
Steganography applied to conceal small files inside a PNG image.

MIT License



Steganography applied to conceal small files inside a PNG image.


This script allows to conceal small files inside png images, using a well known steganographic method: hide the data in the least significant bits of an image pixels. This produces little changes to the image that usually aren't noticed by just looking at the image.


The script usage:

usage: [-h] [-e | -d] [-i IMAGE] [-f FILE] [-o OUTPUT]

Conceal small files inside a PNG image and extract them back

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -e, --encode          If present the script will conceal the file in the
                        image and produce a new encoded image
  -d, --decode          If present the script will decode the concealed data
                        in the image and produce a new file with this data
  -i IMAGE, --image IMAGE
                        Path to an image to use for concealing or file
  -f FILE, --file FILE  Path to the file to conceal or to extract
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Path where to save the encoded image. Specify only the
                        file name, or use .png extension; png extension will
                        be added automatically


We could encode a simple txt file like file.txt:

This script is working!!!

Running the script like:

$ python3 -e -i resources/original.png -f resources/file.txt -o resources/encoded.png

The result is an encoded image which looks identical to the original:

Original Encoded
Original Encoded

From the encoded image we can extract the concealed file:

$ python3 -d -i resources/encoded.png -f resources/file_concealed.txt


Software Version Required
Python Either 2 or 3 Yes
Numpy Tested on v1.13 Yes
Pillow Tested on v4.3.0 Yes
imageio Tested on v2.2.0 Yes

Future developements

Maybe implement a GUI.


Licensed under the term of MIT License. See attached file LICENSE.