
A tool to make disk images using GPT partitions self-verifiable, like isomd5sum

APACHE-2.0 License



A tool to make disk images using GPT_ partitions self-verifiable, like isomd5sum_.

Note this only works for read-only, immutable images!

.. _GPT: .. _isomd5sum:


.. When making changes to the quickstart code below, make sure 'tests/' is updated accordingly.

First, create an empty disk image::

$ truncate -s64M image.raw

Then, create a GPT partition table in it. Note, below we set an explicit label-id. In general, this should not be done and a random GUID will be generated. Simply remove the line.


$ sfdisk image.raw << EOF
label: gpt
label-id: 132e3631-1ec9-4411-ab25-9b95b54b0903
first-lba: 2048

Checking that no-one is using this disk right now ... OK

Disk image.raw: 64 MiB, 67108864 bytes, 131072 sectors
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

>>> Script header accepted.
>>> Script header accepted.
>>> Script header accepted.
>>> Done.
Created a new GPT disklabel (GUID: 132E3631-1EC9-4411-AB25-9B95B54B0903).

New situation:
Disklabel type: gpt
Disk identifier: 132E3631-1EC9-4411-AB25-9B95B54B0903

The partition table has been altered.
Syncing disks.

We can retrieve the current disk GUID using gptsum::

$ gptsum get-guid image.raw

Verification should fail::

$ gptsum verify image.raw || echo "Verification failed!"
Disk GUID doesn't match expected checksum, got 132e3631-1ec9-4411-ab25-9b95b54b0903, expected 6190f5bb-1967-14ec-9fbd-a7d213a45461
Verification failed!

Embed the disk checksum as the label GUID::

$ gptsum embed image.raw

Verification should now succeed::

$ gptsum verify image.raw && echo "Verification succeeded!"
Verification succeeded!

Indeed, the GUID was changed::

$ gptsum get-guid image.raw

How It Works

Generally, when checksums are used to validate the integrity of a file, this checksum needs to be provided out-of-band, e.g., in a separate file. This complicates the process a bit, since now multiple files need to be kept around (and potentially in sync).

Being able to verify a file's integrity without any external information would be great. However, if we embed the checksum of a file in the file itself, we change its checksum and verification would fail. So we need to apply some tricks.

The isomd5sum_ tool is often used to verify the integrity of ISO files, e.g., Linux distribution releases. It uses an unused location in the ISO9660 file format to embed an MD5 checksum of the actual data segments of said file. As such, this MD5 checksum does not represent the complete file contents but only the pieces of data we're interested in.

We can translate this to GPT-partitioned disk images as well. In the GPT format, there's no room to embed any arbitrary blobs (unless we'd use the reserved or padding sections of the headers, which should be zeroed out so we shouldn't). However, GPT disks are identified by a GUID which is stored in the two metadata sections stored on the disk, at LBA 1 and as the last LBA on the disk (the so-called primary and secondary GPT headers). This leaves room for 16 bytes of semi-arbitrary data.

Furthermore, the GPT headers themselves, including the GUID, are protected using a CRC32 checksum.

As such, we can apply the following procedure:

  • Zero out the CRC32 and GUID fields in both GPT headers
  • Calculate a 16 byte checksum of the resulting image (covering all data,
    except for the CRC32 and GUID fields)
  • Embed the checksum as the GUID field in both GPT headers (now becoming the
    disk GUID)
  • Update the CRC32 fields in both GPT headers

At this point we have a fully valid GPT disk image with a GUID representing the actual data contained in the image. One could argue this is no longer a valid GUID (indeed it's not), but since it's generated using a secure hashing algorithm over a (potentially large) file, we can assume the entropy is sufficient to avoid collisions. Essentially, if two disk images were to get the same GUID, they're very likely the exact same disk image, content-wise.

Verifying an image file is roughly the same procedure:

  • Zero out the CRC32 and GUID fields in both GPT headers (in-memory)
  • Calculate a 16 byte checksum of the resulting image
  • Verify this calculated checksum equals the actual GUID embedded in the image

Implementation Details

gptsum is implemented in Python, and compatible with Python 3.8 and later. It uses the Blake2b_ checksum algorithm to construct a 16 byte digest of the disk image.

Various subcommands are exposed by the CLI, refer to the documentation_ for more details.

.. _Blake2b: .. _documentation:

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