⌚️ Internet Time reference and converter site


Internet Time reference and converter site, for planning things with your internet friends who aren't (yet) obsessed with Internet Time 😉

Link to any Internet Time by putting it after to embed a quick text and/or image reference of times around the world - like or You can also omit the @, as some social networks get aggressive about username autocompletion with it. An interactive Internet Time converter is also provided at!


As someone with friends across the world, and who's travelled across the date line plenty, I've long been a fan of Internet Time. I've even built @Watch, which can put the current Internet Time on your Apple Watch face.

Not everyone thinks in Internet Time though, so they need some help!

Once I realised that was available to buy I knew what I had to do - make a site which uses a combination of Open Graph and Twitter Cards metadata to make Internet Time embeddable in various social and chat platforms.


It's built in Flask, in part because Python has some reasonable image composition tools built-in, and because it was simple to iterate on.

Page HTML templates are processed using Jinja2, and preview images are generated using Pillow.


A basic development server script is included at bin/dev-server. It runs on localhost:5000.

The project is intended to work with no dependencies other than those available out of the box on my web host, but a requirements.txt is provided which contains dependencies for development.