
HPy: a better API for Python

MIT License


How to debug HPy on CPython

This document describes how to make debugging easier when running HPy on CPython. At the moment it is structured as a collection of notes, PRs to make it more structured are welcome.

NOTE: this document is not about the HPy debug mode, but it's about debugging HPy itself.

Build a debug version of CPython

This is highly recommended. It takes only few minutes and helps a lot during debugging for two reasons:

  1. You can easily view CPython's source code inside GDB

  2. CPython is compiled with -Og, which means it will be easier to follow the code step-by-step and to inspect variables

  3. The py-* GDB commands work out of the box.

$ cd /path/to/cpython
$ git checkout v3.8.2
$ ./configure --with-pydebug --prefix=/opt/python-debug/
$ make install

Enable python-gdb.py

python-gdb.py is a GDB script to make it easier to inspect the state of a Python process from whitin GDB. It is documented in the CPython's dev guide.

The script add a series of GBD commands such as:

  • py-bt: prints the Python-level traceback of the current function

  • py-up, py-down: navigate up and down the Python function stack by going to the previous/next occurrence of _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault. They are more or less equivalent to up and down inside pdb.

  • py-print: print the value of a Python-level variable

WARNING: the CPython's dev guide suggests to add add-auto-load-safe-path to your ~/.gdbinit, but it doesn't work for me. What works for me is the following:

# add this to your ~/.gdbinit
source /path/to/cpython/python-gdb.py

To check that the py-* commands work as expected, you can do the following:

$ gdb --args /opt/python-debug/bin/python3 -c 'for i in range(10000000): pass'
GNU gdb (Ubuntu 9.2-0ubuntu1~20.04) 9.2
(gdb) run # start the python process
(gdb) py-bt
Traceback (most recent call first):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
(gdb) py-print i
global 'i' = 9657683

Inspect PyObject * and HPy inside GDB

WARNING: py-dump and hpy-dump prints to stderr, and this interacts badly with pytest's capturing. Make sure to run py.test -s, else you might not see the output. The included script gdb-py.test automatically pass -s.

python-gdb.py installs a GDB pretty-printer for PyObject * variables, which sometimes can be confusing: often, it prints the Python repr of the variable:

(gdb) set $x = PyLong_FromLong(42)
(gdb) p $x
$5 = 42
(gdb) p (void*)$x
$7 = (void *) 0x555555903ca0 <small_ints+1504>
(gdb) p *$x
$6 = {ob_refcnt = 10, ob_type = 0x5555558d5560 <PyLong_Type>}

For some reason which is unknown to me, sometimes it prints a rather obscure string: here, type is the Python type of the object, and 0x5555558ce88 is its address:

(gdb) p PyExc_ValueError
$12 = <type at remote 0x5555558ce880>
(gdb) p (void*)PyExc_ValueError
$13 = (void *) 0x5555558ce880 <_PyExc_ValueError>

Another useful trick is to define these two custom GDB commands in your ~/.gdbinit:

# put this in your ~/.gdbinit
define py-dump
call _PyObject_Dump($arg0)

#    1. this assumes that you have a variable called "ctx" available
#    2. this assumes that it's a debug version of HPy, which was compiled with
#       -fkeep-inline-functions
#    3. if you don't have _HPy_Dump available, you can call manually
#       ctx->ctx_Dump (but only in universal mode)
define hpy-dump
call _HPy_Dump(ctx, $arg0)

Example of usage:

(gdb) set $x = PyLong_FromLong(42)
(gdb) py-dump $x
object address  : 0x555555903ca0
object refcount : 11
object type     : 0x5555558d5560
object type name: int
object repr     : 42

(gdb) py-dump PyExc_ValueError
object address  : 0x5555558ce880
object refcount : 14
object type     : 0x5555558dd8e0
object type name: type
object repr     : <class 'ValueError'>

(gdb) set $h = ctx->ctx_Long_FromLong(ctx, 1234)
(gdb) p $h
$2 = {_i = 77}
(gdb) hpy-dump $h
object address  : 0x7ffff64b0580
object refcount : 1
object type     : 0x5555558d5560
object type name: int
object repr     : 1234

Create a venv for python-debug and install hpy

The following commands create a venv based on the newly built python-debug, and installs hpy in "editable mode".

$ cd /path/to/hpy
$ /opt/python-debug/bin/python3 -m venv venv/hpy-debug
$ . venv/hpy-debug/bin/activate
$ python setup.py develop

Once hpy is installed this way, you can edit the C files and rebuild it easily by using make:

$ make          # build normally
$ make debug    # build HPY with -O0 -g

Run a specific HPy test under GDB

To run py.test under GDB, use the script ./gdb-py.test.

Tip: most HPy tests export a Python function called f. You can easily put a breakpoint into it by using b f_impl:

$ ./gdb-py.test -s test/test_00_basic.py -k 'test_float_asdouble and universal'
(gdb) b f_impl
Breakpoint 1 at 0x7ffff63a0284: file /tmp/pytest-of-antocuni/pytest-219/test_float_asdouble_universal_0/mytest.c, line 5.
(gdb) run
Breakpoint 1, f_impl (ctx=0x7ffff64191d0, self=..., arg=...) at /tmp/pytest-of-antocuni/pytest-220/test_float_asdouble_universal_0/mytest.c:5
5	{
(gdb) next
6	    double a = HPyFloat_AsDouble(ctx, arg);
(gdb) p arg
$1 = {_i = 75}
(gdb) hpy-dump arg
object address  : 0x7ffff7017700
object refcount : 3
object type     : 0x5555558d3400
object type name: float
object repr     : 1.0