
Color Scheme - Hacker Python for Sublime Text

  • For Python
  • Dark color scheme

Installation (Easier way)

step 1: Open sublime text and press shift + ctrl + p
step 2: Select Package Control: Add Repository and add https://github.com/Kourva/HackerPython
step 3: Select Pachake Control: Install package and install HackerPython
step 4: Select UI: Select Color Scheme and select hacker-python

Installation (Manual way)

  • clone
git clone https://github.com/Kourva/HackerPython && cd HackerPython
  • copy
Copy the color scheme folder in sublime text config folder (Linux):
Don't forget to replace your home username (/home/?) with username
cp -r HackerPython /home/username/.config/sublime-text/Packages/


step 1: Inside the sublime text press shift + ctrl + p
step 2: Select UI: Select Color Scheme
step 3: Select hacker-python

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