
BSD-3-CLAUSE License



This repository contains the code to reproduce experiments of the ICLR 2024 paper Identifying Policy Gradient Subspaces by Jan Schneider, Pierre Schumacher, Simon Guist, Le Chen, Daniel Häufle, Bernhard Schölkopf, and Dieter Büchler.


Download MuJoCo version 1.50. and extract the zip archive to ~/.mujoco. It has to be version 1.50. since the code builds upon stable-baselines3==1.8.0, which depends on an old gym version and thus requires an old version of mujoco-py and consequently MuJoCo.

Make sure that the system packages libosmesa6-dev and patchelf are installed (required to build mujoco-py).

sudo apt-get install libosmesa6-dev
sudo apt-get install patchelf

Install the pg_subspaces package.

cd iclr_2024_pg_subspaces
pip install .


Training an agent

To train an agent, use the following command (the working directory should be iclr_2024_pg_subspaces).

python -m pg_subspaces.scripts.train [arg=value ...]

Important arguments include

Argument Description default
env The environment to train on (use dmc_{Domain}-{task}-v1 for DMC environments, e.g., dmc_Finger-spin-v1) Pendulum-v1
algorithm The algorithm configuration to use (this includes the algorithm and hyperparameters), see scripts/conf/algorithm for examples ppo_default
checkpoint_interval The interval at which to store checkpoints for later analysis 100000

To view the full list of arguments and their default values, have a look at pg_subspaces/scripts/conf/train.yaml.

The training script will create a log directory under logs/training/{env}/{date}/{time}. Use tensorboard to view the learning curve (scalar: eval/mean_reward).

tensorboard --logdir /path/to/trainlogs

Running the analysis

To run the gradient subspace fraction analysis, use the following command

python -m pg_subspaces.scripts.analyze train_logs=/path/to/trainlogs [arg=value ...]

where /path/to/trainlogs should be replaced by the path to the log directory created by the train command from section Training an agent.

Important arguments include

Argument Description default
min_interval The interval at which to execute the analysis (should be a multiple of the checkpoint_interval used during training) 100000
num_workers The number of checkpoints to analyze in parallel via multiprocessing, default 1
device The device to use for analysis (cpu or cuda); analysis on a GPU is recommended auto
analysis.hessian_eigen Which method to use for estimating the Hessian eigenvectors (lanczos for the Lanczos method, explicit for explicitly calculating the Hessian) lanczos
To view the full list of arguments and their default values, have a look at pg_subspaces/scripts/conf/analyze.yaml and pg_subspaces/scripts/conf/analysis/gradient_subspace_fraction_analysis.yaml.

The analysis results will be added to the tensorboard logs of the training run (scalars: high_curvature_subspace_analysis/default/gradient_subspace_fraction_*/*).

To compute the subspace overlap metric, run the following command (need to run after the gradient subspace fraction analysis)

python -m pg_subspaces.scripts.compute_subspace_overlaps train_logs=/path/to/trainlogs [arg=value ...]

Important arguments include

Argument Description default
num_workers The number of checkpoints to analyze in parallel via multiprocessing, default 1
device The device to use for analysis (cpu or cuda); analysis on a GPU is recommended auto
analysis.hessian_eigen Which method to use for estimating the Hessian eigenvectors (lanczos for the Lanczos method, explicit for explicitly calculating the Hessian) lanczos
eigenvec_overlap_checkpoints A list of initial timestep to compare the subspace to (values for t1 in the paper) [0, 10_000, 50_000, 100_000, 200_000, 500_000, 1_000_000]
top_eigenvec_levels A list of subspace dimensionalities (values for k in the paper) [1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100]
To view the full list of arguments and their default values, have a look at pg_subspaces/scripts/conf/compute_subspace_overlaps.yaml.

The analysis results will be added to the tensorboard logs of the training run (scalars: high_curvature_subspace_analysis/default/overlaps_*/*).


    title={Identifying Policy Gradient Subspaces},
    author={Schneider, Jan and Schumacher, Pierre and Guist, Simon and Chen, Le and H{\"a}ufle, Daniel and Sch{\"o}lkopf, Bernhard and B{\"u}chler, Dieter},
    booktitle={The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations},