
Python Bluetooth controller for GoPro cameras with BLE connection



Python Bluetooth controller for GoPro cameras starting from the HERO5 Black (successfully tested with the HERO5 Black, HERO6 Black, HERO7 Black, MAX, HERO9 Black)

Important note regarding OpenGoPro:

GoPro released a proper BLE documentation over at opengopro and it matches what I've reverse engineered in the past. But they've done so much stuff I missed, such as getting the status of the camera and doing Protobuf decoding. Their examples are extremely well programmed too.

How to run:

First pairing:

Enable Wireless Connections on the GoPro and go to connect > connect new > GoPro APP

Then connect your device to the camera via Bluetooth.

On Windows, make sure when you connect to wait for the PC to successfully pair with the camera:

The camera should return to the last mode and exit the pairing screen.

Then run:


Then enter the commands.

>> record start
[recv] ...


Commands available:

  • record start
  • record stop
  • mode video
  • mode photo
  • mode multishot
  • poweroff
  • tag
  • wifi off
  • wifi on
  • set (will prompt you to enter settings)
  • exit (disconnect && exit)

Settings are parsed as constant strings from my library gopro-py-api.

Settings available:

  • video:
    • resolution
    • framerate
    • fov
    • lowlight
    • protune
    • white_balance
    • color
    • iso_limit
    • sharpness


Video demo

Pass a list of Bluetooth MAC addresses in the --address parameter to control multiple cameras.

Using via CLI:

By default this script runs in interactive mode, but to control camera aspects via the command line or a bash script pass --address and/or --command

Scripting possiblilities:

Commands can be passed using the --command parameter (multi camera supported)

python .\ --verbose --address "XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX" --command "record start"

python .\ --verbose --address "XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX" --command "wifi on"

What happened to the old version?

It relied on gatt library and bluetooth library, and it was a PITA to work on and install. I decided to move to bleak which works perfectly on Windows and Raspbian.
