
Fine tuning experiments for the GPT-2 model by OpenAI.

OTHER License


GPTune: Finetuned GPT-2 Model Repository

GPTune attempts to make finetuning the recently released GPT-2 model easier by providing some good presets.

How to Use


In terminal, run

python DATASET_NAME --run_name MODEL_NAME_GIVEN_BY_YOU --mode train

There are other parameters; right now for training an example that will work well for the 774M model on a 16GB RAM single-GPU setting is:

python --dataset DATASET_NAME --run_name MODEL_NAME_GIVEN_BY_YOU --optimizer adam --only_train_transformer_layers --truncate_training 128


Generating Unconditional Samples

In terminal, run

python --dataset DATASET_NAME --run_name MODEL_NAME_GIVEN_BY_YOU --mode test --sample_num 2

You can change sample_num to a different number.

Interactive Conditional Samples

python --run_name MODEL_NAME_GIVEN_BY_YOU --mode interactive --sample_num 1

For more settings you can look at the source code (specifically,

Pretrained Models

GPTune currently exists to provide a number of pretrained models for people to plug&play with.

774M Models:

Training Samples:

You can see the progression of the training through the samples presented here.

117M Models:

The following models are for the 117M parameter model.


GPTune is based on the finetuning code released by nshepperd.

Original README


Code and samples from the paper "Language Models are Unsupervised Multitask Learners".

For now, we have only released a smaller (117M parameter) version of GPT-2.

See more details in our blog post.


Git clone this repository, and cd into directory for remaining commands

git clone && cd gpt-2

Then, follow instructions for either native or Docker installation.

Native Installation

Download the model data

sh 117M

The remaining steps can optionally be done in a virtual environment using tools such as virtualenv or conda.

Install tensorflow 1.12 (with GPU support, if you have a GPU and want everything to run faster)

pip3 install tensorflow==1.12.0


pip3 install tensorflow-gpu==1.12.0

Install other python packages:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Docker Installation

Build the Dockerfile and tag the created image as gpt-2:

docker build --tag gpt-2 -f Dockerfile.gpu . # or Dockerfile.cpu

Start an interactive bash session from the gpt-2 docker image.

You can opt to use the --runtime=nvidia flag if you have access to a NVIDIA GPU and a valid install of nvidia-docker 2.0.

docker run --runtime=nvidia -it gpt-2 bash


WARNING: Samples are unfiltered and may contain offensive content.

Some of the examples below may include Unicode text characters. Set the environment variable:


to override the standard stream settings in UTF-8 mode.

Unconditional sample generation

To generate unconditional samples from the small model:

python3 src/ | tee /tmp/samples

There are various flags for controlling the samples:

python3 src/ --top_k 40 --temperature 0.7 | tee /tmp/samples

To check flag descriptions, use:

python3 src/ -- --help

Conditional sample generation

To give the model custom prompts, you can use:

python3 src/ --top_k 40

To check flag descriptions, use:

python3 src/ -- --help

Fine tuning on custom datasets

To retrain GPT-2 117M model on a custom text dataset:

PYTHONPATH=src ./train --dataset <file|directory|glob>

If you want to precompute the dataset's encoding for multiple runs, you can instead use:

PYTHONPATH=src ./ <file|directory|glob> /path/to/encoded.npz
PYTHONPATH=src ./train --dataset /path/to/encoded.npz

GPT-2 samples

WARNING: Samples are unfiltered and may contain offensive content.

While we have not yet released GPT-2 itself, you can see some samples from it in the gpt-2-samples folder. We show unconditional samples with default settings (temperature 1 and no truncation), with temperature 0.7, and with truncation with top_k 40. We show conditional samples, with contexts drawn from WebText's test set, with default settings (temperature 1 and no truncation), with temperature 0.7, and with truncation with top_k 40.


Please use the following bibtex entry:

  title={Language Models are Unsupervised Multitask Learners},
  author={Radford, Alec and Wu, Jeff and Child, Rewon and Luan, David and Amodei, Dario and Sutskever, Ilya},

Future work

We may release code for evaluating the models on various benchmarks.

We are still considering release of the larger models.
