
Viewer for HyperNews

MIT License



Python 3.8+ required, 3.9 used in production.

This project has a nox file for quick runs. If you have nox:

nox -s serve

If you don't have nox but do have pipx, then pipx run nox replaces nox above. And if you have docker, you can use docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/src thekevjames/nox:latest nox -f /src/noxfile.py instead.


This project recommends PDM for development. PDM is like a combination of setuptools, pip, venv, and twine. It's like bundle for Ruby, or yarn for NodeJS.

To install PDM, use pip install pdm, pipx install pdm, or brew install pdm, whatever you like using.

Now, to install a virtual env for this project, do:

pdm install

Now, you are ready to use anything, just prefix any command with pdm run to run inside the environment.

Locking dependencies

PDM is used to manage the dependencies. You get a locked set of dependencies when you install. If you want to update your dependencies, run:

pdm update

You'll also want to update the requirements.txt file - pre-commit (below) will do this for you, or you can run pdm export -o requirements.txt yourself.

Dev: styles

Please use pre-commit if editing any files. Install pre-commit your favorite way (pip, pipx, or brew). Then turn on pre-commit:

pre-commit install

If you want to run it manually (perhaps instead of the above install step), run:

pre-commit run -a

Running the webapp

This will start up a server:

pdm run flask run

Running the code

There is a command-line interface to the utc files. Run like this:

pdm run hyper-model --help  # help

The package will assume --root ../hnfiles; but you set set this to wherever the data is stored.

Showing a message

pdm run hyper-model hnTest show  # The main file
pdm run hyper-model hnTest/1 show  # A message

Listing messages

pdm run hyper-model hnTest list
pdm run hyper-model hnTest/1 list

Tree view of messages

pdm run hyper-model hnTest tree
pdm run hyper-model hnTest/1 tree

Listing of forum

pdm run hyper-model any forum

Producing a database

You need to pre-process the file root to make two database files; one for metadata, and one for full text search. For example:

python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -e ".[cli]"
cd ../allfiles
scp 'lxplus:/eos/project/c/cms-hn-archive/www/tarballs/2023-05-17/*' .
cat cms-hndocs.tgz.aa cms-hndocs.tgz.ab cms-hndocs.tgz.ac cms-hndocs.tgz.ad cms-hndocs.tgz.ae > cms-hndocs.tgz
rm rm cms-hndocs.tgz.a?
mkdir cms-hndocs
tar xzf cms-hndocs.tgz -C cms-hndocs  # Takes about 40 mins
HNFILES=$PWD/cms-hndocs HNDATABASE=hnvdb.sql3 hyper-model populate  # Takes about 40 mins
HNFTSDATABASE=hnvfullfts.sql3 HNDATABASE=hnvdb.sql3 HNFILES=$PWD/cms-hndocs hyper-model populate-search  # Takes about 30 mins

Selecting a file to use

If you produce a database (and optionally a search database), then those can be specified by environment variables:

  • HNFTSDATABASE: The full-text-search database
  • HNDATABASE: The database with all the metadata
  • HNFILES: The file directory root

Setup for development

Connecting to CERN

Following the guide, run this in a terminal:

sshuttle --dns -vr <username>@lxplus.cern.ch 2001:1458::/32 2001:1459::/32

(If you want to use oc, you'll need the above to shuttle IPv6 too; it's a little simpler if you just needed IPv4).

Platform as a Service

Log on to https://paas.cern.ch. Site at https://hypernewsviewer.app.cern.ch.

See /eos/project/c/cms-hn-archive/www/hnDocs.

Followed pass eos docs for EOS access.

Followed paas sso docs for SSO proxy.

I set up the group access with paas auth docs.



I used a recent Rπ. I used:

<username>@lxplus.cern.ch:/eos /eos/ ```

Now you can use `HNFILES=/eos/project/c/cms-hn-archive/www/hnDocs` instead of
`/eos/user/h/<username>/hnfiles` in the BC (Build Config).

[Service now

Database transfer (you can get `openshift-cli` from brew, and your login
command from [here](https://oauth-openshift.paas.cern.ch/oauth/token/display):

```bash oc get pods oc rsync . hypernewsviewer-c55f84966-9c2lh:/hnvstorage ```

I find that transferring is far too slow. A much faster way is to rsync the
files to lxplus, then use `oc` on lxplus (you can download a binary for it
can then do the rsync much faster. Th two step procedure takes about 20
minutes, while a direct transfer takes ~4 days.

You can log into the container with `oc rsh <podname>`.
