
This repository contains the code corresponding to the ICML-2020 publication:


Interferometric Graph Transform

This repository contains the code corresponding to the ICML-2020 publication:

If you have some troubles to reproduce some results, some questions regarding the code or even find a bug, please open directly an issue in this repository. If your questions concern some technical elements of the paper, please send directly an email to the author,[AT]

If you wish to cite this paper, please use:

  title={Interferometric Graph Transform: a Deep Unsupervised Graph Representation},
  author={Oyallon, Edouard},
  booktitle={37th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2020)},

Reproducing the numerical results

In order to reproduce the experiments of the paper Interferometric Graph Transform: a Deep Unsupervised Graph Representation, make sure you have pytorch and python 3 installed, as well as MATLAB (only for the Haar Scattering experiments) and please follow the next instructions.

Community detection experiments

Please replace (or add) the files of with the ones in the folder "community-detection". Then run the code as described in this GitHub repository, by adding the corresponding dataset, as described.

Images experiments

Please run the following instructions on a GPU:

CIFAR10/MNIST, graph

$DATASET=cifar/mnist, $PATH_TO_MODEL refers to the path in which the first script stores the weight of the model.

python --K 40 --J 3 --lr_schedule '{0:1e0,500:1e-1,1000:1e-2,1500:1e-3}' --epochs 5  --dataset $DATASET
python --J 3 --feature interferometric --C 1e-3 --mode 1 --classifier 'svm'  --dataset $DATASET --path $PATH_TO_MODEL

CIFAR10, scattering

python --J 3 --feature scattering --C 1e-3 --mode 1 --classifier 'svm'  --dataset cifar

Graph experiments


Move the dataset (available in the same folder as the main file, then $DATASET=NTU_xview_values/NTU_xsub_values/SBU, $PATH_TO_MODEL refers to the path in which the first script stores the weight of the model, $ORDER is the required order and $K the respective number of filters, which should end by 0 (e.g., $ORDER=1 leads to $K=30,0 for instance).

Finally, $LR_SCHEDULE must be the learning rate schedule reported in the paper (as above). Add --no_averaging to remove the averaging from the experiments, yet this will substantially increase the computation time because the representation is larger.

python --K $K --order $ORDER --lr_schedule $LR_SCHEDULE --epochs 5 --data_name $DATASET
python --mode 'svm' --order 1 --data_name $DATASET --file $PATH_TO_MODEL  --K 10,5,0 --C 1e-1 

Haar scattering

First download HaarScat from and then switch and run the scripts in the folder demo that we provided.