
Unofficial Python wrapper for official Hacker News API

MIT License



Unofficial Python wrapper for official Hacker News API.


pip install haxor


Import and initialization:

from hackernews import HackerNews
hn = HackerNews()


Stories, comments, jobs, Ask HNs and even polls are just items with unique item id.

To query item information by id:

item = hn.get_item(8863)
# >>> item.title
# 'My YC app: Dropbox - Throw away your USB drive'
# >>> item.item_type
# 'story'
# >>> item.kids
# [ 8952, 9224, 8917, ...]

Since most results are returned as integer IDs (like item.kids above), these results require further iteration. Instead of doing this yourself, use the expand flag to get object-oriented, detailed item info by id:

item = hn.get_item(8863, expand=True)
# >>> item.kids
# [<hackernews.Item: 9224 - None>, <hackernews.Item: 8952 - None>, ...]
# >>> item.by
# <hackernews.User: dhouston>

To query a list of Item IDs:

items = hn.get_items_by_ids([8863, 37236, 2345])
# >>> items
# [<hackernews.Item: 8863 - My YC app: Dropbox - Throw away your USB drive>, <hackernews.Item:
# 37236 - None>, <hackernews.Item: 2345 - The Best Buy Scam.>]

Use the item_type filter to specifically select 'story', 'comment', 'job', or 'poll' items:

items = hn.get_items_by_ids([8863, 37236, 2345], item_type='story')
# >>> items
# [<hackernews.Item: 8863 - My YC app: Dropbox - Throw away your USB drive>, <hackernews.Item: # 2345 - The Best Buy Scam.>]


The HN API allows for real-time querying for New, Top, Best, Ask HN, Show HN, and Jobs stories.

As an example, to get Item objects of current top stories:

top_stories = hn.top_stories()
# >>> top_stories
# [<hackernews.Item: 16924667 - Ethereum Sharding FAQ>, ...]

Useful Item Queries

To get current largest Item id (most recent story, comment, job, or poll):

max_item = hn.get_max_item()
# >>> max_item
# 16925673

Once again, use the expand flag to get an object-oriented, detailed Item representation:

max_item = hn.get_max_item(expand=True)
# >>> max_item
# <hackernews.Item: 16925673 - None>

To get the x most recent Items:

last_ten = hn.get_last(10)
# >>> last_ten
# [<hackernews.Item: 16925688 - Show HN: Eventbot – Group calendar for Slack teams>, ...]


HN users are also queryable.

To query users by user_id (i.e. username on Hacker News):

user = hn.get_user('pg')
# >>> user.user_id
# 'pg'
# >>> user.karma
# 155040

Use the expand flag to get an object-oriented, detailed Item representation for User attributes:

user = hn.get_user('dhouston', expand=True)
# >>> user.stories
# [<hackernews.Item: 1481914 - Dropbox is hiring a Web Engineer>, ...]
# >>> user.comments
# [<hackernews.Item: 16660140 - None>, <hackernews.Item: 15692914 - None>, ...]
# >>> user.jobs
# [<hackernews.Item: 3955262 - Dropbox seeking iOS and Android engineers>, ...]

To query a list of users:

users = hn.get_users_by_ids(['pg','dhouston'])
# >>> users
# [<hackernews.User: pg>, <hackernews.User: dhouston>]


Get top 10 stories:


# [<hackernews.Item: 16924667 - Ethereum Sharding FAQ>, <hackernews.Item: 16925499 - PipelineDB # v0.9.9 – One More Release Until PipelineDB Is a PostgreSQL Extension>, ...]

Find all the 'jobs' post from Top Stories:

stories = hn.top_stories()
for story in stories:
    if story.item_type == 'job':

# <hackernews.Item: 16925047 - Taplytics (YC W14) is solving hard engineering problems in
# Toronto and hiring>
# ...
# ...

Find Python jobs from monthly who is hiring thread:

# Who is hiring - April 2018
# https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16735011

who_is_hiring = hn.get_item(16735011, expand=True)

for comment in who_is_hiring.kids:
    if 'python' in comment.text.lower():

# <hackernews.Item: 16735358 - None>
# <hackernews.Item: 16737152 - None>
# ...
# ...

API Reference

Class: HackerNews


Name Type Required Description Default
version string No specifies Hacker News API version v0


Description: Returns Item object


Name Type Required Description Default
item_id string/int Yes unique item id of Hacker News story, comment etc None
expand bool No flag to indicate whether to transform all IDs into objects False


Description: Returns list of Item objects


Name Type Required Description Default
item_ids list of string/int Yes unique item ids of Hacker News stories, comments etc None
item_type string No item type to filter results with None


Description: Returns User object


Name Type Required Description Default
user_id string Yes unique user id of a Hacker News user None
expand bool No flag to indicate whether to transform all IDs into objects False


Description: Returns list of User objects


Name Type Required Description Default
user_ids list of string/int Yes unique user ids of Hacker News users None


Description: Returns list of Item objects of current top stories


Name Type Required Description Default
raw bool No indicate whether to represent all objects in raw json False
limit int No specifies the number of stories to be returned None


Description: Returns list of Item objects of current new stories


Name Type Required Description Default
raw bool No indicate whether to represent all objects in raw json False
limit int No specifies the number of stories to be returned None


Description: Returns list of Item objects of latest Ask HN stories


Name Type Required Description Default
raw bool No indicate whether to represent all objects in raw json False
limit int No specifies the number of stories to be returned None


Description: Returns list of Item objects of latest Show HN stories


Name Type Required Description Default
raw bool No indicate whether to represent all objects in raw json False
limit int No specifies the number of stories to be returned None


Description: Returns list of Item objects of latest Job stories


Name Type Required Description Default
raw bool No indicate whether to represent all objects in raw json False
limit int No specifies the number of stories to be returned None


Description: Returns list of Item and User objects that have been changed/updated recently.

Parameters: N/A


Description: Returns current largest item id or current largest Item object


Name Type Required Description Default
expand bool No flag to indicate whether to transform ID into object False


Description: Returns all Item objects from HN

Parameters: N/A


Description: Returns list of num most recent Item objects


Name Type Required Description Default
num int No numbr of most recent records to pull from HN 10

Class: Item

From Official HackerNews Item:

Property Description
item_id The item’s unique id.
deleted true if the item is deleted.
item_type The type of item. One of “job”, “story”, “comment”, “poll”, or “pollopt”.
by The username of the item’s author.
submission_time Creation date of the item, in Python datetime.
text The comment, Ask HN, or poll text. HTML.
dead true if the item is dead.
parent The item’s parent. For comments, either another comment or the relevant story. For pollopts, the relevant poll.
poll The ids of poll's.
kids The ids of the item’s comments, in ranked display order.
url The URL of the story.
score The story’s score, or the votes for a pollopt.
title The title of the story or poll.
parts A list of related pollopts, in display order.
descendants In the case of stories or polls, the total comment count.
raw original JSON response.

Class: User

From Official HackerNews User:

Property Description
user_id The user’s unique username. Case-sensitive.
delay Delay in minutes between a comment’s creation and its visibility to other users.
created Creation date of the user, in Python datetime.
karma The user’s karma.
about The user’s optional self-description. HTML.
submitted List of the user’s stories, polls and comments.
raw original JSON response.

Additional properties when expand is used

Property Description
stories The user’s submitted stories.
comments The user's submitted comments.
jobs The user's submitted jobs.
polls The user's submitted polls.
pollopts The user's submitted poll options.


For local development do pip installation of requirements-dev.txt:

pip install -r requirements-dev.txt


Run the test suite by running:

echo "0.0.0-dev" > version.txt
python setup.py develop
pytest tests


The mighty MIT license. Please check LICENSE for more details.