
πŸ”” Get notified of important stuff, right away.

MIT License



There are some important stuff that we must be aware of, like when they exceed some sort of limits or when they start setting fire to your house. In the company that I work, we had this burning desire for a system that send us alert when some stuff happens, right away. As you already know the only thing that we always carry around is our phones, so we thought what is better than getting a notification in those cases! That's why I started this project, it's supposed to help us and anyone else dealing with these kind of issues.

Hoopoe is meant to be real straight forward, when you want get notified of a certain thing, just call Hoopoe and Hoopoe make sure to send you a notification.

    # In your code...
    if that_thing_happened:
        hoopoe.upupa("The thing that we don't like happened!", extra={
            "where": "Alex's House",
            "type": "Cops",
            "how_bad": "4/5"

    # And right away in your inbox...
    # Hoopoe Upupa | New Notification: The thing that we don't like happened!
    # When
    # Thu, Dec 23, 2021, 09:17 PM UTC
    # Info
    # {
    #   "where": "Alex's House",
    #   "type": "Cops",
    #   "how_bad": "4/5"
    # }

NOTICE: This snippet is imaginary.

Key features of Hoopoe:

  • Instant notifications

  • Support for email

  • Support for popular messengers

    • Telegram
    • Whatsapp (Coming Soon!)
    • Slack (Coming Soon!)
    • ...
  • Different SDKs

    • Python
    • Javascript
    • ...
  • Cloud and on-premise

Looking for a name that's both beautiful and meaningful, I started to google for ancient gods and heroes that are somehow related to delivering messages. There were some candidates but Hermes was the leading one, but since it's used so many times decided to go with another one, which ended up with Hoopoe. Hoopoe served King Solomon as a delivery man (animal?), so I thought why not! It's a cute animal and the name sticks!

Getting Started


The recommended way to use Hoopoe is by using Hoopoe.app which take away the pain of deploying and maintaining Hoopoe on your own. For manual usage please refer to manual setup section.

Cloud vs. On-premise

Hoopoe core is a RESTful API. Either you're using the Hoopoe.app or your own deployment, you can refer to API docs to read more about APIs.

Manual setup

There are two ways to deploy Hoopoe:

  1. Using docker image (Recommended)
    • Either build your own docker image using the Dockerfile
    • Or using the latest image on Dockerhub
  2. Manual deployment, you can use this awesome article by Digitalocean on how to deploy a django project to production environment
    • Please make sure to serve your deployment over HTTPS (Important)

    • This project is actively updating, make sure to update your deployment often

    • Duplicate .env_, rename it to .env and fill the required environment variables See here

          cp .env_ .env
          nano .env

Environment Variables reference

Please note that entered values are case-sensitive. Default values are provided as an example to help you figure out what should be entered. As mentioned in manual setup section, you need to duplicate .env_, rename it to .env and fill the required environment variables.

Name Default (Example) Description
SECRET_KEY None Django Secret Key
DEBUG True Make sure to use DEBUG: False in production
EMAIL_HOST None (mail.example.com) Mail server host (Required for email driver)
EMAIL_HOST_USER None ([email protected]) Email address for sending emails
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD None Password for previous email
EMAIL_PORT 587 Mail server port
EMAIL_UPUPA_USER None ([email protected]) We use this email to send notifications
EMAIL_UPUPA_PASSWORD None Password for previous email
DJANGO_ALLOWED_HOSTS localhost [::1] Django allowed hosts (Space separated)
POSTGRES_DB hoopoe DB Name
POSTGRES_PASSWORD hoopoe DB User Password
POSTGRES_HOST localhost DB Host
REDIS_HOST localhost Redis Host
REDIS_PORT 6379 Redis Port


See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).

  • Lot more SDKs
    • CLI
    • Java
    • Go
    • PHP
    • ...
  • Support for popular messengers
    • Whatsapp
    • Slack


First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! Contributions are what makes the open-source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make will benefit everybody else and are greatly appreciated.

Please try to create bug reports that are:

  • Reproducible. Include steps to reproduce the problem.
  • Specific. Include as much detail as possible: which version, what environment, etc.
  • Unique. Do not duplicate existing opened issues.
  • Scoped to a Single Bug. One bug per report.

Please adhere to this project's code of conduct.


Reach out to the maintainer at one of the following places:


This project is licensed under the MIT license.

See LICENSE for more information.


Thanks for Amazing GitHub template for the awesome README and code of conduct that saved me a lot of hours:

Extracted from project README
license PRs welcome made with hearth by thevahidal
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