
Automatic translate I18n po files with Google Translate API


i18njson-translate - automatic translate I18n po files

Inspired by https://gist.github.com/xen/3ce7d597f53515facaf1 This python script interacts with Google Translate API. Source and target language/po-file are required to translate things automatically (see: usage).


    pip install -r requirements.txt

You need an API key, generated by a project on https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials


i18njson-translate.py [options] <inputfile> <outputfile>


  --lang TEXT        From what language text should be translated. Use one of
                     Google Translate languages codes. Example: 'en'
  --to TEXT          Target language should be in result file
  --apikey           Use API with key
  --ftype [json|po]  Accept input file in json or po format
  --help             Show this message and exit.


    i18njson-translate.py --lang en --to de --ftype po --apikey XXXXXXXXXX /tmp/de.po security-guide/source/locale/de.po

Google Translate API works well. But sometimes the translated sentences make no sense or the target po file is broken. A human should look at it again after translating. And the file format should be also checked:

    msgfmt --check-format security-guide/source/locale/de.po