
Web application for cataloging home books collection

GPL-3.0 License



Web application for cataloging home books collection

Installation and usage


  • pip install https://github.com/sio/HomeLibraryCatalog/tarball/master to install
    directly from GitHub or
  • download release archive, and install with pip install <archive.tar.gz> or
  • download release archive, unpack it and start HomeLibraryCatalog.py

To launch HomeLibraryCatalog with wsgiref web server run HomeLibraryCatalog config.json where config.json is the configuration file. If no command line arguments are supplied, hlc.config in current working directory is used.

Check this article for further information on HomeLibraryCatalog deployment with wsgiref and/or other WSGI compatible web servers.

Step-by-step deployment instructions are described in this Ansible playbook.


  • python3 with following packages (available via pip install)
    • bottle - micro web framework with built-in simple web server
    • pillow - image manipulation library
    • lxml with cssselect - HTML scraping library
    • wtforms - web forms generator

Localization status

As of now all user interaction happens in Russian

Localization is not planned in the foreseable future due to the lack of human resources

Proper localizations tools and techniques (gettext et al) are not yet supported


All contributions are welcome! Please check CONTRIBUTING.md for details

License and copyright

Copyright 2016-2019 Vitaly Potyarkin

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

Todo list


  • Barcode queue:
    • fetch related information in background, store to title field
    • show title and user on /queue page
  • Forms:
    • for registered users
      • author rating
      • book not in library anymore
      • password change: force if expired
    • for administrators
      • edit groups
    • for all visitors
      • advanced search: single field searches
    • start page: greetings/newest books/thumbnail gallery?
  • Pages:
    • annotated list with previews
      • available books
      • future books (to buy)
      • recent books with thumbnails (last month, prev-next links)
    • one book
      • external links
      • more information?
    • one author
      • wikipedia link
      • series "foo"
      • other books by year
    • authors/series list
  • CSS:
    • dark background, light page
    • no #000000
    • narrow pages
    • stylesheet themes
  • robots.txt file
  • garbage collector for ThreadItemPool

Auto fetcher:

  • more sources:
    • Wordcat
    • Ozon
    • Google Books?


  • add garbage collector method (delete orphaned thumbnails, authors, etc.)