
A python wrapper for i3status adding current status of keyboard leds (Caps lock, Num lock)



A python wrapper for i3status adding current status of keyboard leds (Caps lock, Num lock, etc...)

This wrapper is the result of this thread. Special thanks to the persons who have participated to this thread.

The resulting bar should look like this (green arrow): i3bar


In a terminal:

git clone http://github.com/syl20bnr/i3status-keyboard-leds
cd i3status-keyboard-leds
sudo ln -s /home/foo/bar/i3status-keyboard-leds/i3status+.py /usr/local/bin/i3status+

In your ~/.i3/config replace the call to i3status by i3status+

# Start i3bar to display a workspace bar (plus the system information i3status
# finds out, if available)
bar {
    status_command    i3status+
    position          bottom
    mode              dock
    workspace_buttons yes
    tray_output       primary
    colors {
        background #000000
        statusline #999999
        focused_workspace  #ffffff #285577
        active_workspace   #ffffff #333333
        inactive_workspace #888888 #222222
        urgent_workspace   #ffffff #900000