
script to generate HeN ipfs app exports of GLSL shaders



A simple script to generate HeN ipfs app exports from any frag shader created with:

How it works?

  1. If you are using GlslEditor or The Book of Shaders's on-line editor, download the file.
  2. Excecute henerator.py follow with the --title NAME of your work and (optionally) the --duration SECONDS of the thumbnail GIF. If you don't set a duration it will use the first frame as an image.
./henerator.py test.frag --title ball --duration 2.5
  1. That's all! Y ou should see a heneration.zip file in the same folder.


  • --title [TITLE_NAME]
  • --author [AUTHOR_NAME]
  • --width [WIDTH] of the thumbnail
  • --height [HEIGHT] of the thumbnail
  • --FXAA [defualt FALSE] apply antialiasing to thumbnail image animation or/and video
  • --fps [FPS] of the thumbnail animation
  • --start [SECONDS] of the thumbnail GIF animation or MP4 video
  • --duration [SECONDS] of the thumbnail GIF animation
  • --duration_video [SECONDS]
  • --pixel_density [PIXEL_DENSITY] adjust the pixel density if your images and videos have twice the resolution
  • --scramble_source [default FALSE] scramble your shader source code

Requirements and Install

  • Latest version of GlslViewer (and installed on your system path)
  • Ffmpeg (only required to make animated GIFs for your thumbnails)
  • Python3
  • ArgParse and Requests modules for Python3
pip3 install argparse requests


sudo easy_install -U requests argparse
  • You can install henerator.py globaly on your system by just typing
make install