makes sure you've got a github actions thing to run them


The config file is called github_linter.json - you can put it in the local dir or ~/.config/github_linter.json - I've included my configuration in the repository.

Each test module has its defaults, in the DEFAULT_CONFIG attribute.

For an example:

>>> import github_linter.tests.pyproject
>>> print(github_linter.tests.pyproject.DEFAULT_CONFIG)
{'build-system': ['flit_core.buildapi', 'poetry.core.masonry.api'], 'readme': ''}


Using a Personal Access Token (Recommended)

"github" : { 
    "token" : "<pat>"

Using username/password

"github" : { 
    "username" : "<your_username>", 
    "password" : "<your_password>" 

Set the following in your config file to bypass auth and YOLO it

"github" : { 
    "ignore_auth" : true 

Adding new test modules

  1. Add a module under github_linter/tests/
  2. Set CATEGORY: str = "nameofmodule" to a name which will go in the reports.
  3. Set LANGUAGES: List[str] = [] to a list of lower case languages, eg: python / javascript / rust / shell / "all" which matches all. This is based on GitHub's auto-detection.
  4. Call check functions check_<something>
  5. Call fix functions fix_<something>
  6. Import the module in tests/ as part of the big from . import () block.
  7. Eat cake.

Docker container

The container runs an entrypoint of poetry shell which puts you in an environment where the package and non-dev deps are installed.

The container name to pull is

Building the docker container

This should auto-build with github actions (soon!) but here's a handy command:

docker build -t '' .

Running things in the docker container

Running the web server.

docker run --rm -it \
* v "$(pwd)/github_linter.json:/home/useruser/github_linter.json" \
* p '8000:8000' \ \
    python -m github_linter.web
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