
A spec-compliant gitignore parser for Python

MIT License



Version v2.1.5 as of 2024-10-16 see Changelog_

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  • A spec-compliant gitignore parser for Python.
  • IgittIgitt provides methods to intentionally ignore files and directories (usually to copy or distribute them).
  • The patterns to define what should be ignored, are stored in "ignore" files, which are compatible with git <https://git-scm.com/docs/gitignore#_pattern_format>_.


  • at the current stage the parser is ok, as long as You dont use negations (ignore globs, which starts with "!")
  • precedence levels are not supported correctly
  • according to the manual, more nested ignore files have a higher precedence than less nested ignore files - this is currently
    neither checked, nor supported correctly.
  • sizelimit, hidden directories and other features might behave different from git
  • some features are not implemented
  • the limitations are somehow a result of the incomplete documentation at git-scm.com <https://git-scm.com/docs/gitignore#_pattern_format>_
  • luckily there is a good explanation at WalkBuilder <https://docs.rs/ignore/0.4.18/ignore/struct.WalkBuilder.html>_ , so You can expect things
    will get better over time

is it still useful ?

  • yes
  • if You dont need negation rules, and dont rely on correct precedence of nested rule files, it will work just fine

Ignore rules - correct handling (currently not)

There are many rules that influence whether a particular file or directory is skipped. Those rules are documented here. Note that the rules assume a default configuration.

  1. glob overrides are checked. If a path matches a glob override, then matching stops.

    • The path is then only skipped if the glob that matched the path is an ignore glob.
      (An override glob is a whitelist glob unless it starts with a !, in which case it is an ignore glob.)
  2. ignore files are checked.

    • Ignore files currently only come from git ignore files
      (.gitignore, .git/info/exclude and the configured global gitignore file),
      plain .ignore files, which have the same format as gitignore files, or explicitly added ignore files.
    • The precedence order is: .ignore, .gitignore, .git/info/exclude, global gitignore and finally
      explicitly added ignore files.
    • Note that precedence between different types of ignore files is not impacted by the directory hierarchy;
      any .ignore file overrides all .gitignore files.
    • Within each precedence level, more nested ignore files have a higher precedence than less nested
      ignore files. (really ? check !)
    • if the previous step yields an ignore match, then all matching is stopped and the path is skipped.
    • if it yields a whitelist match, then matching continues, a whitelist match can be overridden by a later matcher.
    • unless the path is a directory, the file type matcher is run on the path.
    • as above, if it yields an ignore match, then all matching is stopped and the path is skipped.
    • if it yields a whitelist match, then matching continues.
    • if the path has not been whitelisted and it is hidden, then the path is skipped.
    • unless the path is a directory, the size of the file is compared against the max filesize limit.
      If it exceeds the limit, it is skipped.

Ignore rules - current handling (not spec compliant)

  • no precedence levels are supported, rules are just sorted by length (which is terribly wrong if negation rules are used)
  • all other points from above are not implemented

After reading (nesting supported) the .gitignore file, You can match files against the parsers match function. If the file should be ignored, it matches. We also provide an ignore function for shutil.treecopy so it is easy just to copy a directory tree without the files which should be ignored. A match indicates, that the file should be ignored.

Suppose /home/bitranox/project/.gitignore contains the following:

.. code-block:: python

# /home/bitranox/project/.gitignore


.. code-block:: python

>>> import igittigitt
>>> parser = igittigitt.IgnoreParser()
>>> parser.parse_rule_file(pathlib.Path('/home/bitranox/project/.gitignore'))
>>> parser.match(pathlib.Path('/home/bitranox/project/main.py'))
>>> parser.match(pathlib.Path('/home/bitranox/project/main.pyc'))
>>> parser.match(pathlib.Path('/home/bitranox/project/dir/main.pyc'))
>>> parser.match(pathlib.Path('/home/bitranox/project/__pycache__'))
# copy the tree without the files which should be ignored by .gitignore
>>> shutil.copytree('/home/bitranox/project', '/home/bitranox/project2', ignore=parser.shutil_ignore)

Default Patterns

Patterns which a user wants Git to ignore in all situations (e.g., backup or temporary files generated by the user’s editor of choice) can be put in a file, which location is configured via environment variables :

POSIX : Its default value is $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/git/ignore. If $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is either not set or empty, $HOME/.config/git/ignore is used instead.

WINDOWS : Its default value is %XDG_CONFIG_HOME%/git/ignore. If %XDG_CONFIG_HOME% is either not set or empty, %HOME%/.config/git/ignore is used instead. If %HOME% is either not set or empty, %USERPROFILE%/git/ignore is used instead.

The Usage of the default Pattern can be disabled by setting conf_igittigitt.add_default_patterns=False


I couldn't find a good library for doing the above on PyPI. There are several other libraries, but they don't seem to support all features, be it the square brackets in *.py[cod] or top-level paths /....

inspired by https://github.com/mherrmann/gitignore_parser but in fact I needed to throw away almost everything, because of serious matching bugs and unmaintainable spaghetti code.


  • meaning (german):
    often perceived as an exaggeration exclamation of rejection, rejection full of disgust, disgust (mostly used by young children)
  • synonyms:
    ugh, brr, ugh devil, yuck
  • origin
    probably covering for: o God, ogottogott

automated tests, Github Actions, Documentation, Badges, etc. are managed with PizzaCutter <https://github .com/bitranox/PizzaCutter>_ (cookiecutter on steroids)

Python version required: 3.8.0 or newer

tested on recent linux with python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, pypy-3.9, pypy-3.10, graalpy-24.1 - architectures: amd64

100% code coverage <https://codeclimate.com/github/bitranox/igittigitt/test_coverage>, flake8 style checking ,mypy static type checking ,tested under Linux, macOS, Windows <https://github.com/bitranox/igittigitt/actions/workflows/python-package.yml>, automatic daily builds and monitoring

  • Try it Online_
  • Usage_
  • Usage from Commandline_
  • Installation and Upgrade_
  • Requirements_
  • Acknowledgements_
  • Contribute_
  • Report Issues <https://github.com/bitranox/igittigitt/blob/master/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md>_
  • Pull Request <https://github.com/bitranox/igittigitt/blob/master/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md>_
  • Code of Conduct <https://github.com/bitranox/igittigitt/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md>_
  • License_
  • Changelog_

Try it Online

You might try it right away in Jupyter Notebook by using the "launch binder" badge, or click here <https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/bitranox/igittigitt/master?filepath=igittigitt.ipynb>_


  • init the Ignore Parser

.. code-block:: python

class IgnoreParser(object):
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        init the igittigitt parser.

.. code-block:: python

    >>> # init as normal Instance
    >>> parser = igittigitt.IgnoreParser()
    >>> print(parser)
    <...IgnoreParser object at ...>

    >>> # init with context manager
    >>> with igittigitt.IgnoreParser() as parser:
    ...     print(parser)
    <...IgnoreParser object at ...>

  • add rules by rule files (the default method)

.. code-block:: python

    def parse_rule_files(
        self, base_dir: PathLikeOrString, filename: str = ".gitignore", add_default_patterns: bool = conf_igittigitt.add_default_patterns
    ) -> None:
        get all the rule files (default = '.gitignore') from the base_dir
        all subdirectories will be searched for <filename> and the rules will be appended

            the base directory - all subdirectories will be searched for <filename>
            the rule filename, default = '.gitignore'
            if to add the default ignore patterns from user home directory. Those default patterns may reside at :

            LINUX : $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/git/ignore, if not set or empty

            WINDOWS : %XDG_CONFIG_HOME%/git/ignore, if not set or empty
                      %HOME%/.config/git/ignore,  if not set or empty


        >>> # test empty rule file
        >>> path_test_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent.resolve() / 'tests'
        >>> path_source_dir = path_test_dir / 'example'

        >>> # parse existing file with rules
        >>> ignore_parser=IgnoreParser()
        >>> ignore_parser.parse_rule_files(path_test_dir, '.test_gitignore')

        >>> # parse existing file without rules
        >>> ignore_parser=IgnoreParser()
        >>> ignore_parser.parse_rule_files(path_test_dir, '.test_gitignore_empty')

        >>> # parse none existing file
        >>> ignore_parser=IgnoreParser()
        >>> ignore_parser.parse_rule_files(path_test_dir, '.test_not_existing')


.. code-block:: python

>>> # import all .gitignore recursively from base directory
>>> ignore_parser.parse_rule_files(base_dir=path_source_dir)

>>> # import all .gitignore recursively from base directory
>>> # use another rule filename
>>> ignore_parser.parse_rule_files(base_dir=path_source_dir, filename='my_ignore_rules')

  • add a rule by string

.. code-block:: python

    def add_rule(self, pattern: str, base_path: PathLikeOrString) -> None:
        add a rule as a string

            the pattern
            since gitignore patterns are relative to a base
            directory, that needs to be provided here

.. code-block:: python

    >>> parser = igittigitt.IgnoreParser()
    >>> parser.add_rule('*.py[cod]', base_path='/home/bitranox')

  • match a file

.. code-block:: python

    def match(self, file_path: PathLikeOrString) -> bool:
        returns True if the path matches the rules

        >>> # Setup
        >>> base_path = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent.resolve() / 'tests/example_negation'

        >>> # Test
        >>> gitignore = IgnoreParser()
        >>> gitignore.add_rule("/*", base_path)
        >>> gitignore.add_rule("!/foo", base_path)
        >>> gitignore.add_rule("/foo/*", base_path)
        >>> gitignore.add_rule("!/foo/bar", base_path)
        >>> assert gitignore.match(base_path / "foo/bar/file.txt") == False
        >>> # assert gitignore.match(base_path / "foo/other/file.txt") == True  # this fails - because everything is wrong
        >>> # see : https://docs.rs/ignore/0.4.18/ignore/struct.WalkBuilder.html


  • shutil ignore function

.. code-block:: python

    def shutil_ignore(self, base_dir: str, file_names: List[str]) -> Set[str]:
        Ignore function for shutil.copy_tree

.. code-block:: python

    >>> path_source_dir = path_test_dir / "example"
    >>> path_target_dir = path_test_dir / "target"
    >>> ignore_parser = igittigitt.IgnoreParser()
    >>> ignore_parser.parse_rule_files(base_dir=path_source_dir, filename=".test_gitignore")
    >>> discard = shutil.copytree(path_source_dir, path_target_dir, ignore=ignore_parser.shutil_ignore)

Usage from Commandline

.. code-block::

Usage: igittigitt [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

 A spec-compliant gitignore parser for Python

Options: --version Show the version and exit. --traceback / --no-traceback return traceback information on cli -h, --help Show this message and exit.

Commands: info get program information

Installation and Upgrade

  • Before You start, its highly recommended to update pip:

.. code-block::

python -m pip --upgrade pip
  • to install the latest release from PyPi via pip (recommended):

.. code-block::

python -m pip install --upgrade igittigitt
  • to install the latest release from PyPi via pip, including test dependencies:

.. code-block::

python -m pip install --upgrade igittigitt[test]
  • to install the latest version from github via pip:

.. code-block::

python -m pip install --upgrade git+https://github.com/bitranox/igittigitt.git
  • include it into Your requirements.txt:

.. code-block::

# Insert following line in Your requirements.txt:
# for the latest Release on pypi:

# for the latest development version :
igittigitt @ git+https://github.com/bitranox/igittigitt.git

# to install and upgrade all modules mentioned in requirements.txt:
python -m pip install --upgrade -r /<path>/requirements.txt
  • to install the latest development version, including test dependencies from source code:

.. code-block::

# cd ~
$ git clone https://github.com/bitranox/igittigitt.git
$ cd igittigitt
python -m pip install -e .[test]
  • via makefile:
    makefiles are a very convenient way to install. Here we can do much more,
    like installing virtual environments, clean caches and so on.

.. code-block:: shell

# from Your shell's homedirectory:
$ git clone https://github.com/bitranox/igittigitt.git
$ cd igittigitt

# to run the tests:
$ make test

# to install the package
$ make install

# to clean the package
$ make clean

# uninstall the package
$ make uninstall


following modules will be automatically installed :

.. code-block:: bash

## Project Requirements


  • special thanks to "uncle bob" Robert C. Martin, especially for his books on "clean code" and "clean architecture"


I would love for you to fork and send me pull request for this project.

  • please Contribute <https://github.com/bitranox/igittigitt/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md>_


This software is licensed under the MIT license <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License>_


  • new MAJOR version for incompatible API changes,
  • new MINOR version for added functionality in a backwards compatible manner
  • new PATCH version for backwards compatible bug fixes


2024-10-16: - setup-python@v5 - sigterm_handler for CLI - graalpy 24.1 tests - CODECOV_TOKEN - fix mypy error


2023-07-14: - add codeql badge - move 3rd_party_stubs outside the src directory to ./.3rd_party_stubs - add pypy 3.10 tests - add python 3.12-dev tests


2023-07-13: - require minimum python 3.8 - remove python 3.7 tests - introduce PEP517 packaging standard - introduce pyproject.toml build-system - remove setup.cfg - remove setup.py - update black config - clean ./tests/test_cli.py - update black config - remove travis config - remove bettercodehub config - do not upload .egg files to pypi.org - update github actions : checkout@v3 and setup-python@v4 - remove "better code" badges - remove python 3.6 tests - adding python 3.11 tests - update pypy tests to 3.9


2022-06-25: - set all accordingly - point out limitations in Readme - integrate github actions - adjusting tests: patterns ending with a point can not match on windows - removing invalid escape sequences - match on paths with symlinks in their components


2021-11-18: minor release - issue 21, support default ignore files


2021-11-16: patch release - Issue 18, 22, support following symlinks


2020-11-15: patch release - Issue 16, support following symlinks


2020-10-09: service release - update travis build matrix for linux 3.9-dev - update travis build matrix (paths) for windows 3.9 / 3.10 - bump up coverage


2020-09-20: - (again) correcting matching bug in subdirectories, added tests for that - use slotted class for rules, make it hashable and sortable - avoid creating duplicate rules for better performance


2020-09-18: - correct matching bug in subdirectories - avoid redundant patterns when match subdirectories


2020-08-14: - complete redesign - get rid of regexp matching - more tests - now correct matching in subdirs, directory names, filenames, etc ...


2020-08-14: - get rid of the named tuple - implement attrs - full typing, PEP561 package - add blacked badge


2020-08-14: fix Windows and MacOs tests


2020-08-13: handle trailing spaces


2020-08-13: handle comments


2020-08-13: handle directories


2020-08-13: fix negation handling


2020-08-13: change the API interface - put parser in a class to keep rules there - change tests to pytest - start type annotations - implement black codestyle


2020-08-12: initial release - fork from https://github.com/mherrmann/gitignore_parser