
A simple package for Guided source separation (GSS)

MIT License



Guided source separation is a type of blind source separation (blind = no training required) in which the mask estimation is guided by a diarizer output. The original method was proposed for the CHiME-5 challenge in this paper by Boeddeker et al.

It is a kind of target-speaker extraction method. The inputs to the model are:

  1. A multi-channel recording, e.g., from an array microphone, of a long, unsegmented,
    multi-talker session (possibly with overlapping speech)
  2. An RTTM file containing speaker segment boundaries

The system produces enhanced audio for each of the segments in the RTTM, removing the background speech and noise and "extracting" only the target speaker in the segment.

This repository contains a GPU implementation of this method in Python, along with CLI binaries to run the enhancement from shell. We also provide several example "recipes" for using the method.


The core components of the tool are borrowed from pb_chime5 , but GPU support is added by porting most of the work to CuPy.

  • All the main components of the pipeline --- STFT computation, WPE, mask estimation with CACGMM, and beamforming ---
    are ported to CuPy to use GPUs. For CACGMM, we batch all frequency indices instead of iterating over them.
  • We have implemented batch processing of segments (see this issue for details)
    to maximize GPU memory usage and provide additional speed-up.
  • The GSS implementation (see gss/core) has been stripped of CHiME-6 dataset-specific peculiarities
    (such as array naming conventions etc.)
  • We use Lhotse for simplified data loading, speaker activity generation, and RTTM representation. We provide
    examples in the recipes directory for how to use the gss module for several datasets.
  • The inference can be done on multi-node GPU environment. This makes it several times faster than the
    original CPU implementation.
  • We provide both Python modules and CLI for using the enhancement functions, which can be
    easily included in recipes from Kaldi, Icefall, ESPNet, etc.

As an example, applying GSS on a LibriCSS OV20 session (~10min) took ~160s on a single RTX2080 GPU (with 12G memory). See the test.pstats for the profiling output.


Preparing to install

Create a new Conda environment:

conda create -n gss python=3.8

Install CuPy as follows (see for the appropriate version for your CUDA).

pip install cupy-cuda102

NOTE 1: We recommend not installing the pre-release version (12.0.0rc1 at the time of writing), since there may be some issues with it.

NOTE 2: if you don't have cudatoolkit 10.2 installed, you can use conda which will install it for you:

conda install -c conda-forge cupy=10.2

Install (basic)

pip install git+

Install (advanced)

git clone & cd gss
pip install -e '.[dev]'
pre-commit install # installs pre-commit hooks with style checks


Enhancing a single recording

For the simple case of target-speaker extraction given a multi-channel recording and an RTTM file denoting speaker segments, run the following:

gss enhance recording \
  /path/to/sessionA.wav /path/to/rttm exp/enhanced_segs \
  --recording-id sessionA --min-segment-length 0.1 --max-segment-length 10.0 \
  --max-batch-duration 20.0 --num-buckets 2 -o exp/segments.jsonl.gz

Enhancing a corpus

See the recipes directory for usage examples. The main stages are as follows:

  1. Prepare Lhotse manifests. See this list of corpora currently supported in Lhotse. You can also apply GSS on your own dataset by preparing it as Lhotse manifests.

  2. If you are using an RTTM file to get segments (e.g. in CHiME-6 Track 2), convert the RTTMs to Lhotse-style supervision manifest.

  3. Create recording-level cut sets by combining the recording with its supervisions. These will be used to get speaker activities.

  4. Trim the recording-level cut set into segment-level cuts. These are the segments that will actually be enhanced.

  5. (Optional) Split the segments into as many parts as the number of GPU jobs you want to run. In the recipes, we submit the jobs through qsub , similar to Kaldi or ESPNet recipes. You can use the parallelization in those toolkits to additionally use a different scheduler such as SLURM.

  6. Run the enhancement on GPUs. The following options can be provided:

  • --channels: The channels to use for enhancement (comma-separated ints). By default, all channels are used.

  • --bss-iteration: Number of iterations of the CACGMM inference.

  • --context-duration: Context (in seconds) to include on both sides of the segment.

  • --min-segment-length: Any segment shorter than this value will be removed. This is particularly useful when using segments from a diarizer output since they often contain very small segments which are not relevant for ASR. A recommended setting is 0.1s.

  • --max-segment-length: Segments longer than this value will be chunked up. This is to prevent OOM errors since the segment STFTs are loaded onto the GPU. We use a setting of 15s in most cases.

  • --max-batch-duration: Segments from the same speaker will be batched together to increase GPU efficiency. We used 20s batches for enhancement on GPUs with 12G memory. For GPUs with larger memory, this value can be increased.

  • --max-batch-cuts: This sets an upper limit on the maximum number of cuts in a batch. To simulate segment-wise enhancement, set this to 1.

  • --num-workers: Number of workers to use for data-loading (default = 1). Use more if you increase the max-batch-duration .

  • --num-buckets: Number of buckets to use for sampling. Batches are drawn from the same bucket (see Lhotse's DynamicBucketingSampler for details).

  • --enhanced-manifest/-o: Path to manifest file to write the enhanced cut manifest. This is useful for cases when the supervisions need to be propagated to the enhanced segments, for downstream ASR tasks, for example.

  • --profiler-output: Optional path to output stats file for profiling, which can be visualized using Snakeviz.

  • --force-overwrite: Flag to force enhanced audio files to be overwritten.

Multi-GPU Usage

You can refer to e.g. the AMI recipe for how to use this toolkit with multiple GPUs. NOTE: your GPUs must be in Exclusive_Thread mode, otherwise this library may not work as expected and/or the inference time will greatly increase. This is especially important if you are using You can check the compute mode of GPU X using:

nvidia-smi -i X -q | grep "Compute Mode"

We also provide an automate tool to do that called gpu_check which takes as arguments the cmd used (e.g. and number of jobs:

 $cmd JOB=1:$nj  ${exp_dir}/${dset_name}/${dset_part}/log/enhance.JOB.log \
    gss utils gpu_check $nj $cmd \& gss enhance cuts \
      ${exp_dir}/${dset_name}/${dset_part}/cuts.jsonl.gz ${exp_dir}/${dset_name}/${dset_part}/split$nj/cuts_per_segment.JOB.jsonl.gz \
       ${exp_dir}/${dset_name}/${dset_part}/enhanced \
      --bss-iterations $gss_iterations \
      --context-duration 15.0 \
      --use-garbage-class \
      --max-batch-duration 120 \
       ${affix} || exit 1

See again AMI recipe or the CHiME-7 DASR GSS code.


What happens if I set the --max-batch-duration too large?

The enhancement would still work, but you will see several warnings of the sort: "Out of memory error while processing the batch. Trying again with chunks." Internally, we have a fallback option to chunk up batches into increasingly smaller parts in case OOM error is encountered (see ). However, this would slow down processing, so we recommend reducing the batch size if you see this warning very frequently.

I am seeing "out of memory error" a lot. What should I do?

Try reducing --max-batch-duration . If you are enhancing a large number of very small segments, try providing --max-batch-cuts with some small value (e.g., 2 or 3). This is because batching together a large number of small segments requires memory overhead which can cause OOMs.

How to understand the format of output file names?

The enhanced wav files are named as recoid-spkid-start_end.wav, i.e., 1 wav file is generated for each segment in the RTTM. The "start" and "end" are padded to 6 digits, for example: 21.18 seconds is encoded as 002118 . This convention should be fine if your audio duration is under ~2.75 h (9999s), otherwise, you should change the padding in gss/core/ .

How to solve the Lhotse AudioDurationMismatch error?

This error is raised when the audio files corresponding to different channels have different durations. This is often the case for multi-array recordings, e.g., CHiME-6. You can bypass this error by setting the --duration-tolerance option to some larger value (Lhotse's default is 0.025). For CHiME-6, we had to set this to 3.0.

How should I generate RTTMs required for enhancement?

For examples of how to generate RTTMs for guiding the separation, please refer to my diarizer toolkit.

How can I experiment with additional GSS parameters?

We have only made the most important parameters available in the top-level CLI. To play with other parameters, check out the gss.enhancer.get_enhancer() function.

How much speed-up can I expect to obtain?

Enhancing the CHiME-6 dev set required 1.3 hours on 4 GPUs. This is as opposed to the original implementation which required 20 hours using 80 CPU jobs. This is an effective speed-up of 292.


Contributions for core improvements or new recipes are welcome. Please run the following before creating a pull request.

pre-commit install
pre-commit run # Running linter checks


  title={GPU-accelerated Guided Source Separation for Meeting Transcription},
  author={Desh Raj and Daniel Povey and Sanjeev Khudanpur},
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