
Wrapper of dedicated server of «IL-2 Sturmovik: Forgotten Battles». Provides high-level API and streaming facilities

MIT License


IL-2 FB Dedicated Server Airbridge ##################################

|pypi_package| |python_versions| |license| |codebeat| |codacy| |scrutinizer|


Table of Contents

.. contents:: :local: :depth: 3 :backlinks: none


Definitions below give explanation of terms used in this text. Some explanations may slightly differ from generally-accepted because of domain-specific aspects.

IL-2 FB "Old" version of «IL-2 Sturmovik» aviasimulator. It is often referenced as «IL-2 Sturmovik: Forgotten Battles», however it also implies all further commercial versions up to «IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946» including all official free patches.

DS Dedicated server of IL-2 FB: a stand-alone headless application which is used for creation of a single entry point for multiplayer game mode.

API Application's interface which makes it possible for 3rd-party software to interact with the application.

Telnet A network protocol which provides a bidirectional interactive text-oriented communication facility using a virtual terminal connection.

Console Server's terminal (shell) which is used by server's administrators to manage server by executing text commands and to monitor several aspects of users' activity like connections to DS, chat messages and so on. Console is also an API served by server over Telnet protocol to provide terminal access to 3rd-party software.

Device Link A game-specific network protocol and API which is generally used to access current state of players' aircrafts by 3rd-party software. For DS it provides ability to query coorinates of all actors and static objects in nearly real-time fashion. Refer to documentation <>_ for more details.

Mission A text file which contains definition of game environment, objects, actors, targets and so on. Mission is also a process of execution of mission file, i.e. a running game. Refer to demo page of mission parser <>_ to get example of mission definition.

Game Log A text file produced by DS which stores in-game events each of which is recorded in an append-only mode. Each event represents a set of changes in state of actors in mission. Refer to demo page of game log parser <>_ to get examples of event records.

Server Config A text file which defines server's technical characteristics, facilities and global game options. Refer to configuration editor <>_ for more details.

Streaming A process of continuous sharing of data from producer to direct consumer or storage.

Pub/Sub Publish–subscribe is a communication pattern where senders of messages know nothing about message receivers, as communication is provided by a mediator called "message broker" or "message bus". This pattern allows to totally decouple senders from receivers, hence, they do not need to know about existence, location, availability and implementation of each other.

HTTP Request–response communication protocol in the client–server computing model, where messages are presented as structured text. Designed for transfer of hypermedia text (HTML). It is the foundation of any data exchange on the Web.

REST REST (REpresentational State Transfer) is an architectural style, and an approach to communications that is often used in the development of Web services. The key abstraction of information in REST is a resource. Other important thing associated with REST is resource methods to be used to perform the desired transition of resource's state. Usually implemented on top of HTTP, but not limited to it.

WS WebSockets is a communications protocol, providing full-duplex communication channels between a client and a server. It makes it possible to send messages to a server and receive event-driven responses without having to poll the server for a reply. WebSockets protocol was designed to work over HTTP and allows web application to communicate with server directly from web browser.

NATS NATS is a high performance messaging system that acts as a distributed messaging queue for cloud native applications (see more info <>_).

NATS Streaming NATS Streaming is a data streaming system powered by NATS (see more info <>_).


Airbridge is an application which wraps dedicated server of «IL-2 Sturmovik: Forgotten Battles» aviasimulator.

It acts as additional access layer on top of dedicated server and provides high-level API with ability to subscribe to game events. Airbridge makes it possible to communicate with dedicated server by exchanging structured messages instead of raw strings and packages.

This means that you can access server's console, device link and mission storage in a unified way. Also it's possible to subscribe to the stream of parsed game events easily.

Airbridge allows totally remote access to dedicated server without need to bother about access to server's file system. This allows to escape limitations on location of supplementary software and server commanders: dedicated server and 3rd-party software can now run on different machines and under different operating systems.

All that brings much easier server's API and more pleasant development experience.


The main rationale behind this project is a need for convenient unified programmatic access to different facilities of dedicated server along with ability to monitor users' in-game activity and to manage server remotely.

Dedicated server exposes multiple facilities to 3rd-party applications: management console, location service, mission storage, config, streaming of in-game events, etc. All these facilities require different ways of communication and use different data structured for that, which are not documented. This makes it difficult, tedious and error-prone to build systems on top of bare dedicated server, especially server commanders. Developers of every commander have to invent their own toolset for accessing same server's facilities. This results in duplication of code and different implementations for different programming languages.

Airbridge unifies API to server's facilities and uses structured messages for communication instead of raw strings or bytes. It provides API consistency and development comfort. Access to each facility is done via corresponding stand-alone library, e.g. il2fb-ds-middleware <>, il2fb-game-log-parser <>, il2fb-mission-parser <>_ and il2fb-ds-config <>_. These libraries accumulate almost all knowledge of their subjects and can be used separately. Community can contrubite to their development and free up much of resources by reusing these libraries. Airbridge aggregates These libraries and exposes their functionality on top of a running dedicated server.

Dedicated server allows only one application to access its management console at a time. Moreover, storage of game events (game log) is sticked to server's file system making it impossible to access events outside server. Same is right for mission storage: if missions are genarated by 3rd-party software, they need to be uploaded to server's mission storage, but there is no way to do this. All that results into creation of heavy monolithic applications which combine application's logic, communication with game server and external services like databases, web applications and mission generators into a complex one-stop shop.

Additionally, most of dedicated servers run on dedicated hardware along with other services under Windows OS. This is quite not the best OS for running complex systems and it's definitely not suitable for development of them.

Airbridge allows developes of 3rd-party software to escape single machine and Windows OS giving them ability to bring more power and flexibility to computation, logic and infrastructure of their systems.

Architecture Overview

The diagram below depicts architecture of Airbridge application for better understanding of its implementation and work principles.

.. image:: ./docs/Overview.png :alt: Architecture Overview :align: center

Airbridge application runs dedicated server in background as a coprocess. It captures server's STDOUT with STDIN and forwards it to own STDOUT with STDIN. STDIN of Airbridge is forwarded to server's STDIN. This allows to do analysis and filtering of terminal I/O, e.g. addition of colors for prompt and errors. From user's perspective there's no visible difference between work with bare server and work with Airbridge. This is good for compatibility reasons.

Information about server's config is provided to Airbridge by il2fb-ds-config <>_ library. Most important config options are related to console's and device link's ports and location of game log. Location of missions is always known and contained inside server's directory.

Communication between Airbridge and dedicated server is provided by device link and console clients (see il2fb-ds-middleware <>_ library). They allow to perform high-level requests as well as to send raw data. The latter one is used to build appropriate proxies on top of clients. Proxies allow existing applications to continue to communicate with server without changes. At the same time new applications can use unified API of Airbridge without any need to bother themselves with knowledge about low-level protocols.

Device link on dedicated server can be used only to locate coordinates of actors and buildings. As location of objects is done by execution of multiple requests to server's device link, a radar is build on top of its client to simplify location of different types of objects.

Game log of dedicated server is monitored by a game log watcher. If new records appear in game log, the watcher will read them and pass to a game log parser (see il2fb-game-log-parser <>_ library). The parser emits structured representation of events. It also emits not parsed strings if it failes to parse them. This can be used to track parsing errors which can occur if a new or unknown event happens. Such events can be stored and used for improving parser.

All features of dedicated server can be separated into two categories: requests and streaming. Requests are made via radar or console client. Streaming is a bit more compticated as events of a single logical facility can come from different physical souces (i.e. events mainly come from game log but can come from console client as well).

There are four logical facilities which bring streaming to their subscribers: chat, events, not parsed strings and radar. The first three facilities act as routers between data sources and subscribers: chat facility subscribes to chat messages from console client and broadcasts them to chat subscribers; events facility subscribes to game events from game log parser and to user connection events from console client and broadcasts events to events subscribers; not parsed strings facility subscribes to strings produced by game log parser and broadcasts them to own subscribers. In contrast, radar facility does not route data from other sources. Instead, it produces it by querying radar component periodically. Period of querying depends on the needs of its subscribers.

Subscribers in terms of Airbridge are any objects who follow its subscription interface. Subscribers can be static and dynamic: static subscribers are created when application starts and work until it exits; dynamic subscribers can be created and destroyed at any moment. For example, it's possible to create a file streaming subscriber or NATS streaming subscriber which will work from application's startup till its end. Also it's possible to connect to Airbridge via WebSocket and subscribe to facilities dynamically.

Clients of Airbridge can perform requests via different APIs depending on their needs. They can use Request-Reply API over NATS or REST API over HTTP.

REST API combines two independent parts: API for dedicated server and API for missions storage. In fact, these APIs can be separated from each other and live their independent lives in different services (splitted into microservices), but this does not make sense at this point due to maintenance overhead.

Features Overview

This section provides an overview of features which Airbridge brings to its users. As it was already mentioned in the previous section, all features can be devided into two categories: requests and streaming.


Requests are used to query data or to change state of processes and objects. They can have or not have responses depending on their type.

All requests which interact with dedicated server accept optional parameter timeout. It has type float and is measured in seconds.

In contrast with raw server's communication interfaces, requests API of Airbridge provides seamless multiplexing of requests comming from multiple clients.


The following part of documentation lists and describes REST API endpoints
which are available over HTTP.

Bodies of POST requests and responses of all requests are formatted as JSON.

All endpoints accept optional ``pretty`` query parameter. For example:
``/info?pretty``. It tells endpoints to make "pretty" output by adding
indents. This can be useful for debugging.

Timeouts are passed as query parameters also, e.g.: ``/info?timeout=3``

``GET /``
    Check status of Airbridge and dedicated server. Can be useful for health
    checking and failure detection with tools like
    `Consul <>`_.

        No parameters.

            Server is alive.

                .. code-block:: json

                        "status": "alive"

        No authorization.

``GET /info``
    Get information about server. Wraps ``server`` console command.

        No parameters.

            Serialized `il2fb.ds.middleware.console.structures.ServerInfo <>`_

                .. code-block:: json

                        "type": "Local server",
                        "name": "Development server",
                        "description": "Dedicated Server for local tests",
                        "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.console.structures.ServerInfo"

        No authorization.

``GET /humans``
    Get list of users connected to server. Wraps ``user`` console command.

        No parameters.

            List of `il2fb.ds.middleware.console.structures.Human <>`_

                .. code-block:: json

                            "callsign": "john.doe",
                            "ping": 15,
                            "score": 0,
                            "belligerent": {
                                "name": "red",
                                "value": 1,
                                "verbose_name": "red",
                                "help_text": null
                            "aircraft": {
                                "designation": "* Red 1",
                                "type": "Yak-1"
                            "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.console.structures.Human"

        Required if configured.

``GET /humans/count``
    Get number of users connected to server. Equals to a number of records
    returned by ``user`` console command.

        No parameters.

            Integer representing number of connected users.

                .. code-block:: json


        Required if configured.

``GET /humans/statistics``
    Get server's statistics for users connected to server.
    Wraps ``user STAT`` console command.

        No parameters.

            List of `il2fb.ds.middleware.console.structures.HumanStatistics <>`_

                .. code-block:: json

                            "callsign": "john.doe",
                            "score": 0,
                            "state": "Landed at Airfield",
                            "enemy_aircraft_kills": 0,
                            "enemy_static_aircraft_kills": 0,
                            "enemy_tank_kills": 0,
                            "enemy_car_kills": 0,
                            "enemy_artillery_kills": 0,
                            "enemy_aaa_kills": 0,
                            "enemy_wagon_kills": 0,
                            "enemy_ship_kills": 0,
                            "enemy_radio_kills": 0,
                            "friendly_aircraft_kills": 0,
                            "friendly_static_aircraft_kills": 0,
                            "friendly_tank_kills": 0,
                            "friendly_car_kills": 0,
                            "friendly_artillery_kills": 0,
                            "friendly_aaa_kills": 0,
                            "friendly_wagon_kills": 0,
                            "friendly_ship_kills": 0,
                            "friendly_radio_kills": 0,
                            "bullets_fired": 0,
                            "bullets_hit": 0,
                            "bullets_hit_air_targets": 0,
                            "rockets_launched": 0,
                            "rockets_hit": 0,
                            "bombs_dropped": 0,
                            "bombs_hit": 0,
                            "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.console.structures.HumanStatistics"

        Required if configured.

``POST /humans/kick``
    Kick all users from server.

            Empty dictionary.

                .. code-block:: json


        Required if configured.

``POST /humans/<callsign>/kick``
    Kick user from server by user's callsign.

        In URL
                Callsign of user to kick.



            Empty dictionary.

                .. code-block:: json


        Required if configured.

``POST /chat``
    Send message in chat to everyone.

        In body
                Message to send.


            Body example
                .. code-block:: json

                        "message": "hello!"

            Empty dictionary.

                .. code-block:: json


        Required if configured.

``POST /chat/humans/<addressee>``
    Send message in chat to a user.

        In URL
                Callsign of user to chat to.



        In body
                Message to send.


            Body example
                .. code-block:: json

                        "message": "hello!"

            Empty dictionary.

                .. code-block:: json


        Required if configured.

``POST /chat/belligerents/<addressee>``
    Send message in chat to a belligerent (army).

        In URL
                Belligerent to chat to. See `il2fb.commons.organization.Belligerents <>`_
                for details.



        In body
                Message to send.


            Body example
                .. code-block:: json

                        "message": "hello!"

            Empty dictionary.

                .. code-block:: json


        Required if configured.

``GET /missions/<path>``
    Browse missions storage (directories, ``.mis`` and ``.properties`` files).

        In URL
                Path to a directory or mission relative to server's
                ``Missions`` directory. ``Missions`` root directory is used if
                ``path`` is not specified.


                Example for directory

                Example for mission

        In query:
                Optional parameter for getting parsed mission instead of raw
                text. Parsing is done by `il2fb-mission-parser <>`_



            List of files and directories if resource is a directory.

                .. code-block:: json

                        "dirs": [
                            "   1",
                            "   2",
                            "   3",
                            "   4",
                            "Pacific Fighters"
                        "files": [

            Mission content as plain text if resource is a mission.

            Parsed mission content as JSON if resource is a mission and
            ``json`` parameter is specified.
            `Refer to parser's demo page <>`_
            to explore resulting format.

            Requested resource does not exist.

            Mission parsing or another error has occurred.

        Required if configured.

``POST /missions/<path>``
    Upload mission and properties to a given directory in storage.

        In URL
                Path to a directory relative to server's ``Missions``
                directory. ``Missions`` root directory is used if ``path`` is
                not specified.



        In body
            Mission and properties are passed as parts of
            ``multipart/form-data`` request. Name of form fields does not
            matter. Amount of files being uploaded is not limited.

            Request body example:
                .. code-block::

                    POST /missions/Net/dogfight/dev HTTP/1.1
                    Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW

                    Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="demo_sample.mis"

                    Content-Disposition: form-data; name="props"; filename=""


            Empty dictionary.

                .. code-block:: json


    Side effects
        - Target directory is created if it does not exist.
        - Files are overwritten if they are already exist.

        Required if configured.

``DELETE /missions/<path>``
    Delete mission with its property files from storage.

        In URL
                Path to a mission relative to server's ``Missions`` directory.



            Empty dictionary.

                .. code-block:: json


            Requested mission does not exist.

    Side effects
        ``.property`` files which are associated with a given mission are also
        deleted if present.

        Required if configured.

``GET /missions/current/info``
    Get information about current mission. Wraps ``mission`` console command.

        No parameters.

            Serialized `il2fb.ds.middleware.console.structures.MissionInfo <>`_

                .. code-block:: json

                        "status": {
                            "name": "not_loaded"
                        "file_path": null,
                        "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.console.structures.MissionInfo"

        Required if configured.

``POST /missions/<path>/load``
    Load a given mission to make it current. Wraps ``mission LOAD`` console

        In URL
                Path to a mission relative to server's ``Missions`` directory.



            Empty dictionary.

                .. code-block:: json


        Required if configured.

``POST /missions/current/begin``
    Begin current mission. Wraps ``mission BEGIN`` console command.

        No parameters.

            Empty dictionary.

                .. code-block:: json


        Required if configured.

``POST /missions/current/end``
    End current mission. Wraps ``mission END`` console command.

        No parameters.

            Empty dictionary.

                .. code-block:: json


        Required if configured.

``POST /missions/current/unload``
    Unload current mission. Wraps ``mission DESTROY`` console command.

        No parameters.

            Empty dictionary.

                .. code-block:: json


        Required if configured.

``GET /radar/ships``
    Get positions of all ships (moving and stationary).

        No parameters.

            List of `il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.ShipPosition <>`_

                .. code-block:: json

                            "index": 0,
                            "id": "0_Chief",
                            "pos": {
                                "x": 8445,
                                "y": 138394
                            "is_stationary": false,
                            "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.ShipPosition"
                            "index": 1,
                            "id": "1_Chief",
                            "pos": {
                                "x": 37758,
                                "y": 225193
                            "is_stationary": false,
                            "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.ShipPosition"
                            "index": 2,
                            "id": "8_Chief",
                            "pos": {
                                "x": 29003,
                                "y": 152135
                            "is_stationary": false,
                            "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.ShipPosition"
                            "index": 3,
                            "id": "70_Static",
                            "pos": {
                                "x": 43387,
                                "y": 154521
                            "is_stationary": true,
                            "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.ShipPosition"
                            "index": 4,
                            "id": "72_Static",
                            "pos": {
                                "x": 43448,
                                "y": 152697
                            "is_stationary": true,
                            "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.ShipPosition"

        Required if configured.

``GET /radar/ships/moving``
    Get positions of moving ships.

        No parameters.

            List of `il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.ShipPosition <>`_

                .. code-block:: json

                            "index": 0,
                            "id": "0_Chief",
                            "pos": {
                                "x": 8341,
                                "y": 138642
                            "is_stationary": false,
                            "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.ShipPosition"
                            "index": 1,
                            "id": "1_Chief",
                            "pos": {
                                "x": 37510,
                                "y": 224931
                            "is_stationary": false,
                            "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.ShipPosition"
                            "index": 2,
                            "id": "8_Chief",
                            "pos": {
                                "x": 28869,
                                "y": 152486
                            "is_stationary": false,
                            "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.ShipPosition"

        Required if configured.

``GET /radar/ships/stationary``
    Get positions of stationary ships.

        No parameters.

            List of `il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.ShipPosition <>`_

                .. code-block:: json

                            "index": 3,
                            "id": "70_Static",
                            "pos": {
                                "x": 43387,
                                "y": 154521
                            "is_stationary": true,
                            "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.ShipPosition"
                            "index": 4,
                            "id": "72_Static",
                            "pos": {
                                "x": 43448,
                                "y": 152697
                            "is_stationary": true,
                            "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.ShipPosition"

        Required if configured.

``GET /radar/aircrafts/moving``
    Get positions of moving aircrafts (controlled by users or AI).

        No parameters.

            List of `il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.MovingAircraftPosition <>`_

                .. code-block:: json

                            "index": 0,
                            "id": "I_JG100",
                            "pos": {
                                "x": 80396,
                                "y": 168150,
                                "z": 1511
                            "is_human": false,
                            "member_index": 0,
                            "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.MovingAircraftPosition"
                            "index": 1,
                            "id": "I_JG100",
                            "pos": {
                                "x": 80329,
                                "y": 168158,
                                "z": 1510
                            "is_human": false,
                            "member_index": 1,
                            "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.MovingAircraftPosition"
                            "index": 2,
                            "id": "g0101",
                            "pos": {
                                "x": 66378,
                                "y": 160822,
                                "z": 1512
                            "is_human": false,
                            "member_index": 0,
                            "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.MovingAircraftPosition"
                            "index": 3,
                            "id": "g0101",
                            "pos": {
                                "x": 66307,
                                "y": 160823,
                                "z": 1510
                            "is_human": false,
                            "member_index": 1,
                            "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.MovingAircraftPosition"
                            "index": 4,
                            "id": "john.doe",
                            "pos": {
                                "x": 110695,
                                "y": 202555,
                                "z": 11
                            "is_human": true,
                            "member_index": null,
                            "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.MovingAircraftPosition"

        Required if configured.

``GET /radar/ground-units/moving``
    Get positions of moving ground units.

        No parameters.

            List of `il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.MovingGroundUnitPosition <>`_

                .. code-block:: json

                            "index": 0,
                            "id": "2_Chief",
                            "member_index": 0,
                            "pos": {
                                "x": 99673,
                                "y": 202473,
                                "z": 43
                            "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.MovingGroundUnitPosition"
                            "index": 1,
                            "id": "4_Chief",
                            "member_index": 0,
                            "pos": {
                                "x": 163918,
                                "y": 204481,
                                "z": 15
                            "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.MovingGroundUnitPosition"
                            "index": 2,
                            "id": "4_Chief",
                            "member_index": 1,
                            "pos": {
                                "x": 163928,
                                "y": 204471,
                                "z": 14
                            "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.MovingGroundUnitPosition"

        Required if configured.

``GET /radar/moving``
    Get positions of all moving actors (aircrafts, ground units and moving

        No parameters.

            Serialized structure `il2fb.ds.airbridge.radar.AllMovingActorsPositions <>`_.

                .. code-block:: json

                        "aircrafts": [
                                "index": 0,
                                "id": "I_JG100",
                                "pos": {
                                    "x": 82480,
                                    "y": 161721,
                                    "z": 1861
                                "is_human": false,
                                "member_index": 0,
                                "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.MovingAircraftPosition"
                                "index": 1,
                                "id": "john.doe",
                                "pos": {
                                    "x": 110695,
                                    "y": 202554,
                                    "z": 11
                                "is_human": true,
                                "member_index": null,
                                "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.MovingAircraftPosition"
                        "ground_units": [
                                "index": 0,
                                "id": "2_Chief",
                                "member_index": 0,
                                "pos": {
                                    "x": 99903,
                                    "y": 203297,
                                    "z": 41
                                "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.MovingGroundUnitPosition"
                                "index": 1,
                                "id": "3_Chief",
                                "member_index": 0,
                                "pos": {
                                    "x": 88322,
                                    "y": 184137,
                                    "z": 1
                                "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.MovingGroundUnitPosition"
                        "ships": [
                                "index": 0,
                                "id": "0_Chief",
                                "pos": {
                                    "x": 7720,
                                    "y": 140132
                                "is_stationary": false,
                                "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.ShipPosition"
                                "index": 1,
                                "id": "1_Chief",
                                "pos": {
                                    "x": 35568,
                                    "y": 222874
                                "is_stationary": false,
                                "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.ShipPosition"
                        "__type__": "il2fb.ds.airbridge.radar.AllMovingActorsPositions"

        Required if configured.

``GET /radar/houses``
    Get positions of houses.

        No parameters.

            List of `il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.HousePosition <>`_

                .. code-block:: json

                            "index": 0,
                            "id": "0_bld",
                            "pos": {
                                "x": 100184,
                                "y": 167170
                            "status": {
                                "name": "alive",
                                "value": "A"
                            "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.HousePosition"
                            "index": 1,
                            "id": "1_bld",
                            "pos": {
                                "x": 100174,
                                "y": 167142
                            "status": {
                                "name": "alive",
                                "value": "A"
                            "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.HousePosition"

        Required if configured.

``GET /radar/stationary-objects``
    Get positions of stationary objects.

        No parameters.

            List of `il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.StationaryObjectPosition <>`_

                .. code-block:: json

                            "index": 0,
                            "id": "0_Static",
                            "pos": {
                                "x": 71906,
                                "y": 178119,
                                "z": 1
                            "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.StationaryObjectPosition"
                            "index": 1,
                            "id": "1_Static",
                            "pos": {
                                "x": 71616,
                                "y": 176956,
                                "z": 1
                            "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.StationaryObjectPosition"

        Required if configured.

``GET /radar/stationary``
    Get positions of all stationary actors (stationary objects, houses and
    stationary ships).

        No parameters.

            Serialized structure `il2fb.ds.airbridge.radar.AllStationaryActorsPositions <>`_.

                .. code-block:: json

                        "stationary_objects": [
                                "index": 0,
                                "id": "0_Static",
                                "pos": {
                                    "x": 71906,
                                    "y": 178119,
                                    "z": 1
                                "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.StationaryObjectPosition"
                                "index": 1,
                                "id": "1_Static",
                                "pos": {
                                    "x": 71616,
                                    "y": 176956,
                                    "z": 1
                                "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.StationaryObjectPosition"
                        "houses": [
                                "index": 0,
                                "id": "0_bld",
                                "pos": {
                                    "x": 100184,
                                    "y": 167170
                                "status": {
                                    "name": "alive",
                                    "value": "A"
                                "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.HousePosition"
                                "index": 1,
                                "id": "1_bld",
                                "pos": {
                                    "x": 100174,
                                    "y": 167142
                                "status": {
                                    "name": "alive",
                                    "value": "A"
                                "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.HousePosition"
                        "ships": [
                                "index": 3,
                                "id": "70_Static",
                                "pos": {
                                    "x": 43387,
                                    "y": 154521
                                "is_stationary": true,
                                "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.ShipPosition"
                                "index": 4,
                                "id": "72_Static",
                                "pos": {
                                    "x": 43448,
                                    "y": 152697
                                "is_stationary": true,
                                "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.ShipPosition"
                        "__type__": "il2fb.ds.airbridge.radar.AllStationaryActorsPositions"

        Required if configured.


Airbridge provides requests API over NATS by using it's request-reply <>_ mechanism.

All messages are formatted as JSON just like in case of REST.

Each request message defines its operation by opcode parameter of integer type.

Those requests, which accept arguments, specify payload parameter as dictionary.

Optional timeout argument is also available for all requests. As in case of REST API, this parameter has type float and is measured in seconds, for example:

.. code-block:: json

    "opcode": 0,
    "payload": {
        "timeout": 5

Every response contains status. It is an integer representation of request execution status, where 0 stands for success and 1 — for failure. Example:

.. code-block:: json

    "status": 0

Available NATS requests are listed below along with examples of responses.

GET_SERVER_INFO Get information about server. Wraps server console command.


    No parameters.

Request example
    .. code-block:: json

            "opcode": 0

Response example:
    .. code-block:: json

            "status": 0,
            "payload": {
                "type": "Local server",
                "name": "Development server",
                "description": "Dedicated Server for local tests",
                "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.console.structures.ServerInfo"

GET_HUMANS_LIST Get list of users connected to server. Wraps user console command.


    No parameters.

Request example
    .. code-block:: json

            "opcode": 10

Response example:
    .. code-block:: json

            "status": 0,
            "payload": [
                    "callsign": "john.doe",
                    "ping": 61,
                    "score": 0,
                    "belligerent": {
                        "name": "none",
                        "value": 0,
                        "verbose_name": "none",
                        "help_text": null,
                    "aircraft": null,
                    "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.console.structures.Human"

GET_HUMANS_COUNT Get number of users connected to server. Equals to a number of records returned by user console command.


    No parameters.

Request example
    .. code-block:: json

            "opcode": 11

Response example:
    .. code-block:: json

            "status": 0,
            "payload": 7

GET_HUMANS_STATISTICS Get server's statistics for users connected to server. Wraps user STAT console command.


    No parameters.

Request example
    .. code-block:: json

            "opcode": 12

Response example:
    .. code-block:: json

            "status": 0,
            "payload": [
                    "callsign": "john.doe",
                    "score": 0,
                    "state": "Selects Aircraft",
                    "enemy_aircraft_kills": 0,
                    "enemy_static_aircraft_kills": 0,
                    "enemy_tank_kills": 0,
                    "enemy_car_kills": 0,
                    "enemy_artillery_kills": 0,
                    "enemy_aaa_kills": 0,
                    "enemy_wagon_kills": 0,
                    "enemy_ship_kills": 0,
                    "enemy_radio_kills": 0,
                    "friendly_aircraft_kills": 0,
                    "friendly_static_aircraft_kills": 0,
                    "friendly_tank_kills": 0,
                    "friendly_car_kills": 0,
                    "friendly_artillery_kills": 0,
                    "friendly_aaa_kills": 0,
                    "friendly_wagon_kills": 0,
                    "friendly_ship_kills": 0,
                    "friendly_radio_kills": 0,
                    "bullets_fired": 0,
                    "bullets_hit": 0,
                    "bullets_hit_air_targets": 0,
                    "rockets_launched": 0,
                    "rockets_hit": 0,
                    "bombs_dropped": 0,
                    "bombs_hit": 0,
                    "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.console.structures.HumanStatistics"

KICK_ALL_HUMANS Kick all users from server.


    No parameters.

Request example
    .. code-block:: json

            "opcode": 20

Response example:
    .. code-block:: json

            "status": 0,
            "payload": 0

KICK_HUMAN_BY_CALLSIGN Kick user from server by user's callsign.


        Callsign of user to kick.


Request example
    .. code-block:: json

            "opcode": 21,
            "payload": {
                "callsign": "john.doe"

Response example:
    .. code-block:: json

            "status": 0,
            "payload": null

CHAT_TO_ALL Send message in chat to everyone.


        Message to send.


Request example
    .. code-block:: json

            "opcode": 30,
            "payload": {
                "message": "hello!"

Response example:
    .. code-block:: json

            "status": 0,
            "payload": null

CHAT_TO_HUMAN Send message in chat to a user.


        Message to send.


        Callsign of user to chat to.


Request example
    .. code-block:: json

            "opcode": 31,
            "payload": {
                "message": "hello!",
                "addressee": "john.doe"

Response example:
    .. code-block:: json

            "status": 0,
            "payload": null

CHAT_TO_BELLIGERENT Send message in chat to a belligerent (army).


        Message to send.


        Callsign of belligerent to chat to. See `il2fb.commons.organization.Belligerents <>`_
        for details.


Request example
    .. code-block:: json

            "opcode": 32,
            "payload": {
                "message": "hello!",
                "addressee": 1

Response example:
    .. code-block:: json

            "status": 0,
            "payload": null

GET_MISSION_INFO Get information about current mission. Wraps mission console command.


    No parameters.

Request example
    .. code-block:: json

            "opcode": 40

Response example:
    .. code-block:: json

            "status": 0,
            "payload": {
                "status": {
                    "name": "not_loaded"
                "file_path": null,
                "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.console.structures.MissionInfo"

LOAD_MISSION Load a given mission to make it current. Wraps mission LOAD console command.


        Path to a mission relative to server's ``Missions`` directory.


Request example
    .. code-block:: json

            "opcode": 41,
            "payload": {
                "file_path": "Net/dogfight/demo_sample.mis"

Response example:
    .. code-block:: json

            "status": 0,
            "payload": null

BEGIN_MISSION Begin current mission. Wraps mission BEGIN console command.


    No parameters.

Request example
    .. code-block:: json

            "opcode": 42

Response example:
    .. code-block:: json

            "status": 0,
            "payload": null

END_MISSION End current mission. Wraps mission END console command.


    No parameters.

Request example
    .. code-block:: json

            "opcode": 43

Response example:
    .. code-block:: json

            "status": 0,
            "payload": null

UNLOAD_MISSION Unload current mission. Wraps mission DESTROY console command.


    No parameters.

Request example
    .. code-block:: json

            "opcode": 44

Response example:
    .. code-block:: json

            "status": 0,
            "payload": null

GET_ALL_SHIPS_POSITIONS Get positions of all ships (moving and stationary).


    No parameters.

Request example
    .. code-block:: json

            "opcode": 50

Response example:
    .. code-block:: json

            "status": 0,
            "payload": [
                    "index": 0,
                    "id": "0_Chief",
                    "pos": {
                        "x": 8445,
                        "y": 138394
                    "is_stationary": false,
                    "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.ShipPosition"
                    "index": 1,
                    "id": "1_Chief",
                    "pos": {
                        "x": 37758,
                        "y": 225193
                    "is_stationary": false,
                    "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.ShipPosition"
                    "index": 2,
                    "id": "8_Chief",
                    "pos": {
                        "x": 29003,
                        "y": 152135
                    "is_stationary": false,
                    "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.ShipPosition"
                    "index": 3,
                    "id": "70_Static",
                    "pos": {
                        "x": 43387,
                        "y": 154521
                    "is_stationary": true,
                    "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.ShipPosition"
                    "index": 4,
                    "id": "72_Static",
                    "pos": {
                        "x": 43448,
                        "y": 152697
                    "is_stationary": true,
                    "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.ShipPosition"

GET_MOVING_SHIPS_POSITIONS Get positions of moving ships.


    No parameters.

Request example
    .. code-block:: json

            "opcode": 51

Response example:
    .. code-block:: json

            "status": 0,
            "payload": [
                    "index": 0,
                    "id": "0_Chief",
                    "pos": {
                        "x": 8445,
                        "y": 138394
                    "is_stationary": false,
                    "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.ShipPosition"
                    "index": 1,
                    "id": "1_Chief",
                    "pos": {
                        "x": 37758,
                        "y": 225193
                    "is_stationary": false,
                    "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.ShipPosition"
                    "index": 2,
                    "id": "8_Chief",
                    "pos": {
                        "x": 29003,
                        "y": 152135
                    "is_stationary": false,
                    "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.ShipPosition"

GET_STATIONARY_SHIPS_POSITIONS Get positions of stationary ships.


    No parameters.

Request example
    .. code-block:: json

            "opcode": 52

Response example:
    .. code-block:: json

            "status": 0,
            "payload": [
                    "index": 3,
                    "id": "70_Static",
                    "pos": {
                        "x": 43387,
                        "y": 154521
                    "is_stationary": true,
                    "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.ShipPosition"
                    "index": 4,
                    "id": "72_Static",
                    "pos": {
                        "x": 43448,
                        "y": 152697
                    "is_stationary": true,
                    "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.ShipPosition"

GET_MOVING_AIRCRAFTS_POSITIONS Get positions of moving aircrafts (controlled by users or AI).


    No parameters.

Request example
    .. code-block:: json

            "opcode": 53

Response example:
    .. code-block:: json

            "status": 0,
            "payload": [
                    "index": 0,
                    "id": "I_JG100",
                    "pos": {
                        "x": 80396,
                        "y": 168150,
                        "z": 1511
                    "is_human": false,
                    "member_index": 0,
                    "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.MovingAircraftPosition"
                    "index": 1,
                    "id": "I_JG100",
                    "pos": {
                        "x": 80329,
                        "y": 168158,
                        "z": 1510
                    "is_human": false,
                    "member_index": 1,
                    "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.MovingAircraftPosition"
                    "index": 2,
                    "id": "g0101",
                    "pos": {
                        "x": 66378,
                        "y": 160822,
                        "z": 1512
                    "is_human": false,
                    "member_index": 0,
                    "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.MovingAircraftPosition"
                    "index": 3,
                    "id": "g0101",
                    "pos": {
                        "x": 66307,
                        "y": 160823,
                        "z": 1510
                    "is_human": false,
                    "member_index": 1,
                    "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.MovingAircraftPosition"
                    "index": 4,
                    "id": "john.doe",
                    "pos": {
                        "x": 110695,
                        "y": 202555,
                        "z": 11
                    "is_human": true,
                    "member_index": null,
                    "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.MovingAircraftPosition"

GET_MOVING_GROUND_UNITS_POSITIONS Get positions of moving ground units.


    No parameters.

Request example
    .. code-block:: json

            "opcode": 54

Response example:
    .. code-block:: json

            "status": 0,
            "payload": [
                    "index": 0,
                    "id": "2_Chief",
                    "member_index": 0,
                    "pos": {
                        "x": 99673,
                        "y": 202473,
                        "z": 43
                    "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.MovingGroundUnitPosition"
                    "index": 1,
                    "id": "4_Chief",
                    "member_index": 0,
                    "pos": {
                        "x": 163918,
                        "y": 204481,
                        "z": 15
                    "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.MovingGroundUnitPosition"
                    "index": 2,
                    "id": "4_Chief",
                    "member_index": 1,
                    "pos": {
                        "x": 163928,
                        "y": 204471,
                        "z": 14
                    "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.MovingGroundUnitPosition"

GET_ALL_MOVING_ACTORS_POSITIONS Get positions of all moving actors (aircrafts, ground units and moving ships).


    No parameters.

Request example
    .. code-block:: json

            "opcode": 55

Response example:
    .. code-block:: json

            "status": 0,
            "payload": {
                "aircrafts": [
                        "index": 0,
                        "id": "I_JG100",
                        "pos": {
                            "x": 82480,
                            "y": 161721,
                            "z": 1861
                        "is_human": false,
                        "member_index": 0,
                        "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.MovingAircraftPosition"
                        "index": 1,
                        "id": "john.doe",
                        "pos": {
                            "x": 110695,
                            "y": 202554,
                            "z": 11
                        "is_human": true,
                        "member_index": null,
                        "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.MovingAircraftPosition"
                "ground_units": [
                        "index": 0,
                        "id": "2_Chief",
                        "member_index": 0,
                        "pos": {
                            "x": 99903,
                            "y": 203297,
                            "z": 41
                        "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.MovingGroundUnitPosition"
                        "index": 1,
                        "id": "3_Chief",
                        "member_index": 0,
                        "pos": {
                            "x": 88322,
                            "y": 184137,
                            "z": 1
                        "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.MovingGroundUnitPosition"
                "ships": [
                        "index": 0,
                        "id": "0_Chief",
                        "pos": {
                            "x": 7720,
                            "y": 140132
                        "is_stationary": false,
                        "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.ShipPosition"
                        "index": 1,
                        "id": "1_Chief",
                        "pos": {
                            "x": 35568,
                            "y": 222874
                        "is_stationary": false,
                        "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.ShipPosition"
                "__type__": "il2fb.ds.airbridge.radar.AllMovingActorsPositions"

GET_ALL_HOUSES_POSITIONS Get positions of houses.


    No parameters.

Request example
    .. code-block:: json

            "opcode": 56

Response example:
    .. code-block:: json

            "status": 0,
            "payload": [
                    "index": 0,
                    "id": "0_bld",
                    "pos": {
                        "x": 100184,
                        "y": 167170
                    "status": {
                        "name": "alive",
                        "value": "A"
                    "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.HousePosition"
                    "index": 1,
                    "id": "1_bld",
                    "pos": {
                        "x": 100174,
                        "y": 167142
                    "status": {
                        "name": "alive",
                        "value": "A"
                    "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.HousePosition"

GET_STATIONARY_OBJECTS_POSITIONS Get positions of stationary objects.


    No parameters.

Request example
    .. code-block:: json

            "opcode": 57

Response example:
    .. code-block:: json

            "status": 0,
            "payload": [
                    "index": 0,
                    "id": "0_Static",
                    "pos": {
                        "x": 71906,
                        "y": 178119,
                        "z": 1
                    "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.StationaryObjectPosition"
                    "index": 1,
                    "id": "1_Static",
                    "pos": {
                        "x": 71616,
                        "y": 176956,
                        "z": 1
                    "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.StationaryObjectPosition"

GET_ALL_STATIONARY_ACTORS_POSITIONS Get positions of all stationary actors (stationary objects, houses and stationary ships).


    No parameters.

Request example
    .. code-block:: json

            "opcode": 58

Response example:
    .. code-block:: json

            "status": 0,
            "payload": {
                "stationary_objects": [
                        "index": 0,
                        "id": "0_Static",
                        "pos": {
                            "x": 71906,
                            "y": 178119,
                            "z": 1
                        "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.StationaryObjectPosition"
                        "index": 1,
                        "id": "1_Static",
                        "pos": {
                            "x": 71616,
                            "y": 176956,
                            "z": 1
                        "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.StationaryObjectPosition"
                "houses": [
                        "index": 0,
                        "id": "0_bld",
                        "pos": {
                            "x": 100184,
                            "y": 167170
                        "status": {
                            "name": "alive",
                            "value": "A"
                        "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.HousePosition"
                        "index": 1,
                        "id": "1_bld",
                        "pos": {
                            "x": 100174,
                            "y": 167142
                        "status": {
                            "name": "alive",
                            "value": "A"
                        "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.HousePosition"
                "ships": [
                        "index": 3,
                        "id": "70_Static",
                        "pos": {
                            "x": 43387,
                            "y": 154521
                        "is_stationary": true,
                        "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.ShipPosition"
                        "index": 4,
                        "id": "72_Static",
                        "pos": {
                            "x": 43448,
                            "y": 152697
                        "is_stationary": true,
                        "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.ShipPosition"
                "__type__": "il2fb.ds.airbridge.radar.AllStationaryActorsPositions"


As it was stated earlier, Airbridge provides multiple streaming facilities. This means that it's possible to subscribe to a stream of events which originate from different sources. The following sources are provided:

#. chat — messages coming from chat. This includes messages from server and system. #. events — events coming from game log and user-connection events coming from server's console; #. not parsed strings — strings coming from game log which were not parsed due some error; #. radar — coordinates of all moving actors which are queried periodically and period is specified for each subscriber separatelly. Default refresh period is 5 sec.

Streaming facilities allow subscription of any object which conforms to StreamingSubscriber <>_ interface.

Those subscribers which conform to PluggableStreamingSubscriber <>_ interface, can be created automatically at startup of application. TextFileStreamingSink <>, JSONFileStreamingSink <> and NATSStreamingSink <>_ are examples of pluggable subscribers. Configuration of such subscribers is explained in "Configuration" section.

All streaming data is transmitted as message which are formatted as JSON strings. Each message contains a timestamp which indicates time when event was detected and data which contains event-related data.


**NOTE**: event's timestamp indicates time when event was detected, not
the time when it has occured. Usually these times are equal, but there may
be a slight difference, for example, for game log events: game log is
monitored by polling file with a specific period and events may occur
before log watcher will notice them. Moreover, game server may write
messages to game log with delay. So, it's better to extract event's time
from event's data if it is present and to use ``timestamp`` field as event

Examples of messages from different streaming facilities are given below.

Message from chat stream:

.. code-block:: json

    "timestamp": "2017-11-25T13:22:42.145599",
    "data": {
        "body": "john.doe joins the game.",
        "actor": null,
        "from_human": false,
        "from_server": false,
        "from_system": true,
        "__type__": ""

Message from events stream:

.. code-block:: json

    "timestamp": "2017-11-25T15:22:45.211668",
    "data": {
        "time": "15:22:44",
        "actor": {
            "flight": "g0101",
            "aircraft": 3
        "pos": {
            "x": 55079.348,
            "y": 175689.23
        "__type__": ""

Message from not parsed strings stream:

.. code-block:: json

    "timestamp": "2017-11-25T15:19:33.754441",
    "data": {
        "value": "[3:19:33 PM] 3do/Tree/Line/live.sim destroyed by 8_Chief at 69716.7 158365.38",
        "__type__": "il2fb.ds.airbridge.dedicated_server.game_log.NotParsedGameLogString"

Message from radar stream:

.. code-block:: json

    "timestamp": "2017-11-25T15:50:51.689771",
    "data": {
        "aircrafts": [
                "index": 0,
                "id": "I_JG100",
                "pos": {
                    "x": 82480,
                    "y": 161721,
                    "z": 1861
                "is_human": false,
                "member_index": 0,
                "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.MovingAircraftPosition"
                "index": 1,
                "id": "john.doe",
                "pos": {
                    "x": 110695,
                    "y": 202554,
                    "z": 11
                "is_human": true,
                "member_index": null,
                "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.MovingAircraftPosition"
        "ground_units": [
                "index": 0,
                "id": "2_Chief",
                "member_index": 0,
                "pos": {
                    "x": 99903,
                    "y": 203297,
                    "z": 41
                "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.MovingGroundUnitPosition"
                "index": 1,
                "id": "3_Chief",
                "member_index": 0,
                "pos": {
                    "x": 88322,
                    "y": 184137,
                    "z": 1
                "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.MovingGroundUnitPosition"
        "ships": [
                "index": 0,
                "id": "0_Chief",
                "pos": {
                    "x": 7720,
                    "y": 140132
                "is_stationary": false,
                "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.ShipPosition"
                "index": 1,
                "id": "1_Chief",
                "pos": {
                    "x": 35568,
                    "y": 222874
                "is_stationary": false,
                "__type__": "il2fb.ds.middleware.device_link.structures.ShipPosition"
        "__type__": "il2fb.ds.airbridge.radar.AllMovingActorsPositions"

The subsections below describe different subscribers which can be used as streaming destination.


Airbridge supports streaming of data to local files. In this case every single
line in text file will contain a message serialized as a single JSON string.

This is the simplest and the fastest streaming subscriber, however it is
limited to local file system of server.

Events from different streaming facilities must go to different output files.

Streaming to files can be configured to run from start of application.

Refer to "Configuration" section for examples and details.


Streaming to NATS channels allows Airbridge to send data to remote storage.

This is one of the key functionalities of Airbridge, as it allows to escape
server's file system and operating system at all. This also makes it possible
for multiple remote consumers to subscribe to events in different combinations.

Also NATS streaming server allows to configure persistence of messages, so they
can be accessed and processed in future.

Each streaming facility can publish messages to its own channel (subject).
Publishing all messages to a single channel is also possible if needed.

Streaming to NATS channels can be configured to run from start of application.

Refer to "Configuration" section for examples and details.


Airbridge allows its clients to subscribe to streaming facilities via WebSockets.

This means that web application can show data in real time in browser. Such feature can be used for building admin dashboards for Airbridge. It's not recommended to use this API for displaying data to end users in production, as this can affect overall performance of Airbridge.

To start any subscription, a client must connect to streaming endpoint via web-socket. This is done by sending HTTP GET request to /streaming route, e.g.:


GET ws://

After connection is established, the client can send messages to server to subscribe to or unsubscribe from a specific streaming facility.

Like in case of NATS requests API, each request to WS streaming subscription API is specified by operation code opcode. Responses have similar structure as well: every response contains integer status field, where 0 stands for success and 1 — for failure.

Subscription requests are described below.

SUBSCRIBE_TO_CHAT Subscribe to chat stream.


    No parameters.

Request example
    .. code-block:: json

            "opcode": 0

Response example:
    .. code-block:: json

            "status": 0

UNSUBSCRIBE_FROM_CHAT Unsubscribe from chat stream.


    No parameters.

Request example
    .. code-block:: json

            "opcode": 1

Response example:
    .. code-block:: json

            "status": 0

SUBSCRIBE_TO_EVENTS Subscribe to events stream.


    No parameters.

Request example
    .. code-block:: json

            "opcode": 10

Response example:
    .. code-block:: json

            "status": 0

UNSUBSCRIBE_FROM_EVENTS Unsubscribe from events stream.


    No parameters.

Request example
    .. code-block:: json

            "opcode": 11

Response example:
    .. code-block:: json

            "status": 0

SUBSCRIBE_TO_NOT_PARSED_STRINGS Subscribe to not parsed strings stream.


    No parameters.

Request example
    .. code-block:: json

            "opcode": 20

Response example:
    .. code-block:: json

            "status": 0

UNSUBSCRIBE_FROM_NOT_PARSED_STRINGS Unsubscribe from not parsed strings stream.


    No parameters.

Request example
    .. code-block:: json

            "opcode": 21

Response example:
    .. code-block:: json

            "status": 0

SUBSCRIBE_TO_RADAR Subscribe to radar stream.


        Refresh period of radar for current subscriber. Measured in
        seconds. The parameter is optional.


Request example
    .. code-block:: json

            "opcode": 30,
            "payload": {
                "refresh_period": 30

Response example:
    .. code-block:: json

            "status": 0

UNSUBSCRIBE_FROM_RADAR Unsubscribe from radar stream.


    No parameters.

Request example
    .. code-block:: json

            "opcode": 31

Response example:
    .. code-block:: json

            "status": 0


Information about project's releases can be found at releases page <>_.

Each release includes release notes, precompiled binaries and sources.


This section describes possible ways to install Airbridge application. The easiest way is to install from binary which is described below.

From binary

Airbridge comes with precompiled executable binaries which are available at releases page (see the section above). Installation is simple and it is done just by unpacking executable file from release archive which is suitable for target operating system.

From PyPI

It's also possible to get Airbridge as Python package from PyPI (Python Package Index). It is available as il2fb-ds-airbridge <>_ package and can be installed via pip:

.. code-block:: bash

pip install il2fb-ds-airbridge

Same via easy_install:

.. code-block:: bash

easy_install il2fb-ds-airbridge


**NOTE**: Airbridge is implemented using Python 3.6, so at least this
version must be used to run the application.

From sources

If neither precompiled version nor package are suitable or debugging/development is needed, then Airbridge can be installed from local sources.

Sources can be obtained by cloning Git repository or by downloading them from releases page.

Usual installation can be done by executing setup script:

.. code-block:: bash

python ./ install

It is also possible to install application as editable package, so that changes in source code will be applied immediately:

.. code-block:: bash

pip install -e .

Manual compilation

To compile binary from source one will need to use PyInstaller <>_.

Its spec file is defined as airbridge.spec at the root of source directory. This makes compilation to be very simple:

.. code-block:: bash

pyinstaller airbridge.spec -y --clean

PyInstaller will create a binary executable inside dist directory.


**NOTE**: all dependencies must be installed locally to make it possible to
compile a single binary file. Dependencies for Windows are defined at
``requirements/dist-windows.txt`` and dependencies for other platforms are
defined at ``requirements/dist.txt``.


This section describes how Airbridge can be configured.

Airbridge application requires a configuration file to operate. This requirement comes out of application's nature: it is a wrapper of dedicated server, so it needs to know at least were server's executable file is located.

Application's configuration has hierarchical structure and is stored as a YAML file. The following subsections describe different aspects of configuration.

Full example of configuration file can be found in examples directory <>_.


Logging is critical for detection and localization of issues and errors. As errors can occur at any stage of application execution, it is important to configure it in the first place.

Airbridge produces 2 log files: a main log file which records application's execution flow and a separate file for dumping tracebacks of exceptions.

Let's take a look at configuration of logging which is used by default:

.. code-block:: yaml

      level: debug
      file_path: airbridge.log
      keep_after_restart: yes
      is_delayed: no
      file_path: airbridge.exc
      keep_after_restart: yes
      is_delayed: no
      is_enabled: yes
      max_size: 10485760
      max_backups: 10
  trace: no
  encoding: utf8
  use_local_time: no


``files`` section defines options for two log files. The options are the same
for both of them, except ``level`` option which can be specified only for
``main`` file. Description of all options is given below.

    Logging level for ``main`` file. Can be one of: ``debug``, ``info``,
    ``warning``, ``error`` or ``critical``.

    Logging level for ``exceptions`` file is always set to ``debug``, so that
    tracebacks from any level can be captured. Usually tracebacks are logged
    with log message of ``error`` level, however they are not limited to it.
    For example, warning messages also can include tracebacks.

    Path to a file where log will be stored.

    Tells whether existing log file should be retained after restart of
    application or a clean one should be created.

    Tells whether file should be created only after a first message is written
    to it or it should be created immediately after start of application.


Rotation of log files allows to keep their size under acceptable limit. After file size reaches this limit it is backed up and new empty log file is created.

By default rotation is enabled and size limit for a single file is set to 10'485'760 bytes (10 MiB). This feature can be disabled and external tools like logrotate <>_ can be used instead.

is_enabled Tells whether rotation is turned on.

max_size Size limit for a single file.

max_backups Number of backups which are stored in file system before application will start to delete old backups. For example, if max_backups is set to 10 and there are already 10 backups exist, then when file size of log reaches its max_size limit, the oldest existing backup will be erased and a new one will be created.

Other options

Other available logging options are listed below.

    Tells whether tracing level of logging is enabled. Tracing messages are
    logged with ``debug`` level usually (but not limited to it), so it must be
    set as value for ``level`` option for main log file.

    Encoding of log files to use.

    Tells whether local timezone or UTC should be used in log messages.

State persistence

Airbridge is designed with ability of its components to store their internal
state so that it can be restored back during next run. For example, monitor of
game log needs to know where it was stopped so that monitoring can be resumed
from the right place to avoid duplication or omission of game events.

State is stored as a file in YAML format, so it can be easily inspected by
humans. Its location is configurable and default configuration is presented

.. code-block:: yaml

      file_path: airbridge.state

Current configuration is very simple and its options are described below.

    Path to a file where application's state will be stored.

Dedicated server

This section decribes config options which are used to locate and run an
instance of dedicated server.

Default configuration looks as following:

.. code-block:: yaml

      exe_path: C:\\il2ds\il2server.exe
      config_path: C:\\il2ds\confs.ini
      start_script_path: C:\\il2ds\server.cmd
      wine_bin_path: wine
          address: localhost
          port: 20001
          address: localhost
          port: 10001
      is_interactive: yes

Description of options is given below.

Execution options

exe_path Path to il2server.exe executable file.

config_path Optional path to server's config. By default it is confs.ini which is located at server's root directory.

start_script_path Optional path to server's start script. By default it is server.cmd which is located at server's root directory.

wine_bin_path Custom path to Wine <>_ executable. Applicable only when running server on Linux or macOS.


    **NOTE**: on macOS ``wine`` executable can be just a shell script
    which wraps invocation of real executable. For example

    .. code-block:: bash


    can be just a wrapper around

    .. code-block:: bash


    In such case the latter one must be used as value of ``wine_bin_path``.

Console proxy

As it was told earlier, console proxy allows existing applications to
communicate with dedicated server using their existing implementations of
console clients.

By default it is turned off.

    Address for console proxy to listen for incoming connections on.

    Port for console proxy to listen for incoming connections on.

Device Link proxy

Just like in case of console proxy, Device Link allows existing applications to communicate with dedicated server using their existing implementations of Device Link clients.


**NOTE**: Despite Device Link works on top of UDP and dedicated server is
able to handle requests from multiple clients, it's strongly recommended
for them to use proxy, as proxy allows multiplexing of requests and
controls their execution flow.

By default Device Link proxy is turned off.

device_link_proxy.bind.address Address for Device Link proxy to listen for incoming connections on.

device_link_proxy.bind.port Port for Device Link proxy to listen for incoming connections on.


By default Airbridge connects its terminal channels (STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR)
to terminal channels channels of dedicated server as it is shown in
"Architecture Overview" section. Such approach allows Airbridge to sit in the
middle of user-to-server communication and filter data.

If application is going to be run as a background service or inside a
virtualization container like Docker and interactive communication with server
is not needed then it can be turned off by setting ``is_interactive`` option to
``no`` value.

    Tells whether Airbridge will be running with ability of user to interact
    with server via its shell.


As NATS can be used for both API and streaming, it has own configuration

By default NATS API and streaming are turned off, so this section should be
configured only if at least one of them is going to be used.

Full example of configuration:

.. code-block:: yaml

        - nats://your.domain:4222
        cluster_id: your-cluster-id
        client_id: your-client-id
        private_key_path: /path/to/nats/tls/client.key
        certificate_path: /path/to/nats/tls/client.crt
        ca_path: /path/to/nats/tls/ca

Description of shown options is given below.

    List of server addresses to connect to.
    `See NATS client's documentation <>`_
    for details.

    Required if either NATS API or streaming is going to be used.

    ID of cluster to connect to. Cluster ID is defined at NATS server side.
    `See streaming server's documentation <>`_
    for details.

    Required only if NATS streaming is going to be used.

    Unique client ID for a given cluster. It is defined by Airbridge user
    usually. `See streaming server's documentation <>`_
    for details.

    Required only if NATS streaming is going to be used.

    Path to TLS client private key.

    Path to TLS client certificate.

    Path to TLS client certificate CA.


API section is used to configure NATS and HTTP APIs. By default APIs are turned

Full example of configuration looks as following:

.. code-block:: yaml

        subject: airbridge-cmd
          address: localhost
          port: 5000
          token_header_name: X-Airbridge-Token
          token_storage_path: airbridge.tokens
              - X-Custom-Server-Header
              - X-Requested-With
              - Content-Type
            max_age: 600


It's enough to configure ``nats.servers`` and ``api.nats.subject`` to enable
NATS API. This will tell Airbridge to subscribe to a given subject on a given
set of servers to listen for incoming requests.


HTTP API includes both REST API and streaming via WebSockets. This subsection
describes configuration options for them.

Minimal configuration requires ``http.bind.port`` option to be specified to
enable HTTP API.


Airbridge must be bound to a specific network location to allow clients to
connect to it.

    Address to listen for incoming HTTP requests on.

    Default value is ``localhost``.

    Post to listen for incoming HTTP requests on.

Authorization options

It's possibe to enable authorization for HTTP requests. This is done by
requiring client to provide an API token which is known only to server and
client. Tokens are passed to Airbridge via HTTP headers.

API tokens are just strings which are encoded with
`base64 algorithm <>`_. They
can contain any information and it's OK to use random data. Decision on length
of tokens is up to server administrator.

Encoding to ``base64`` can be done, for example, by
`base64 <>`_ utility, or by running
``openssl enc -base64`` command, or by using Python's
`base64.b64encode() <>`_

It's possible to generate random and encoded token just by using output from
``/dev/urandom`` device with ``base64`` utility. For example:

.. code-block:: bash

    cat /dev/urandom | head -c 48 | base64

This will produce a random encoded token with length of 48 characters.

Options below describe how to configure authorization via tokens.

    Name of HTTP header to look for token at.

    Default value is ``X-Airbridge-Token``.

    Path to a text file with allowed tokens. Each line represents a single
    token. Multiple tokens can be allowed.

CORS options

Cross Origin Resource Sharing can be enabled for HTTP API if needed.
Implementation is provided by `aiohttp-cors library <>`_.
Options from ``http.cors`` config section are passed to that library as-is.
Please, refer to `library's documentation <>`_
for more information.


It's possible to configure static streaming subscribers for each streaming
facility separately. By default no subscribers are defined.

All streaming facilities expect ``subscribers`` to be defined for them. Some
facilities like ``radar`` may allow definition of extra options for the whole
facility (e.g., ``request_timeout``).

``subscribers`` option defines a dictionary of subscribers of different types.
Each type of subscribers can accept its own set of arguments for
initialization. This includes, for example, path to output file or name of
a NATS channel. Such initialization options are defined by ``args`` dictionary
which is specific for each subscriber.

Additionally, each subscriber can define additional subscription options for
different facilities. For example, subscribers of ``radar`` facility may
specify custom ``refresh_period``. Such options are defined via
``subscription_options`` parameter.

The configuration example below shows all options which can be used to
configure streaming subscribers.


    **NOTE**: it is not necessary to define all kinds of subscribers: it may be
    enough to define only few of them depending on the needs. Other definitions
    `can be found in examples directory <>`_.

.. code-block:: yaml

              path: streaming/chat.log
              subject: chat
              path: streaming/events.log
              subject: events
              path: streaming/not_parsed_strings.log
              subject: not-parsed-strings
        request_timeout: 5
              path: streaming/radar.log
              refresh_period: 5
              subject: radar
              refresh_period: 5


Description of subscriber types with their initialization arguments is given

    File subscriber which puts messages to JSON text file, 1 line per single


        Path to output file.

    NATS subscriber which publishes messages to NATS subject (channel).


        Name of NATS subject to publish messages to.


``chat``, ``events`` and ``not_parsed_strings`` facilities are similar from
configurational point of view and do not have extra options.

On the other hand, ``radar`` facility accepts ``request_timeout`` option which
sets timeout in seconds for Device Link requests. By default there is no
timeout. Additionally, ``radar`` allows to set custom ``refresh_period`` in
seconds for each subscriber via ``subscription_options`` parameter.


This section is covering resolution of possible security pitfalls which might
arise while using Airbridge and bare Dedicated Server.

Securing dedicated server

It's worth noting that Dedicated Server must be secured no matter of what:
whether it runs with or without Airbridge, under control of other software or
in a stand-alone mode. As Dedicated Server exposes console and Device Link to
the outer world, access to them must be restricted.

So, two techniques must be applied. First of all, list of allowed hosts must
be explicitly set for both console and Device Link. This is done by setting
``IPS`` value for `[Console] <>`_
and `[DeviceLink] <>`_
sections of server's config file. Preferred value is ```` or
``localhost``. This with ensure that connections coming from other machines
will be blocked.

Next, it's good to be sure that unwanted connections will be not only blocked
but impossible at all. This can be achieved by explicit binding of connection
listeners to localhost.

As for Device Link, this can be easily done by setting ``localhost`` as value
for ``host`` option in ``[DeviceLink]`` section of server's config.

As for console, this cannot be done, as console is bound to the same address
which is used for incoming connections from players.

Configuration of dedicated server may be tricky and misleading sometimes, so
it's recommended to use `config editor <>`_
for this purpose. Visit ``Connection``, ``Console`` and ``Device link`` tabs
to edit described values.

Securing Airbridge

Airbridge exposes control over dedicated server to the outer world by design
purposely, so extra security care must be taken of it. Access must be as scrict
as possibe.

Sensitive posints:

- Connection with NATS: from server to NATS and from NATS to clients.

Securing HTTP API

Both HTTP and NATS API provide interface for managing server's state and for message subscription. However, HTTP API provides access to server's mission storage which is a usual directory is server's file system. So, control over files in Mission directory is exposed also.

Access to HTTP API can be resctricted by using access tokens, as it is described in configuration section. However, implementation is rather naïve and it has a lot of place for imrovements. Nevertheless, Airbridge is designed mainly as an interlayer between dedicated servers and server commanders, so its API is not expected to be exposed to public networks.

Another thing which is strongly recommended to do is to allow access to Airbridge via HTTPS only. This is beyond scope of this documentation. For example, HTTP API can be bound to local host and requests to it can be proxied by Nginx with configured support of TLS. This is the most preferred approach.

Securing connection with NATS

NATS server is expected to be remote in respect to dedicated server. It has its
own optional authorization mechanisms and it can run over TLS. Refer to
`security documentation for NATS streaming server <>`_
and `security documentation for bare NATS server <>`_.

Enabling TLS for server with requirement for its clients to use TLS and
enabling validation of clients' certificates would act as a pretty good


This section describes ways to use Airbridge and preconditions which must be
satisfied before actual usage.


As Airbridge communicates with dedicated server via console and Device Link
interfaces, they must be enabled for server and connections from localhost must
be allowed. Feel free to do this with
`config editor <>`_.

In case Airbridge is going to be used on Linux or macOS,
`Wine <>`_ must be installed, so that dedicated server
can be run.


There are a couple of ways to run Airbridge depending on how it was installed.

If it was installed as a Python package, then it can be run as a command-line

.. code-block:: bash


If it was installed as a single executable, then it can be run just by
invoking it:

.. code-block:: bash


On Windows it can be run both from console and as a usual application.

Optional parameters

Airbridge accepts optional path to its config file. By default it looks for
config to be in ``airbridge.yml`` file in *current working directory*.

Example of application's help is given below.

.. code-block::

    il2fb-ds-airbridge -h
    usage: il2fb-ds-airbridge [-h] [-c CONFIG_PATH]

    Wrapper of dedicated server of «IL-2 Sturmovik: Forgotten Battles»

    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -c CONFIG_PATH, --config CONFIG_PATH
                            path to config file (default: airbridge.yml)

Caveats and recommendations

Current section accumulates information about different potential issues which
were already described in this text just to give an extra emphasis on them.

#. Console and Device Link interfaces must be enabled for dedicated server.
#. Access to Console and Device Link interfaces should be granted to localhost
#. ``wine`` must be installed to run dedicated server on Linux or macOS.
#. Path to ``wine.bin`` must be configured by ``wine_bin_path`` when running on
#. Config file must be create before runnsing Airbridge.
#. Access to HTTP API should be granted only to authorized clients.
#. If HTTP API is exposed to the outer world if must be secured and run over
#. Connection with NATS server must be secured with TLS or at least isolated.


#. Does Airbridge impact performance of Dedicated Server?
       No, Airbridge is a stand-alone process which runs Dedicated Server as a
       coprocess and does not consume it's resources.
#. Can Airbridge extend server's functionality or fix its bugs?
       No, Airbridge just wraps access to existing interfaces and provides
       unified machine-friendly access to them.
#. On which operating systems Airbridge can run?
       Airbridge was tested on Windows (7, 10, Server 2008), Linux and macOS.

       .. raw:: html

           <img src="./docs/Runtime.png" height="400px">

.. |pypi_package| image::

.. |python_versions| image::
   :alt: Supported versions of Python

.. |license| image::
   :alt: MIT license

.. |codebeat| image::
   :alt: Code quality provided by «Codebeat»

.. |codacy| image::
   :alt: Code quality provided by «Codacy»

.. |scrutinizer| image::
   :alt: Code quality provided by «Scrutinizer CI»

.. |logo| image:: ./docs/Logo.png
   :alt: Logo