
A practical implementation of GradNorm, Gradient Normalization for Adaptive Loss Balancing, in Pytorch

MIT License


GradNorm - Pytorch

A practical implementation of GradNorm, Gradient Normalization for Adaptive Loss Balancing, in Pytorch

Increasingly starting to come across neural network architectures that require more than 3 auxiliary losses, so will build out an installable package that easily handles loss balancing in distributed setting, gradient accumulation, etc. Also open to incorporating any follow up research; just let me know in the issues.

Will be dog-fooded for SoundStream, MagViT2 as well as MetNet3


  • StabilityAI, A16Z Open Source AI Grant Program, and 🤗 Huggingface for the generous sponsorships, as well as my other sponsors, for affording me the independence to open source current artificial intelligence research


$ pip install gradnorm-pytorch


import torch

from gradnorm_pytorch import (

# a mock network with multiple discriminator losses

network = MockNetworkWithMultipleLosses(
    dim = 512,
    num_losses = 4

# backbone shared parameter

backbone_parameter = network.backbone[-1].weight

# grad norm based loss weighter

loss_weighter = GradNormLossWeighter(
    num_losses = 4,
    learning_rate = 1e-4,
    restoring_force_alpha = 0.,                  # 0. is perfectly balanced losses, while anything greater than 1 would account for the relative training rates of each loss. in the paper, they go as high as 3.
    grad_norm_parameters = backbone_parameter

# mock input

mock_input = torch.randn(2, 512)
losses, backbone_output_activations = network(mock_input)

# backwards with the loss weights
# will update on each backward based on gradnorm algorithm

loss_weighter.backward(losses, retain_graph = True)

# if you would like to update the loss weights wrt activations just do the following instead

loss_weighter.backward(losses, backbone_output_activations)

You can also switch it to basic static loss weighting, in case you want to run experiments against fixed weighting.

loss_weighter = GradNormLossWeighter(
    loss_weights = [1., 10., 5., 2.],
    frozen = True

# or you can also freeze it on invoking the instance

loss_weighter.backward(..., freeze = True)

For use with 🤗 Huggingface Accelerate, just pass in the Accelerator instance into the keyword accelerator on initialization


accelerator = Accelerator()

network = accelerator.prepare(network)

loss_weighter = GradNormLossWeighter(
    accelerator = accelerator

# backwards will now use accelerator


  • take care of gradient accumulation
  • handle sets of loss weights
  • handle freezing of some loss weights, but not others
  • allow for a prior weighting, accounted for when calculating gradient targets


    title   = {GradNorm: Gradient Normalization for Adaptive Loss Balancing in Deep Multitask Networks},
    author  = {Zhao Chen and Vijay Badrinarayanan and Chen-Yu Lee and Andrew Rabinovich},
    journal = {ArXiv},
    year    = {2017},
    volume  = {abs/1711.02257},
    url     = {}