
Challenges from HackTheMidlands 5!

MIT License


This is the repo for all the challenges built for and run as the CTF mini-event run at HackTheMidlands 2020 🎉 🎉

It's also got a whole bunch of other stuff, like CTFd site resources, deployment scripts, etc.

Checkout the writeups at the wiki.

Please feel free to play around with all the challenges, use them yourself or let them be inspiration for your own challenges.

Try it yourself

Running and building the challenges assumes a Linux machine along with a number of common dependencies.

Generate challenges

Compile and build all the different challenge files, such as images, binaries, etc.

$ ./infra/ctftool.py generate

To remove all compiled challenge files:

$ ./infra/ctftool.py clean

Run challenges

Run the docker containers.

# Set PYTHONPATH to find the ctftool.py utility
$ export PYTHONPATH=$PWD/infra

# Build docker containers
$ ./infra/deploy/build.py

# Generate the docker-compose configuration
$ mkdir -p build
$ cp -R deploy/docker-compose/ build/
$ ./build/docker-compose/generate.sh

# Run docker-compose configuration
$ (cd build/docker-compose && docker-compose up)


For more information on deployment, see ctf-infra.